Directors back Bobby

I keep watching the stock value getting hit.

Look at the 6 month…,

Directors got Bobby’s back, but I do not. No re-subbing until he resignates. If enough people do this things might start to change.

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shocker, bobby makes them lots of money

They fired J Allen Brack but not this clown LMAO

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Of course they are. He’s a very profitable person to have around. They don’t care that he’s a terrible person. All they care about is their bottom line. As long as that line doesn’t sink too low he’s probably not going anywhere. That needs to happen. It’s the only way to get him out. Unless he gets arrested, which he honestly should have been by now. If he wasn’t who he is he would have been. People have been arrested for far less.

Probably won’t hear anything more about it until the next share holder call. And that is only if they get angry enough over losing money. Until then, don’t hold your breath.

I would to hope I’m wrong.

Come to Texas!

Where the stars at night, are big and bright…

They will until he starts costing them too much money, then they’ll quickly drop him like dead weight. Such is the “loyalty” of big corporations.

The question is, how long until he reaches that point where he’s no longer worth backing?

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Until there’s a formal charge or indictment.

Not sure how it works or if I used the right terms, but something along those lines.

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Just to play devil’s advocate, the latest revelation was that Bobby knew about the one incident of sexual misconduct which consisted of a single email from the plaintiffs attorney after which the company reached a settlement to the satisfaction of said plaintiff. This is how most suits run in the corporate world and Bobby would have likely signed off on the settlement.

However, the people who should be getting held accountable are the HR staff that has been receiving complaints over the years and not escalating or correcting the problems. Where are the firings for those people? If HR regularly does nothing then that’s a tacit admission that they think such behavior is ok. I doubt any of that activity ever rose to the boardroom level.


yep after the news that the workers got 3/4 of what they were asking for I used some gold to re up my sub…

apparently this was a mistake on my part.

too bad it’s looking like a new world is going to have to shut down their economy again cuz they can’t figure out how to not let doopers run rampant.

so back to final fantasy I go.

it’s not my favorite game but the community isn’t constantly trying to “trigger” SJWs and company leaders aren’t constantly making excuses for sexual predators.

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leave. just watching that little video of him you can clearly smell the bs through the screen.

lets just say this; if he didn’t make the company so much money you think they would keep him or fight to keep him through this bs? i will bet 100% they’d toss him just like most companies do with an employee that gives them negative publicity. why? because they are replaceable

it’s either that or they know he is wrong but still trying to save face at this point because they will lose out on so much business due to negative publicity.

That’s kind of what’s at issue from the financial reporting perspective. Was the settlement, the repeated instances of this kind of behavior, enough to constitute a material disclosure to the investors. If Bobby did know, and if he failed to inform the board, and the share holders, and if those events (and the fall out from them) constitute a “failure to disclose material events” he, and atvi, could be in some serious hot water.

There is a lot we don’t know, hence all the ifs, and in isolation it would be hard to get my panties in a bunch over it.

But it’s not just an isolated incident. We know from 6 months ago this kind of behavior was prevalent at the company, and one wonders, if the CEO knew, what kind of culture was being driven under his leadership that kept this all so quite for so long.

Does any one know if the employee accused of the rape of another employee was retained after the settlement? Obviously in Blizz division, those accused of long term abuse were kept on long after the incidents occurred.

I don’t know all the facts, I’m sure very few people do, but the optics are horrendous. And their response has been disingenuous at best.

We have no indications that anything more than the one incident made it to the boardroom and this one that the WSJ discussed only happened because the attorney sent an email directly to Bobby. The others, near as I can tell, were reported to HR and never went further. It’s an important point that determines culpability. Did the board members all know about this for years or was HR covering it up at that level? I’m sure we’ll find out when this goes to trial, assuming these suits don’t also result in a non disclosure settlement.

Funniest part is that his entry has an activision email contact. Bruh.

But regarding the second part… yeah nobody ever seems to mention anyone in the book, or anything about what went on on the island at all in spite of all the first hand accounts. Almost as if rich people are immune to accountability.

Which is why I think Bobby will stay, people will get tired of waiting on anything to happen, become complacent, continue paying him to play, and life will go on with another millionaire facing no consequences for being a piece of human garbage just like every other day.

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Pretty much.
I think people are replying to me, pointing out some obvious things but for now, until something like you said happens or he magically forgets to know how to make money. They’ll back him.

There is no 'loyalty as Hezzlocks mentions. It’s all just corporate suits wearing masks and waiting to stab you in the back when you fail on their promises.

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I made a thread about it yesterday which got promptly deleted. Look at the company he keeps. Not too much of a stretch for him to have someone ended.

Us. If we stay subscribed, they make money, lots of money means CEO is doing a good job, and since people have short memories - there is no reason to fire him or pressure him to step down

Oh sweet summer child.
Corporations kill people, deal under the table, do a lot of things you are still not privy too. Just because a group of people back a killer, doesn’t mean they all killed someone, same with this, doesn’t mean they all abuse people.

Stop using the same brush on everyone.

$$ speaks louder than anything you stand for - especially in the real world of corporations.

Alot of governments kill, deal with drug cartel, abuse, torture… steal…
Do you, the ones supporting them also kill, deal drugs, abuse, torture, and steal? one would hope not.

Just because they (the board in this case) don’t actually support the actions of a person, that doesn’t make them non-complicit. If they knew and said/did nothing that makes them just about as guilty as the offender themselves in the eyes of the public and the law. The same applies if they are privy to certain pieces of information now. Still, they would turn on Bobby in a second if it meant better profits and no jail time.