Disallow dual spec changes outside of cities

gotcha, so you also admit that this changes the way that the game is played and that the most optimal way to play the game requires 2 specs right?

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Which classes?

Which bosses?

How do you know?


No because abilities don’t work any differently with dual spec.

The encounters are exactly the same regardless of whether some people have their spec from dual spec or not.


I can’t wait for your 30 warrior raids.


because it doesn’t impact them personally, in fact they feel as if they benefit from it. Their relationship with the game is just a vessel for self gratification, instead of enjoying the game for what it is.

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It doesn’t go against the spirit of Vanilla. It wasn’t left out of the original Vanilla because the Devs got together and said, “this goes against the spirit”. It wasn’t in original Vanilla because they didn’t have the tech designed to do it.

As far as immersion, dual spec anywhere is way more reality facing than flying back to a trainer. The dude has already trained you, my dude. If my sergeant trained me how to do two separate things, and I returned to him to retrain me whenever I wanted to do the other specialty, he would smack me.

My trainer has already trained me. So long as I have the gear necessary to accomplish my mission, I can do whatever I was trained to do. So original Vanilla of flying back to your trainer to swap your specialty is definitely the immersion breaker, and THAT goes against the spirit of Vanilla.

Man, there are bad arguments and then there’s this, LOL

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just admit you dont like vanilla until the game is gone pls

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that’s not how specializations are supposed to work… :expressionless:


except that’s literally what the original devs said to people begging for dual spec as early as original TBC… :expressionless:

you think they couldn’t figure out how to program dual spec in 2004? lol


We have thought about it. Dual spec shall stay.


This is irrelevant.:expressionless:

says you :expressionless: i disagree

Unlucky. :expressionless:

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In case you haven’t noticed, the original devs are not the ones in charge right now.

The sooner you realize that the better it will be for everybody.

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well the ones in charge now are making some bad decisions :expressionless: i will keep posting about it


Says you, a troll who has constantly bashed Blizzard.

I am sure they’ll listen to you…

I agree, it should only be able to switch while in a rested area. I think Dual Spec can be good, but not the way it is currently. Imagine getting sheeped by a frost mage and they drop combat to then pom pyro you.

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First post immediately about dual spec.

Oh by golly I wonder who this could be??

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And I’m fine with that. We can have different opinions. What I’m not fine with is you and your side mispresenting me (and others who would like Vanilla with QOL updates), all to win some internet points.

Be honest and maybe we can have a productive conversation.