Directors back Bobby

It’s a shame. I’m finally starting to enjoy SL and then all the discrimination crap pops up again.

Seriously. If the board want this mismanagement to continue with a guy hidding material info from the investors (and other stake holders like cutomers), never mind the nature of those failed disclosures, which are let’s say not to my taste.

3 texts today from 3 different people essentially saying “you still giving those scumbags your money?”

Literally embarrased people know I play this game. Again!


What do you think guys, should Kotick stay or nay?

Board of people who value money more than people, values money more than people; more news at 11.


Fly him out and drop him on an island. Say, maybe Epstein’s Island, I hear he’s been there before.


for real…? :open_mouth:

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There’s nothing wrong with playing WoW (or any other Blizzard game) if you enjoy it.

This is corporate level crap, the employees of Blizzard are just as outraged as we are over this.


ABetterABK is staging a walkout, and demands that he leave.


Thats what I had heard, but no one ever seems to mention it. That is why I don’t find any of his scummy behaviour surprising. Anyone with a lot of money, has a lot of power, and it’s easy to exert your power over others.


It becoming about where i spend my money,

Bobby talking out both sides of his mouth, and the people making the real money off this game (board of investors) are backing him?

I’ll see out my month or so of game time, but if this crap is still going on, I’m not going to financially support it.


This is going to take more than a month to get resolved.

Your money, your choice though. And I’m not going to pressure you one way or the other.

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The fact of the matter is that most companies, especially AAA game developers, are run by garbage people who value money above basic Human decency. We’re getting to the point where I can name more AAA developers that have been reported to have frat boy culture or sexual harassment lawsuits than ones who haven’t.

Naturally people can choose where to spend their money based on whatever they want, but if you’re gonna come at other people with “you’re giving those scumbags money?” then you should understand you’re almost certainly giving a different group of equally terrible scumbags money.

What’s funny is a lot of people like putting Riot as one of the current main competitors to Blizzard(Both have a TCG, MOBA, FPS, and Riot is making a MMO).

Guess what Riot was sued for in 2018? Guess what Riot’s CEO was under investigation for earlier this year?

The whole industry is a dumpster fire.


It would be nice to get rid of bobby.


People walking out of employment during the onset of a recession are comical. Thank God my wife and kids don’t have to worry about me being so obtuse in believing that morals are worth more than putting food on the table for those I care about most in the dawn of an unsettling economic future.


and yet that mindset is causing the company to lose its valuation by an order of magnitude greater than if they tried to foster a healthy work environment that treats its tools (employees) right in the first place.

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Then why do they keep slaving for these fools?

As a shareholder I say Stay, as a gamer I say Go.

Rich people gonna rich people.

I’m sure the board is trying to stop the stock price drop (6% today, 13% in the past month alone). I’m also sure they’re already making arrangements for Kotick to leave. Just my guess. There’s a way this stuff goes down at that level - board members of multibillion dollar companies don’t do angry tweets lol. (But it would be fun if they did…)


At this point even as a sharehholder, Bobby has to go.

Nothing is gonna change at Blizzard when you got him at the helm,making these garbage decisions and the open malicious destruction of his own company and team.


Time will tell.

Stock hasn’t seen the kind of sell off I expected with the Blizz stupidity, but if Bobby is really caught up in it - and he really failed to disclose material info he was suppressing it’s a big risk to think they will make thru ok twice. See what further lawsuits pop up, and if there is any SEC action. Personally, I’d sell and try to reinvest at lower price to hold long term.