Did they just buff delves?

Went 7/8 on tier 8 delves today on my two alts with a friend, took a break before the 8th and now i’m getting one shotted.

If this is the new pillar of endgame, it sucks.



Me and my friend cannot do tier 8 anymore. We did so many before this but now nope, get 3 shot.


I came in one to help my two buddies who wanted to do one… and we got obliterated.

Guess my buddy’s are on their own! They’ll never get to do them. Thanks Blizzard!


Delves definitely seem to be varying in difficulty and scaling.

That said group up with a tank and/or healer. Extremely easy to group for. Kinda puzzling that people, notably solo/small groups, think they should just be handed an upper heroic level vault for facerolling stuff solo week 1. Like no.


They just installed their tone deaf “hotfix” and made things worse.

Devs don’t know or even play the game.


They broke them completely.

22m melee hits on tier 8.


Wife and I ran into in between two T8 delves. We had just finished The Underkeep and moved onto Fungalfail.

Went from a fun clear in one to just being destroyed in the other by everything.


If only Blizzard had an internal QA department and a paid beta where they had months to figure out this before shipping it and slapping it together on the fly


And there you have it once again folks.

Those of us that got in early reap the benefits.

Feel sorry for anyone whom didn’t get it done on at least on toon to 600 before this.


yeah the new hotfix broke it. I completed 8s yesterday and today got to waxface solo and in a group with no deaths and he bricked the delve by himself. There’s WAY too much damage and you have to play PERFECTLY, PERFECTLY to kill him.


Yeah, I have Immortal Spelunker and Nemesis and I genuinely feel bad for anyone who doesn’t right now.

just wiped in a T8 with a full group of 600+ people, i didnt like delves before but this hotfix just turned that to 11


if you want easy mode do it solo

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What is the thinking here? I Just don’t understand. I’m told that delves require 600+ gear… But they only drop 600 loot. When did this game ask you to have loot equal to the gear that the instance dropped? Are they honestly balancing around that?


The big thing I’m picking up on from these hotfixes is that if you really absolutely want to attempt delves now, don’t go with a tank. Tanks aren’t allowed in delves anymore.


Yeah, me and a a couple friends got rank 8 unlocked earlier tonight and then started doing the day’s Bountifuls, they were almost a cakewalk… until around ~11pm (presumably when the hotfix went live). We got absolutely obliterated by Underkeep, bricked the key, and completed only out of spite and because some of us had a quest to clear it. Like, those Marauder mobs one or two shot people, and the Abominations at the end took several minutes to kill individually.

Going to play devil’s advocate and assume Blizzard didn’t intend for people in Adventurer gear fresh out of Heroic dungeons week to suddenly farm several guaranteed pieces of Champion gear because we’d been stockpiling keys, on the season’s first week…

But when you’ve been running that content all night so far, and your other guildies have been running Bountifuls since the start of the week, getting tons of Champion gear, being an easier time with more loot than M0 entirely… And when you get started it suddenly gets tuned into a brick wall because it upset the precious progression treadmill and Blizzard did a panic hotfix… That’s absolutely not a good feeling.


In the hotfix notes they claimed they were lowering the damage in groups (which didn’t even make sense since it was solo players that needed damage lowered not groups) but they appear to have done the opposite based on what people are saying.

I assume they rushed a hotfix before they left for the day and didn’t test it properly. They’ll have to fix it tomorrow.

  • Reduced the damage scaling of many enemy abilities in Delves while grouped with other players.

This clearly indicates what people are experiencing was not what they intended with the hotfix, or they wrote it entirely wrong.


no actually there was a disparity between solo difficulty and group difficulty. 2 person or three person groups would see mob HP lower by 2 or 3 times compared to solo so they fixed it.

Fun was detected. So they fixed it. Cant have people enjoying content is should be a slog and grind, you be defeated by the end of it even if you are successful. By the end of it you should hate the other people in your group and want to quit playing.


I actually don’t mind them being harder solo (for particular specs like Unholy DK).

Sure if I can’t clear tier 8 Delves solo anymore it will sort of suck a bit, and it does feel a bit bad that I didn’t have the time to farm up a bunch of keys before season 1 launched and so couldn’t really capitalise on it.

But I also don’t think I should be able to clear a tier 8 at ~560 ilvl, I just don’t think that’s right.

The issue is that I don’t think Delves can be tuned just by changing damage and health.

How do you tune them so that specs with a toolkit that’s well suited to soloing them (like Unholy) are challenged without making them practically impossible for specs that have weaker kits?

How do you tune them so a group consisting of 1 tank, 1 healer and 2 DPS are challenged, without making them exceedingly difficult for a group consisting of 4 fragile DPS specs?

Yet Blizzard wants all of those myriad options to be viable - and I think people are right to expect to be able to properly engage in the content regardless of what specs they or their friends main.

I think Delves will need more fundamental changes than just numbers tuning, but I don’t see that happening until the next season at the earliest - until then I think Blizz just need to ensure that the grouped Delves aren’t negatively impacting other forms of PvE (like M+) by being too efficient, which the limit on their gear level should help achieve.

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