Earlier this evening, we rolled out a fix-up for players who opened their Timewalking dungeon / Raid cache before 2:30 p.m. PDT today. Affected players have received an in-game mail with the cache replacement.
Players who opened their cache after 2:30 p.m. PDT today should find that they received the intended reward(s).
Thank you!
I got a 441 ilvl Flame-Warped Curio from my TW cache and no replacement cache after this fix was implemented. This was on my character Wrexis on Kel’thuzad. I highly doubt this unusable token is meant to be an intended reward.
Just realized there is a good chance the Flame-Warped Curio was overlooked because its not an actual piece of gear and is a token.
based on responses to the blue post about cache replacement, this seems to have impacted everyone who got the curio
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I also have not recieved a replacement piece for the 441 ilvl Flame-Warped Curio from my TW cache as well.
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I also did not receive a replacement for Flame Warped Curio in TW cache.
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I also have not received a replacement for the 441 Flame-Warped Curio.
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Got a 441 Curio. No replacement cache yet.
No curio but I got a fish, still no replacement cache either.
Opened the cache Tuesday night (around 11:30pm CST) received a 441 Flame Curio, put in a bug report and still haven’t received a new cache like others are reporting.
My name is Specialist Game Master Daremdekhar, I’ll be handling this ticket for you today.
Apologies for the delay in a reply, it’s very busy at the moment but we’re working hard on getting that back to normal as soon as possible!
There was a known issue with the newest Season 4 gear and awards being applied correctly, this was widely reported to the developers by players using the in-game bug tool and the forums.
A hotfix has been applied for those players that were affected within a certain timeframe, a replacement cache was sent directly to the characters involved.
This was done by the developer teams and a post was added about it here: Opened timewalking Cache before hotfix - #31 by Kaivax
For any other affected caches the GM team cannot offer or provide a workaround from our end. That includes enableing Catalyst upgrades, replacement items, or entirely new gear, nor can we start any progression quests or trackers on request.
I know you’d wanted another answer on this, but it is the full and honest one and I thank you for taking the time to read it, even if you might disagree with it.
If you find a new issue, please report it as a bug inside the game with a bug report which will send information about the effected character, or you can also post to the bug reporting forums anytime with any information you have.
I wish you all the very best with your gaming in the future!
So I got this as an answer to resubmitting a ticket about not getting a replacement cache while having the curio. Guess its time to be annoying on the bug forum and sending bug reports in game because the Curio seems to be the “intended reward”
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Yep, welcome to the party
I also got old 441 curio loot and they are refusing to replace it. Seems like a good time to unsub and move on from WoW. They know it’s a bug. They fix it for some, and the rest of us well screw the $15/month I guess.
I also got a 441 flame warped cyrii and did not get a replacement
Also in same boat with the curio and no replacement cache 
Same…got a curio and no new cache
I also got a 441 Flame Warped Curio and no compensation.
I too got a 441 curio and no replacement. Pretty sad state of things.
Spence will probably want his Money back now i’d sue that Kotick for a refund he sold it at its lowest point & ran away with with Cash i spreenshot now oops i mean Tweet I dont blame the Honest Blizz employees in any ways them poor S!@ves have Worked Hard over the years.
Same boat… 441 curio and no replacement chest.