Disable loot spec changing or give it a CD

no, not exactly… the people who join LFR for gear need to understand that they are not more entitled to the loot than overgeared people.

the overgeared people assisted in the encounter just as much (very likely much, much more) than the undergeared people, so the overgeared people are just as entitled to the loot as the undergeared people are.


See how easy it is to ignore the options specifically created in order to fit your confirmation bias?

DPS who play their tank/healer specs in other content? (DPS in raid, tank keys as an example)

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i’m not ignoring anything…

the overgeared person has just as much prio to roll transmog as an undergeared person has to roll need for the ilvl upgrade.

the undergeared people are not entitled to the loot simply because they are undergeared.

Sure, the overgeared can roll transmog. But that’s not what you’re saying, you’re saying the overgeared has just much right to roll need. I’m saying that wasn’t the intention, otherwise the entire transmog option becomes moot. It means it was created for no reason. Because it is a bad system.

yes that is correct.

the overgeared person has just as much right to put in a roll that is on the same priority as the undergeared person.

there is no point to transmog roll in LFR because everything gets needed on, so if you roll transmog, you might as well just pass on it.

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Good to know a bunch of loot tyrants who want to deny others their fair chance at loot are revealing themselves in this thread.

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Blizzard: “Here’s a system for how to roll on loot. But we can’t be sure an item isn’t an upgrade, so we’ll still let you roll need.”

People who actually need: “But the people who want transmogs are just rolling need!”

You: “Tyrant!”


Oh lord, you poor martyr.

Did they not help kill the boss?


If I am pugging in a raid and help kill a boss, I’m rolling on gear I need for all the specs I play of that class, and this includes transmog.

If you really want to cut down on people who might roll on gear or trinkets you want, make your own raid and make sure to only invite classes who don’t give you competition.

I used to do this with my baby evoker. I wouldn’t invite any mail to the raid so I could funnel all mail gear to my toon. If anyone didn’t like it? They were free to leave.

I did the same thing with helping a friend get Ashkandar - I got a lockout, then didn’t invite anyone who could wield a 2handed weapon outside of my friend.

Talk about a bad faith argument here. The discourse from the higher geared player with respect to how a transmog roll is equivalent to passing in terms of ability to get the item in LFR is significant to get to the point where the “people who actually need” might actually present themselves as tyrants. But of course that would greatly hurt your argument so we can’t be including that.

If there is going to be a transmog button in queued content, it should function separate from the need/greed rolls lest it practically will never be useful for anyone. I will happily support you lobbying to Blizzard to make a change to make it useful. For example, I’ve advocated that anyone who rolls transmog should be rolling for just the appearance of the item while need/greed rolls would be rolling for the item itself (which would also grant the appearance). That way a player who doesn’t want to take an item they’re just going to vendor but the appearance is the only reason they joined the raid in the first place can do so without harming those who would use the items.

But until a change happens that allows players looking for mog in queued content to have a shot at the appearance without the need button, getting upset at those players who are largely carrying the raid to success is misplaced. You have no more rights to an item than them, and it’s very selfish to try to argue that you do.

They played the content just like you did, and they won the gear rolls.

It isn’t about you any more than it’s about anyone else.

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This is not a bad faith argument because it comes from the inference of the system derived from the rules provided by the game maker. Absent that, I would agree with you.

There are many ways for this to work better. But what is bad faith is to pretend that Blizzard intended the system to work the way that you are suggesting when they specifically made a transmog roll. That they would deliberately waste their time and intend the system to work that way defies any kind of logic regarding corporate activity. Decisions like those are not made made with the intention that they are redundant or extraneous. That may be the result, but not the intent.

What I am arguing is that Blizzard designed the rules (poorly) with the intention that people who wanted a transmog would roll transmog. The wiggle room is in what is reasonable to the common person. Some people expect you to follow the guidelines as they are laid out, and if you don’t, you are a jerk. Others, like you, think the situation is silly, the rules are broken, and feel they deserve to roll need on a transmog. I believe one should follow the rules as provided, personally. But that is an opinion of how society should work based on agreed-upon guidelines (one could always argue that we get no real say in this so it’s moot, which I think is fair).

Personally, I couldn’t care less about transmogs, and I already have everything I need from LFR. I just run it to get tokens for gold, and because I’m bored. I roll need on everything in order to sell it, because everyone’s just out for themselves anyways.

TL;DR You can argue all you like that you deserve to roll need on a transmog. That is not what I am arguing against here.

Hypocritical much?

In this case, yea, I figured why not. Kinda tired of trying to follow rules that nobody else does! I decided to do this the last time a thread like this came around and everyone laid out the same arguments. So… c’est la vie.

IDK why you think these rules exist in LFR. Unless loot rules are stated by a group leader/agreed on by the raid as a whole, it’s FFA within whatever blizzard allows.


It’s right there.

As is this. It is up to players to manage loot rules within their own groups. Any group that fails to set rules, fails to set rules. There is no fallback default assumed rules, and GMs will not assist with disputes.

As to your point on “waste of time to create” It is. They should have reverted to the original phrasing on need restrictions from beta: “Same item, same ilvl” Not the “same item, same or higher ilvl” that we currently have.

That’s WoW Classic, which has no LFR. In LFR, loot rules are pre-established.

Look, I get it. People feel they deserve to roll on transmog. I don’t disagree in a vacuum. I’m saying that it’d be illogical to think that’s what Blizzard intended with their creation of a transmog roll.

In any event, this is going in circles, and I don’t really have anything else to add that’s not already present. Have a great day everyone, and just… do whatever.

Citation needed.

And I need an actual blue post saying what they are, not your opinion based on what the roll options are.