Did they just buff delves?

“We’d really prefer it if you didn’t play prot, prot, guardian, vengeance, brewmaster, or blood.”

Delves feel the same as they did yesterday as a solo tier 8 on an unholy death knight. IF anything some things feel like they are dying faster then yesterday. But that is probably just because of gear upgrades and no hotfix related thing. Also felt like the spell casters those threadweavers or what have you are doing less damage with that thread spell. (Took one just to test sense people was complaining) It only does maybe a tenth of my health now instead of a fourth. Could be because gear too but idk if gear helps that much.

Well, just soloed three delves and going for the fourthy one… To bad I have 12 keys and losed the easy mode.

Also, to bad I dropped the SAME trinket twice. RNG is still the last boss on this game.

yup, 7+ got stupid hard after the hotfixes today, solo which was already nearly impossible is now impossible, and my friend who is tank can barely get us through 7… So much for the laid back fun casual world content it was supposed to be, this freaking expansion has been nothing but a disappointment

sadly blizzard RNG has always been trash getting so tired of it, ive gotten the same slot item so many times already this season its pissing me off.


Happy to know it isn’t just me. I was just assuming that I got realyl bad overnight.

This was a stupid decision. People were playing and having fun. Now they are frustrated. Who had the bright idea to ruin a good thing for the sake of making the grind frustrating?

Yes and it feels awful. Especially if you have a friend or in my case my son that you play with and its easier to do delvs solo now than it is together…

HOW, I am giga dying at 589 ilvl as boomkin.

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Yeah, and since this is not really an option since I already cleared the raid, it’s undoable? Lol, I love trolls and how dumb they look

I love how some bozo at blizzard looked at how nice and easy group stuff was and decided it just had to be harder, more annoying, and waste more time instead of leaving it how it was for people to enjoy. They could have easily just made solo easier and called it at day but nope we CANT be letting people have fun with content that’s easy nah it MUST be a boring slow grind! That’s the WoW experience.


Yeah, similar. If the roles can do their role - at all - then what’s the point of the game. A challenge is fine. But a “you can’t actually tank or heal, GG” is not ok.

I’ll remain moderately hopeful that this was a total mistake and they will hotfix. If they do not hotfix it back, then I feel bad for Bliz, this will totally ruin the xpac, and right out of the gate? Not good.

Nice update crap. Tier 1 is too hard with group.

They did a great job ruining delves.


My god the amount of whining is ridiculous, the delves have a few pain points but the difficulty is fine, do people expect to faceroll top tiers of content with no challenge? Its a shame to see the player base respond like children, im a solo world player and ive been having a great time with delves. The game play expierance is akin to classic style dungeons , slow methodical pulls using your class kit and cc , certain mobs are very dangerous on higher tiers as they should be. Obviously there’s a couple overtuned bosses but besides that i hope they keep it challenging and engaging, if i log on and its a faceroll like they did to torgast they will effectively kill my main source of content.

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A lot of casted spells by enemy giving HK. We have interrupt but not that many blizzard. Even with ccs. It’s way overtuned and now there are some extra bosses dont give a single extra reward and are completely insane to kill. Way to go blizz.

I spent 3-5 minutes killing one mob in a 3man. I went through 3-5 arcane burn cycles. I’ve never done that on one mob outside of raid bosses. EVER!

Whatever dude. The change is dumb. They need to turn the knob back a little. You’ve never done any content but LFR & normal on this toon, which is completely fine. However, I’m pretty sure you paid for a carry through normal with these grey parses. Sorry if I feel your advice/input is not something I would consider. Blues already said they are fixing it.

[Blubberguts - Crushridge - Warcraft Logs](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/crushridge/blubberguts?zone=31)

No .


Like yes.

The whole purpose of delves is to support solo/small group players that won’t be grinding M+ and raids. 8+ tier delves should be challenging but not unfair if you want to do it solo, otherwise there is no reason to differentiate them from dungeons.

The game can and should support every kind of player.

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same with me and lifting weights. i could easily bench 500 pounds but i choose not to. i just did 200 so i can keep the big lift for later.

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I mean its been not even a full week of S1 lmao