Directors back Bobby

This ^^^

Vanilla, TBC then WotLK.

Activision buys Blizz right after WotLK release. Pretty much everything after that has been a slow decline to todays dumpster fire of a hot mess.


What’s coming out about Kotick is more then just a “headline”. There is no righting the ship with him at the head. There’s just no debating that. Someone else posted it already… the boards backing is just a smokescreen while they work on parting ways with him. He’s out by the end of next week if not this one.

Their “walkouts” are token at most. The idea that a potential economic recession should make workers willing slaves who should tolerate mistreatment is certainly one that has been exploited by management in many cases.

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Yeah people posted that it is a smokescreen but I haven’t seen any evidence of that and I can’t even locate evidence that says they are unhappy with his performance.

Winning and profits make for short memories. Once this stuff blows over and the earnings reports look great, most people will move on. Shoot, outside of the gamers on here, people I know, people who own shares, barely noticed this.

I definitely cannot argue with you there! This still doesn’t make it a wise decision to forgo income at a time like this

Mike Ybarra said that Ion had his complete support. After hearing that I just figured there would be no change in game development philosophy, which is something a lot of players - and former players - were hoping for.

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Yeah I am hoping for that too, as a gamer.

Never said there was issues with the companies financial earnings under him. There’s a voicemail from him where he threatened to kill an employee, new allegations of more sexual assaults that he covered up and withheld from the board. Who knows what else is going to come out. They’ve already cleared out most of upper mgmt. Only person left is the one at the center of the current crisis. You’re delusional if you think they’re going to keep him on.

Those people sound dodgy. They shouldn’t care about what you choose to do for enjoyment in your free time. It’s your $ and your time.

What goes on at the corporate level shouldn’t be an influencing factor to your playing the game (else to be honest - sadly very few games would really be worthy of your time). You could choose to keep playing for all the good people who have put their time into making WoW what it is. They outnumber the bad apples by far. :slight_smile:


Exactly, the game was not built buy one individual. Just cause there are some bad eggs in the carton doesn’t mean you throw them all out. Only what needs to be removed.

They’ve seen that people will stay subbed regardless of what happens. Why would they change now?

Who cares if he turned a blind eye to sexual assault and threatened to have a woman killed?

He turned over profits man!! Profits!!



They have clearly been stomping on employee concerns for YEARS, and backing management that supports that is what Directors do. It takes a brave (and honest) company to do otherwise. This BS is going to cost them (and their shareholders) a lot of money - and that is a lawsuit all its own.

They should do him like how gnomes are dealt with…. Being kicked away!

No, he’s gone. EVERYONE, all streamers, all the media, all the employees, most of their customers are against this guy. He’s gone. Get out of our game!!! Now, not later. Now!

Bobby is cool. :rofl: :smoking:

who cares. not like blizz is any different than any other big business. you act like blizz are so bad. if we only knew half the crap that was going on it would be funny to see how shocked some of you acted. from our government to every business to people’s home lives.

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Get rid of him, he’s perpetuating the issue, which means blizzard simply is not going to progress if he stays as the CEO.

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It wouldn’t really ‘fix’ anything though.

Because this whole mess, at least the current one, has nothing to do with Blizzard Entertainment.

We’d just be putting pressure on Blizzard, and Activision-Blizzard would look at the performance and make cuts to staff to compensate, starting with the vocal people pushing for change.

Perhaps not, but since it’s just air-dreaming it doesn’t matter.