Disable loot spec changing or give it a CD

The bad faith argument I’m referring to is with your portrayal of the conversation here, as if the people who are higher geared simply after an item for mog immediately call someone a tyrant for pointing out that the need button is being used for mog. It’s only once the lower geared players insist that higher geared players who participated in the kill all the same should be using the transmog button that is functionally equivalent to passing that you might get the accusation of tyranny.

Y’all forgot real quick that we had the same threads every week with PL where people cried about people not giving away their drops.

The only way to solve this problem is probably just giving everyone everything on the loot table the first time they down the boss, because the heart of it is “I didn’t get what I wanted when I wanted it! The system stinks!”

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Transmog is 100% a valid reason to roll on gear. You rolled, you lost, get over it. Move on with your life.

If you want loot consistency get out of LFR and into a proper raiding guild.


I haven’t forgotten… GD will complain about the sun coming up and the sky being blue. :smiley:

I do think Personal Loot won’t solve the whining from loot hoarders that want every drop and complain bitterly when they don’t get what they wanted, especially when they see the drop they want and someone else gets it. No system will solve that as it’s a personality disorder: selfish person playing a cooperative MMO. Hazzikostas even used that term when he said that DPS meter obsession is a “player-invented problem” and that he has no intention of making Power Infusion a self-only buff, in a cooperative game. From that disclosure, we can conclude that the devs don’t always cater to the screaming of players for a particular change.

However, they did change from Personal Loot to Group Loot. I think that was primarily to avoid the degenerate armor stacking by RWF guilds (and copycat wannabes later in the season) and not because of the needs/wants of the 80% of raiders. A change to curb bad behavior in 1% of the raiding populace, is not necessarily good for the other 99%.

Group Loot is nearly identical to Personal Loot for the likelihood of getting a piece, just that your rolls are visible to all. Where it’s not identical is the possibility of getting loot that is not useable by anyone in the raid comp, since Group Loot is from the boss’ entire loot table (we got 4 war-glaives this tier, yet we have no demon hunter in any of our kills… that sucks) and Personal Loot is personalized to your loot specialization (it’s always useable if you get loot, but it may not be an upgrade and might still go to waste if it’s higher ilvl).

I think as long as there is loot and it’s tradeable under certain criteria, then there will always be whining about the loot rules of the game.

I’m guessing you mean in LFR, at which point if you prevent me from rolling on it and have a fair chance at loot from a boss I participated in killing, I’ll just stop queueing, along with many others. You’ll have longer queues. You’ll have longer kills. You’ll have more wipes.

And in the end, since only low geared people will be there, you’ll still be rolling against the same amount of people.

Oh and Blizzard, make higher difficulty gear give the appearance of the previous ones. Would remove a lot of grievances people have.

you lost it to a paladin. paladins can heal. get over yourself. roll better.


How is it unfair that people have the same chance roll on an item that dropped from a boss everyone helped kill? Especially when they can only roll on items for one chosen spec and not every item that drops?

Or is your definition of unfair “not getting what i want when i want?”

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It’s also hilarious how he’s complaining about ashkandur on tank, on a death knight. You know, the one class that tank’s spec have ashkandur as best in slot.


You’re ignoring a significant benefit of GL. They added restrictions like rolling on tier and same item/higher ilevel, while also removing trade restrictions that PL has, which make GL objectively better for players actually trying to get usable loot.

Yes, the possibility of nobody in the raid being able to use an item stinks, but it’s also pretty low odds in LFR where these complaints are highest. (And it’s not functionally much different than PL constantly flooding groups with rings/neck/back that were just getting vendored or sharded every week just because everyone can use them.)

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This was a non-issue under PL.

Valid point!

It’s great for organized guilds that trust their players won’t ninja loot and /gquit (I’m assuming a majority of organized guilds have guild loot rules on top of the built-in Group Loot rules and are good about trading stuff they don’t need if they have no guild rules). It’s objectively worse for a majority of players that PUG into Normal/Heroic and for all players that want something from LFR.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but I think you’re saying that sharding rings/necks/backs is a similar likelihood under both GL and PL? I think that’s true because I think the likelihood of those items dropping is slightly higher than for class/spec specific pieces (i.e., the loot table does not have an equal probability distribution for all items, not explicitly listed as Rare/Very Rare).

This is what happens when you’re primary route of gearing is pugging content. There is no social stake in mass needing on gear and switch loot specs when you’ll never see the people you’re playing with again.

Stop pugging, and join a guild/organized group where people will face social consequences for poor behavior. You’re doing this to yourself.

Notice he didn’t come back.

You can’t lose what wasn’t yours


For raiding, I get it. I thought you meant game wide.
If I were raiding, Id give it to you if its an upgrade.
If we’re just running dungeons, however, my mogs mean FAR more to me than your ilvl.

I do not disagree with you at all… But the forums are usually pretty anti-your point on this issue… It makes me not want to do any group/raid content seeing LFR gear go to full heroic/mythic gear people based on technicalities.

Make transmog great again

Why did they monkey paw this by giving LFR gear its own color scheme? They literally pitted transmoggers against new levelers.


Because they know that it gives higher geared players something else to spend weeks/months farming and having those geared players there to carry and explain the fights makes completing LFR a lot smoother for all those new levelers.

Blizz could have eliminated the issue several different ways and just given all the people doing normal and above no reason to step into LFR at all.

Man it’s nearly next patch. Gear will be replaced anyways … I don’t see a problem going in there for transmogs now.

We don’t know the exact loot percentages of any item, but we know the chance of a neck, ring, and back is lower than it was under PL. With very rare exceptions were one of these pieces had a special effect, these items were on the loot table of 100% of specs. This meant you saw a lot of them across a raid compared to anything else regardless of your loot comp under PL.

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