Directors back Bobby

Imagine the employees who are still working for him.

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It’s got to be a tough situation and I feel for them.

I don’t think he makes day to day decisions about the game or its design. I think his input is ‘figure out how to monetize the game’…


He needs to go. It’s extremely hypocritical to fire others or have them leave because they knew or were part of it… but he gets to stay?

Joe Pa knew about sexual misconduct at PSU and they pushed him out so fast it wasn’t even funny.

Human decency over money. There has to be a line.


Like most of us plebs, I’m sure most of the employees at Blizzard can’t just up and quit their job. Most people have financial obligations like a mortgage or rent payment, car payment, and most importantly a family to provide for.


This is true, however I can’t help but wonder if the majority of players unsubbed for say - 6 months - how quickly they’d “fix” things.

I know that won’t happen, but gods it would be fun to see what would happen.


Its not just video game makers. This happebs EVERYWHERE. Its just like old hollywood that game devs are in crossfire

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Same reasons we’ve not unsubbed…joke. It’s called a job

Yep. The sooner the better.

Leaving a job is not so easy as leaving a game… particularly now.

i bet 1000 gold if activision never became part of blizzard we wouldnt be hearing of this… bungie dumped acti an destiny 2 got better… maybe just maybe if blizzard does it too we can get over this crap…

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Just move to Texas.

Apparently that’s what everyone else is doing.

You act like these employees would be easy to replace. The opposite is true. At the moment, due to recent turnover and mismanagement over the years, they can barely turn out any content at all.

And… Most boards of directors just rubber stamp what they’re asked to by the company.

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You have weird friends.

Since it seems like this flow of negative PR isn’t going to end anytime soon, I can’t disagree that the CEO probably should step down…

but I don’t know anyone that actually cares enough about Blizz or my gaming habits to send me a text trying to control what games I play through guilt.


No, I’m not. I nowhere hinted at this thought, nor this piece of the topic. I simply said that it’s irresponsible to temporarily, or possibly permanently, let go of your primary income in order to make a statement–given the current economic standing.

Ask if they still watch movies after they found out about Harvey Weinstein…
Hollywood makes the gaming industry look like boy scouts.


I took as he meant for Kotik to stay as a shareholder and Go as a gamer.

As a shareholder, you want him gone cause the stock is going to keep dropping. 13% in the last month will look good compared to where it will go the longer this drags on.

The recent news doesn’t concern me longterm. I don’t invest based on headlines. BK delivers great profits and I think the ship will be righted. I’m really not concerned.

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Not surprising.
Corporate is corporate.
He makes them money, made lots of it.
They’ll back him come hell or high water.


Shareholders can fire the Board of Directors and replace them with new Directors who can fire the head of the Company…

The Board of Directors need the good will of the Stockholders to retain their Job otherwise they are fired.