Did Yrel forget about the Iron Horde?

Inigo Montoya says yes

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No. That’s actually from a book with an alternative timeline in it (the one where Blackmore became king and a civil war ripped through Lordaeron). It was explained that every divergent timeline will cease to exist at some point.


I knew the Blackmore timeline thing, I meant for that situation specifically


Well, it should become like the main timeline one eventualy. How exactly - who knows. Maybe it’s the Light. Maybe it’s wiping out the primals. Maybe it’s somebody from the outside trying to manipulate events. Not clear.

There is next to no (or probably none at all at the time) area in the lore which has “hard ruling” on what and how supposed to happen. Unreliable narrator, you know, all of that.

Yrel says that the orcs are “chocking life from the land”. Their answer is “no u”. All we have from concrete details afaia. [oh, and some orcs say that they “bested primals” which may or may not have significant impact]

“Neutral” bronze dragonflight that should “preserve” the main timeline brought in a bunch of creatures from the alt-Draenor alongside mag’har.

Draenei might make use of dimensional ships of some sort.

Plus there is Khadgar, who can find some info about the topic in the Karazhan library.

gl hf

Thanks for the in depth reply Chronorabbit. I really don’t role-play, but I do like the story (even though I think that the story goes astray sometimes).

And by reading through threads like these I get the sense that everyone thinks that this topic is in someway going to turn into an expansion, i.e. the Lightforged trying to convert everyone.

I think that might be a wonderful idea if they do it right. The whole Illidan thing with Xera and how excited it made people (including me), makes it seem like it may happen.

Considering both my Moorcockian view of things and a good look at the Ember Ward, I lean toward’s the Mag’har claims since they’re not the ones operating like the Scarlet Crusade cranked up to 11. Y’rel’s Lightbound are nothing like Turalyon’s Lightforged.

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The Bronze Dragonflight is depowered along with the rest
 In case you missed the memo, it’s “The Age of Mortals” now.

Yeah, I am aware that regardless of the intentions, the “age of mortals” has the most negative perception.

So, does that mean that they can’t pull in a bunch of creatures like they did, or that it’s ok to pick a side and not be “neutral” when convenient for the narrative?

Or that they can do whatever now (and that would make them no different to infinites)?

gl hf

The Bronze flight has never been “neutral”. They’ve picked a preferred timeline and will do anything to preserve it. I’m not sure where you are trying to go with this. I don’t recall the Bronzes having anything to do with the Mag’har recruting scenario.

Ok, whatever for the narrative convenience. Got it.

How do you think you get there to begin with? By following the guidance of Anachronos.

gl hf

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He wasn’t active on that side. So it may well be that the Bronzes believe that the Mag’har are a neccessary addition to the equation. The Bronzes like I said, aren’t netural. like all Dragons they pursue their own agenda. Wrathion is a good example of this.

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So long as the son doesn’t go after those offender’s sons, sure. Go crazy. Vengeance quests are about having fun and making friends along the way.

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it all started with the War of the Ancients. As confirmed in Legion (when you find Broxigar’s axe), the timeline in which we play is not the original one, but after the alteration to include time travelers in WotA.

On top of that, by pulling Demon’s Soul from the past, it was pushed further away.

Yes, Nozdormu “justified” it by claiming that the Hour of Twilight must be prevented. But it’s not “preserving it”. The story went in a direction of bronze dragonflights doing things they think are best instead of what they were given powers for.

I mentioned mag’har, botani, saberons, and other stuff they allowed to come in, and continuing this “I know what’s best” approach.

[although I do need to refresh my memory on aspects ever bringing up their neutrality].

Not in WoW though.

gl hf

Meh, the Bronze dragonflight have always been the most detached and functionalist of the Flights. Its easy to forget that with how personable Chromie is, but generally they only do what they believe they need to “preserve” or “lead to” a desired timeline. So it might be better not to stress it, and just consider their interference in bringing in the AU Mag’har survivors as no different than Nosdormu’s blessing of Nordrassil (probably knowing full well when he did that the way it would be used, playing into his refusal to re-bless it after). For him at least I feel pretty safe in assuming his blessing was just a tool. He wasn’t being nice.

I think a better comparison would be allowing the blue dragon eggs older Krasus found to survive, as in the original timeline they died.

For the bronze dragonflight, as long as the key moments in the timeline happen (like say the culling of strath, opening of the dark portal etc), the minor details can change. This implies that there isn’t really a butterfly effect in WoW unless one of those key events changes.

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Well, Murozond will still be a thing, so, is there really no effect - not sure tbh. We’ll know more once we learn about the origins of the infinite dragonflight.

gl hf

It’s also possible that alt-Draenor is dying because the Mag’har were continuing to abuse/dominate the elements through dark shamanism which Garrosh introduced to them decades earlier.


Aren’t they one of the most involved dragon flights of all? Perhaps behind the red dragons.

It’s ironic that you cite in-game events and comments against my case, but are willing to make assumptions for your side. Given the magnitude of AU Grom’s crimes, his punishments should’ve prevented him from having ANY leadership position regardless of the circumstances (be it through imprisonment, exile or death).

Hakuro is right, AU Grom as the Mag’har leader is bad writing, especially if Blizzard wants to make Yrel’s group completely in the wrong.

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Detached more in the sense of moral detachment. The other dragonflights are mostly fundamentally good (barring the old gods corrupting the black flight), really, while the bronzes are more morally inscrutable.

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