Disable loot spec changing or give it a CD

you mean im coming into LFR with 447 ilvl and i seriously help to carry each boss and ensure there are no wipes… yeah, i am just as entitled to the loot as you would be.


Lets change the whole thing because OP didn’t get loot. Grow up kid.


That’s not why people don’t run those roles. Are you aware that queue times are a heck of a lot longer for DPS? People don’t queue as DPS just for quick easy runs. They sit in queue forever as those roles.

They don’t queue as tank or healer either due to not knowing the fights well enough or because they don’t want to get yelled at by people like you, because they may still be gearing up that spec and don’t have what they need to be effective enough in a raid.

You’re the one with the attitude problem here. Not surprising given the server. That’s how it usually is there.

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They are just as entitled to said gear as you.

They can play multiple specs and possibly cannot play it due to not having a healer trinket.

Again - is it possible they are rolling on loot so they can play that spec?

If the ui says i can roll need on something, i will regardless of what im using at the time.


the bottom line here is that whoever goes into LFR and helps the group down a boss is equally entitled to roll need on whatever they want.

( as long as they intend to actually use it) Now, that use could be transmog, playing a different spec, etc.

coming into LFR as a healer entitles the person to roll need on dps gear if they put their loot spec on dps…


Gotcha, if you perform below a certain threshold during a fight you’re barred from rolling on anything. Ingenius.


That was not at all what as said, but alright.

that is explicitly what you said


Exactly! It’s a bad system that breeds cynicism. People assume that someone will roll need (who should be rolling transmog), so they just roll need. And so more people get mad and roll need next time when they see someone win a transmog on need.

So just to be even more explicit, this scenario was a dps quing up to roll on tank/healer gear because they don’t want to tank or heal because they can’t be bothered, so you are in fact sitting back dps and then swooping in to get a grab on said loot, as you sat back and did a little dps while other people did the heavy lifting of healing and tanking becuase you just didn’t feel like it.

Im sorry ou failed to understand or follow this and that I had to explain it even further for you. Hopefully you comprehend now.

Correct. Unless Blizzard is going to either a) simplify items to ensure that higher ilevel means higher performance or b) run sims on every person with their current gear + the item in question to determine if they can roll need, it will be a problem.

It’s just a question of which is the bigger problem. How many items are actually like that in LFR? How many people are there to roll on those items vs. transmogs? How many people aren’t bothering with LFR because of the need rolls by high ilevel players? No idea.

I never claimed it was a perfect solution, but it’s the smallest change to make to stop this issue which continues to be posted over and over and over again to the forums.

Oh I’m rolling need to sell. I can roll need, so that’s just as valid.

Why should they have to wait an expansion to solo old content for mog if they can do it while it’s current?

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Dood, a DPS rolling on Tank/Healer gear is only doing so so they can turn around and Tank/Heal.

Again, Blood DK. I’m set to Unholy for loot cause Tank trinkets aren’t that good this tier. If I want to try for 1hander mogs I’ll switch to Frost.

Shocking, you moving the goalposts and discussion changes what the discussion is about, whodathunk?

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Then your idea is horrible and I’m glad they didn’t implement it.

C’mon Sendryn, you’re more objective than that.

Had you been bothered to follow along and actually read the discussion happening instead of jumping in periodically, you’d know that this was not my scenario presented but another commenter in which they explicitly state they generally tank/heal and but choose not to do so because they literally cannot be bothered to deal with it in LFR but fully expect to get the gear generally aimed towards those rolls. Nice try yet again you fail to follow and comprehend.

Id certainly be more understanding if that was the case, but its not for the most general times and you know it as well all very well know it, as you have seen several people here saying no, its for the transmog and because they can so they will, so again, whatever floats your boat, just don’t be disingenuous.

And objectively speaking, gating people from better trinkets, new main spec weapons, etc. is a terrible idea.

Glad we could clear that up.

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Lemme get this straight op. You want people to just go do lfr raids for the fun of it with no chance to get what they want?
I agree it sucks when this happens to you, but you’re literally asking geared people to donate their time. If what you suggest were to be the case, lfr would be literally dead or full of people so undergeared it would never get finished.
The only solution would be to do something like giving the mog tints to everybody who already has the item at higher ilvl that sees the item drop, or something along those lines

And trust me I have been absolutely seething over this happening to me, and I dont give a damn about mogs. So if I have a horse in this race it is on your end of it, but you just have to think with even a tiny bit of logic to see that your suggestion is absurd

If a person kills a boss, they are just as entitled to the items as everybody else in the raid who also killed the same boss

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I’m reading your posts, I’m not gonna keep tabs on every conversation going on in this thread.

OKAY SO WHAT’S THE ISSUE? The rolled need on stuff they needed for when they tank/heal?

You have nothing to back up this claim, your want. Not a fact.

a handful of forum posters does not a consensus make, and again there’s restrictions for that as well.

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