Did WoW break TSM finally?

So break it for every raider because of 50 world first players and destroy most raiding in the process?

Would be more impressive, for sure~ Even with all the mechanical overlap there are in game cues and such they could watch out for, flex their observation as well as reflexes instead of tunneling. I don’t think DBM/BW is that bad yet but some WAs are getting to TSM level for sure.

They are in it to win so they have to take all the advantages, does make things duller.

Weak Auras - For sure. I call them cheat auras.
DBM - Possibly. I’d say sure if Blizzard committed to properly telegraphing all fights and using standard telegraphs for each like FFXIV does.

If these addons are ever removed though, you’d be hard pressed to find anyone doing heroic raids let alone mythic. Blizzard straight up admits they design current encounters knowing cheat auras and DBM will be a thing players have at their disposal.

Just tech difficulties.

that’s a great idea. that way whoever has the most gold to sink into a specific item can always guarantee theirs is last in the queue!

Here’s where the andies come out of the woodwork to passionately explain the vagaries of how using third party software to automate the auction house and directly ruin the experience for other players is somehow a good thing and you should do it too so you can cancel/repost each other all day.

Then the guys who actively bot the AH will say that they need this because they enjoy the game differently.

Then someone will come out and say nobody ever bots the auction house, and that it’s perfectly normal to be cancel scanned within 1.5 seconds because that’s how they enjoy the game differently.



it’s true. I’m basically useless in end game content without the WA that puts a circle around my cursor. i hate to feel so called out but i am a huge cheater for using it.

I don’t get the point of your sarcasm.

If I list an item for 50 gold when I really meant 500, I get a 2 minute window to fix it (assuming someone else doesn’t catch it first and just instantly snag it). If after those 2 minutes I don’t, it’s just set at 50 until the auction expires. Why is that a bad thing or have anything to do with what you said? I’m genuinely curious.

Note this also comes with the suggestion that you only get X number of cancels a day for your account.

Technically this is real life guy. Im in business for myself and what I do is undercut other businesses that cant afford to sell at my prices due to their overhead. lol.
And this is just a video game and fake money, lol

Called it.

Why can’t players just use the auction house as intended without needing an add on for every single thing in the game.

lmao…so you screeched about the obvious then think you deserve a cookie for it?

i had TSM downloaded long enough to log in, see the ui, hate the ui, log out and uninstall it. i can still make hundreds of thousands of gold an hour manually relisting. it just takes a few extra steps. people who are lazy think TSM is evil but they won’t make gold being that lazy even if it was perma’d. people will still be less lazy and make all the gold.



It’s just funny how bot andies complain about people looking down on them as scum for being bot andies.

if i can afford to make 50 of them to sell and you can only afford to make 5, and neither of us can cancel… i can always sell before you.


TSM is just to bothersome.
I use auctionator these days. It does everything I need, with that really cool feature of checking the item crafting price if you have the AH open at the same time.


seconded. i can’t be bothered learning TSM. i just don’t care that much. i do fine with auctionator.


Works for me. Posted my stock without issues an hour ago.

lmao…methink one thinks a bit more highly of his opinion than we might, lol.
I gave you perspective…i really couldnt care less about you, your opinion or your problems in the game, to be quite honest

Give a 2 min grace period to cancel auctions. Then disallow cancelations.