We’re running on static 1.12, with layers and chronoboon, in a solved game. Get that through your head.
You gotta pay the troll toll to get into the boys soul.
Layers were used so people could actually play the game, I don’t love it, but if it keeps you from playing the game, then I do understand Even though players have found ways to benefit and abuse layering. The chronoboon was implemented because the sweaty culture of our society and gaming now takes things to the extreme. The original blizzard dev Team didn’t add world buffs into the game thinking players would hoard Them to use them in raids and log off on their character for a week in order to do so There’s a reason why they implemented those things. Dual spec is completely different than both of those and is a quality of life change. We don’t need dual Spec. It changes so many things and takes the weight away from your decision-making Just to Point out one thing. It does not belong in vanilla.
And Classic isn’t Vanilla. When will you acknowledge this extremely and stupidly simple fact?
Blizzard will never listen to someone who doesn’t know what paragraphs are.
He really wrote a wall of text just to repeat iT’s NoT vANILlA.
I’ve given you multiple examples of why it should not belong in the game. You as well as Crud Continue to attack multiple others who state actual facts on why it wouldn’t/shouldn’t be in the game.
Opinions are not facts
Because your reasoning is faulty. Classic isn’t Vanilla. End. Of. Story.
You only addressed the chronoboons/layering because the fact we are running on a static 1.12 patch server is a far cry from what Vanilla was at launch, and that doesn’t fit your one note argument.
Not in this post, others talking about why blizzard devs initially didn’t have certain things added in the game. You see these guys are trolling across the entire forums on multiple different subjects.
Most of them were that they simply didn’t have the technology at the time (like dungeon finder) or were waiting for the next expansion around the corner (like making paladin an actual class)
One of the topics was with chronoboons being added in. The devs didn’t think the player base would go as far as they did as holding onto world buffs to be able to give them that much of a lead in a raid.
You only addressed the chronoboons/layering because the fact we are running on a static 1.12 patch server is a far cry from what Vanilla was at launch, and that doesn’t fit your one note argument.
Got an actual response? You only went for the admittedly low hanging fruit of boons/layering.
What do you mean? I brought up chrono’s and layering because you just brought those up. What else would you like to discuss with me? Isn’t that what you do when someone brings a topic up, you talk about it. I didn’t bring it up out of thin air.
Did you not read my quote? Jeez Louise it’s like talking to a wall.
You and Crud also fail to have a discussion over a topic and give your opinion on something without calling someone a name, putting them down, or being toxic. This Eyr guy for example is one of them you do this to when he’s only giving his opinion. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean you should put someone down or add in little jabs after you say your opinion on the topic.
We’re supposed to believe dual spec doesn’t change anything but gold costs b/c everyone was zipping across the map to respec at a moment’s notice, including during raid, or had geared alts to swap in (and lock), etc., so it provides no power gain or anything. (Not even addressing the impact of leveling a marginal alt.) It’s obviously not the case; players writ large weren’t doing this because it was too costly; WCL is out there and people can go check this. Expectations are going to change; they already are as you can read on these forums and others. The charitable interpretation is that these posts are attempts at gaslighting.
Whether one thinks it’s better or not is one thing, but the claim it’s just QoL is clearly not accurate. Rested areas would be fine but Blizz is not after the Classic vanilla audience with this.
That is beside the point, and you’re using this to dodge the argument.
As for Eyr, nobody with their posting habits is doing that well mentally, but again this is beside the point.
Classic runs on a static 1.12 patch which is a far cry from what most of Vanilla actually was. Can you respond to this?
rested areas was a fine compromise now it’s ruined
So that means you’re quitting, right?