Did Yrel forget about the Iron Horde?

There are some interesting implications to that, yeah. Because if Yrel is really being exploited through the power and burdens foisted on her by two dead men (AU Velen and MU Maraad), then theoretically what could have prevented such a fate is some god damned guidance in how to sift through those visions and gauge their message and authenticity. Rather than leaving the poor girl to flounder, being taught only how to be a Soldier. Not really a prophetic leader of her people during peacetime.


The idea that AU Draenor is in the state it is because the bronze dragon who basically made it a time pocket just doomed an entire world to die horribly again is honestly bleak as fel.

But yeah, I prefer it as a concept than doing either the Mag’har clans that said no to the Iron Horde or Yrel’s Draenei dirty like that.


True, but AU Grom was still alive. He was the leader of the Iron Horde, and the Mag’har were being led by him in that recruitment scenario iirc. AU Grom is one of the original culprits, so it’s not “sins of the father” in his case.

I think the idea behind it is that Yrel probably learnt about MU Garroshs’ influence or over the decades fighting alongside AU Grommash against what was left of the Legion on AU Draenor along with the two of them working together to rebuild following the events of WoD, they made up at some point. It is clear that even in WoD that AU Grom saw the Legion as the bigger threat beyond anything else. And he does want to repent for the sins that he did while being manipulated by his MU son.

However everything went wrong when the Light Mother (most likely AU Xe’ra, given they share the same title) arrived and radicalized the AU Draenei following the events of ABT. I actually do like how the AU flipped the script and have the Draenei being the ones being manipulated by a malevolent cosmic force while in the MU it was the orcs that were.


I’m not trying to justify Yrel in this one. After careful consideration, I’ll take a bit of an L on that front.

I’m pointing out that it’s bad writing to just sweep the Iron Horde, and the consequences of them, under the rug because the writers want to villain-bat the AU Draenei and naaru for a fanaticism story arc. I want to bring that to people’s attention and see what they think.

What Blizz is doing with Yrel, the naaru and the AU Draenei is like if they swept the Burning Legion’s atrocities under the rug, made them the good guys, freed Sargeras from the Seat of the Pantheon and had us join them. Adding a “twist” doesn’t automatically make a story good; otherwise most of M. Night Shyamalan’s works wouldn’t be criticized as much as they are.


I don’t think that it is sweeping it under the rug per say. I will say that the ending of WoD with Grommash getting cheers was bad writing, but it has been decades since then and it does seem that AU Grom did put in a conscience effort to redeem himself following Archimondes defeat. You could argue that some of the Draenei that sided with the Light Mother did so because of those repressed feelings towards the Iron Horde. Hell if blizzard expends this story thread at some point that could be reveled as one of the main reasons why the AU Draenei were easy to be radicalized. Just because Yrel was able to forgive AU Grom doesn’t mean her people were, at least deep down. Keep in mind that we only have 1 side of the story so far.

I mean Velen seemed to forgive Kil’jaeden at the end of Tomb of Sargeras, and Yrel was very close to AU Velen.

If MU Velen was able to forgive the Blood Knights over their treatment of M’uru and allow M’uru’s core to cleanse the sunwell alongside forgiving Kil’jaeden in Tomb of Sargeras later on, I could see some of that personality trait being rubbed onto AU Yrel from AU Velen.

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Tell that to the fans currently assuming the worst about Yrel, the AU naaru and the “Lightbound”.

But you make a good point, though I think Blizzard is trying to sweep the Iron Horde grievances under the rug. It would be good if the Draenei’s treatment by the Iron Horde was part of the reason behind the Lightbound (that’s what I thought it was happening, but the scenario is very one-sided), but I’m concerned this “one-dimensional dogmatic baddies” route is the direction the story will go.

Well, the devs did a time skip as a “but see, those are not the same orcs!” tool. So, it’s not hard to believe such view of the situation.

Many things would be good, that suddenly resolve in the story and have no aftermath. So, while it’s fun and all to discuss what the story could’ve been, assuming we get a competent execution is a recipe for disappointment.

gl hf

If that’s what you call a light crusade against the world. Sure.

Yrel made the peace gesture with the Mag’har orcs after the big teamup battle that kicked out Gul’dan. So she had committed herself and the Draenei to work WITH the orcs on rebuilding Draenor.

We have absolutely no idea why she turned from that course into making Light-Borgs of her Draenei and anyone she could get her hands on and going on an elimination spree of those who did not want to be turned into Light-Borg.

I find the idea of her making peace with the Mag’har after the Iron Horde without any reparations from the Iron Horde, or punishment for AU Grom unrealistic and inconsistent with her character; the blood of Yrel’s sister is on AU Grom’s hands. And there’s many more AU Draenei with legitimate grievances.

For the record, I thought it was also bad writing when Yrel appeared to just forgive the former Iron Horde members after Archimonde’s death.


I see what you mean. Blizz definitely made a mistake by leaving Grom as the leader and killing Au durotan off screen.

If durotan was the one in the scenario instead of Grom, I feel like we could insinuate that there were some kind of reparations
 but leaving Grom as leader definitely wasn’t the move, it looks like he and the iron horde got Scott-free, which is bad writing.


Not to point out the obvious, but since we have a 30 year gap 
 it is possible that Durotan was Warchief of the AU Mag’har up until the point the Lightbound killed him. We also have no idea what sort of punishments AU Grom faced during that period, just that he happened to be the Warchief by the time the AU Mag’har recruitment scenario went down. And now AU Draka is the sole leader of the AU Mag’har holdouts in Nagrand apparently. That wont save her from the Light I’d wager.


Then why are we still going back and forth in the other thread where you continue to argue against what Yrel and the Lightbound are doing really being genocide and even if it is, how it’s okay because Blizzard didn’t show Gromm getting punished, thereby making all Mag’har who associate with him 30 years hence guilty by association and deserving of what’s happening to them?


I hate blizzards constant need to retcons lore, the lich king and his creation is a good example how they not only retconned it once BUT many many times. A lack of consistency is poor writing, and means we can’t trust anything at all at this point because it can be changed later on.


Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, I don’t think I have went through all the threads about Yrel and alternate Draenor.

Is it confirmed that alt Draenor is going to be destroyed? If so, can someone point me to a thread that explains why? I am having some issues understanding the timeline stuff.

I guess my main argument/question is “do the orcs/Draenei of alt Draenor know that their world is going to die? And if so has the lore shown that they have plan to counter it?”

Note I have always been Alliance and do not have a horde toon with the appropriate amount of faction to be able to do the Mag’har quest line.

That the planet is dying is stated in the Mag’har recruitment scenario.

That both sides blame each other for it is also stated in that scenario

That the real cause is timeline degradation is generally a common headcanon speculation



Even though I play a Draenei I am just now sorta getting into the lore of the race. Basically have played NE’s since Vanilla.

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God, I wish more Warcraft fans had this concept drilled into their heads.


Hmm. Can a son punish his father’s offenders?