Didnt go far enough with BG split





I dont know why you guys cant ever seem to grasp this, but forcing people to reroll wont get them to reroll. Itll get them to QUIT.

You yourself wouldn’t reroll, because you “want to play a Shaman main”.

But surely someone else will, right?

No, they wont. Theyll just quit.


Dot can’t be wrong.
Gnomes are never wrong.


Well long before Blizzard introduced server transfers and faction/race changes, players would submit tickets asking for those things and the GMs said sorry you’ll have to reroll. I feel paladin mains and shaman mains should be excluded from this balancing argument because we are faction specific, and given WC3 Lore, that makes perfect sense. If my guild decided to reroll Alliance, I would hop on my Paladin alt, or I’d make a druid or priest main.

The reason I have this 60 shaman and my 44 paladin over on Westfall is because I missed out on one of the most iconic aspects of Vanilla that I never had an appreciation for, being that I started late Wrath and played through MoP.

This is a pipe dream.

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hi… what the heck is this idea/post… this will kill all non 60 pvp.


To all the horde say they would have 2+ hour queue timers. Whos fault is that now? You are the ones that chose to roll on horde. Maybe this would help the server imbalance by bringing some horde to alliance. Honestly this should be implemented as I stated it could possible help with the server imbalance and give some initiative to roll alliance.

Thus balancing out the servers…

Yeah I don’t see a downside here.

The downside is further reducing the already shrinking player base. We haven’t even gotten to phase 4 yet, and some guilds are struggling to find numbers for their raids. You want more people to quit? How is that good for the overall health of classic? Why are people on this forum so eager to piss off other members of the player base?

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I don’t agree with most of the stuff you say, but with this, I agree 100%

Am I just a moron or? Why in the world would you have to delete your toon?

As far as I am aware… theres more than 1 server on the lists.

Create a Pvp server with no pvp racials and you’d get a very balanced pop server that could do server only BGs with minimal queues for either faction

If you roll on a pvp server as a horde, if you wish to reroll on that server, you would have to delete your horde character in order to play as alliance there. That or spend money to transfer off any characters of consequence, which I don’t see players doing either, because they shouldn’t have to pay additional money to fix this mess.

Funny you asking that when playing a faction that is in general terms far superior in numbers on pvp servers. I mean this in all sincerity, not to be argumentative or just to get in a good zinger but really how can you ask that question in good faith?

It isn’t that i want to “piss” anyone off. I truly feel like faction balance > total numbers. People are going to quit no matter what happens, why not make choices that bring about better stronger communities? If one person quits and 20 more people feel like their servers are balanced, healthy and thriving i find this to be a good trade off.

As it stands right now only a handful of Alliance are participating in pvp right now so any steps taken to increase alliance participation would also be a good thing. I personally feel like server specific BG’s would help bring that about.

That’s okay, you’re allowed to disagree as long as you’re not rude about it.

I have characters on both factions, and have always played both factions. In fact I have played a vast majority of my time on WoW as alliance. You are tunneling on a non-factor in this argument.

If that was the case you would support things such as faction specific transfers for servers based on server population. Allowing the alliance on low population alliance servers to transfer off and thus exacerbating the issue, didn’t solve anything. It just made those servers even more one sided and effectively dead for world pvp purposes. The real solution would have been to put hard limits on faction populations (and populations in general) upon server creation, so that one could not overwhelm the other by a substantial margin. Its a bit too late for that now though.

The irony is this latest change caused a massive rupture in an already existing community, the sub 60 pvp brackets.

Alliance participation in pvp is an alliance created issue. There are already more alliance players than horde players population wise. The ones that exist just have little interest in pvp. We can’t make the alliance have an interest in pvp.

I see you are quoting me but you really aren’t responding to me.

Sorry, can’t help you and I will go back to my original statement:

Because its a MAJOR change to gameplay and if they were going to do something like that they would have changed it at a much earlier date???

They arent going to introduce a major change like that… 7 months after launch.

Good job letting your hatred of the horde faction, win out over actual logic. Guess we are done here.

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As this person said.

Basically, on PvP Servers you are committed to a faction. PvE Servers don’t have this…“feature”.