Nah no way you need bladestorm AND deathgrip. Colossus smash makes sense, And rage cost reduction of utility make sense.
As a warrior that pvps I can say that I am capable of winning 1vs1s against most classes but some are much harder (and require me to use more cooldowns) than others to win.
The main things that annoy me as a warrior are orc hardiness and every shaman using way of earth + shield mastery whether they are healer or dps.
I do still think warriors should get Armor pen since they have it to rogues and that would be enough to make us balanced.
Warriors are perceived by everyone to be worse than they are because most warriors suck.
Warriors have a higher skill cap than a lot of the other classes I think
bro how are your posts so consistently dumb
if we are talking about pvp
titan’s grip sucks and will always suck in classic pvp
buffing rend damage sucks because its a dot, warriors don’t want to be dotting people to death, they want to smack them, it’d be good damage sure but its pointless gameplay
if the problem with the class is ele shamans just standing there casting while tanking you because you do too little damage vs them specifically, unrelenting assault might be a neat rune. I don’t think armor pen works very well
Your emotional vocabulary sounds like how you say it
Thanks Kefta, I have watched your videos. Sometimes I think my SoD character has cursed RNG. It literally could just be up to bad luck. I think Armor Pen has ruined PvP for warriors. Plate used to mean something.
I just want to play Arms in PvE and raids. Being forced to play 2h fury is just an awful feeling and ‘pvp spec!’ is just insulting at this point when our whole spec is reduced to applying a healing reduction. Too bad devs hate warriors in SoD.
This is the best way to put it.
In classic hunters primarily dealt physical damage and plate meant something. Now their main dmg is magic dmg.
Rogues with their sebacious poison makes plate Armor meaningless too.
Pallies are primarily magic dmg now too.
Shamans are all tank spec and using magic dmg. Rarely see shamans using a 2Her or DWing because it sucks.
Rarely see feral Druid’s because it suck’s compared to boomkin too.
So warriors are the only ones without magic dmg and or Armor pen.
Warriors need passive Armor penetration added to mortal strike or something like that.
Just buff rend to do ticks based on attack power (33% scaling)
Sample 1500 AP ticks 500 damage
And deep wounds should also be buffed by attack power
Armor pen rune is another option,
But percentage value based rather than armor value based. As mogarim explained to affect high armor targets more
Rend won’t do any meaningful damage in PvP unless it ticks for 300-400 and it can crit. And since the Devs are super skittish about buffing warrior damage in ways that effect PvE(2H Fury uses Rend) ever since the warrior meta turned Classic Era into a joke, attaching Armor Penetration to Mortal Strike would be a lot more realistic and better anyways.
In my opinion asking for armor penetration for specifically only mortal strike might be too overly optimistic since you are demanding for the best of both worlds, when you already have a -50% healing debuff. Maybe the tradeoff blizzard wants is for bloodthirst to have that buff, so if you want 25% armor penetration you need to roll fury 2hander while -50% healing for arms 2hander. A -25% armor pen debuff might be game breaking in pvp team play, it would have to be instead a 25% armor pen buff on the warrior only. Unless we want this advantage shared to the whole raid so they benefit equally
Or in the form of CD integrating a 50% armor pen buff with deathwish or sweeping strikes. Either 50% armor pen buff on a Cooldown, or 25% armor pen buff on the constant uptime. I’d lean towards deathwish and sweeping strikes having a 50% armor penetration buff
The trade offs, pros and cons for deathwish and sweeping strikes are the duration and cooldowns. Shorter cooldown and longer duration vs longer cooldown and shorter duration. Fury might have some edge this way, but they badly need burst buffing for pvp anyway
Rend and deep wounds buff AP 33% scale and crit enabled
Armor penetration 50% buff on sweeping or deathwish.
These 2 buffs I can agree on to let warriors keep up in pvp bursts.
At the same time, it would place warriors on the top spot in raids, which is how warriors are meant to be.
I guess that is the issue is that Warriors think they’re the main character when they are actually support for the group. So solo play is hard to balance because they will just delete in group play but why should that matter other classes can do what they want to prevent warriors from being able to do (paladin,druid,priest,shaman,hunter). If we die in 5 s as arm spec at least let us do damage. It’s like every fight needs a consume to win a 1v1. Warriors are confined to glad/prot stance if they are to be taken seriously.
If they don’t buff MS damage, they could at least add something like “also applies Rend or also applies x stacks of Sunder Armor to target”.
It needs something.
Imagine not wanting to buff mortal strike
They should rethink the gcd for sure. There’s too much going on in 1 fight, the action per second is retail level. For warriors, zerker rage, shouts, pummel, rallying cry should all be out of gcd
I just think that they should give us a book rune to turn slam into colossus slam that makes attacks ignore 30% armor but only for the individual warrior that cast it so it doesn’t get abused as a group-wide debuff.
MS could also increase bleed dmg while the debuff is active or make Taste for Blood rune proc with it bcs Rend is just too weak to waste rage and gcd on. This playstyle that forces using the weakest spell in the kit is dumb. But Overpower is hard to turn down on since everyone and their mother have shield and big def stat now
Other than that, fixing gcds and pummel especially would be really nice. Other alternative is integrating some reliable cast time increase or push back mechanic into warriors kit bcs they just cast literally in your face. What’s the point of melee if range can beat you in your own field
What i would really love to see as the future of PvP beyond r14 rewards is new honor mark vendors selling cool stuff. Among them could also be a special independent enchant that works only on plate PvP set and turns % of armor into magic dmg reduction. That would fix the issues with every class in SoD benefiting from disproportionately high magic dmg and armor, except warriors who’re losing on both fronts
too complicated. Just increase damage for arms-only ability and we get a fix.
Rend and deep wounds to scale with attack power and able to crit is enough vs bears and it would affect all armors the same way
500 tick and 1000 on crit assuming all wbuffs and bis pve str gear (1500 AP)
300 tick and 600 crit in pvp setting and pvp gear (900 AP)
And much more if bleed rune is chosen on the chestpiece
This is how you fix Arms. Aim to have it do the raid DPS of a ret paladin (still wont have ret’s utility, but at least you dont need 70% overall dps to catch it lol).
Make Mortal strike do damage. I.e. 250% wpn damage, OR modify the ability to do more damage in some way. Make it do its current damage, but also another 150% weapon damage as a bleed tic that can crit, or as a dot (SoD wyvern strike is as a DoT, WotLK scourge strike as a single bleed tic are samples of comparable abilities).
Make rend do actual damage, and base it off weapon damage, and apply a tic on application like in Cata.
Make Sweeping strike also apply X% of your weapon damage as a bleed on your primary target.
Add heroic throw with a similar cooldown to SW:D that also applies 5x sunders.
Make an interaction with overpower where if your target has mortal strike applied, overpower “gushes” the target for X bleed damage.
Make the Taste for Blood rune also reduce the CD of overpower like in WotLK so you dont lose dodge overpowers and also allows for a more interesting rotation of timing your overpowers based on other procs and CDs like in Cata.
Just start with this, and tune the numbers so youre around Ret paladin DPS, and Arms will suddenly be playable! It will be an option for open world, pvp, dungeons, etc. It will do okay damage to armored targets the way enhance and ret can because bleeds will be like the “magic” damage. Fury will still be the premiere ramping spec for raid on short fights where you can maximize deathwish uptime but Arms will have some purpose in SoD as the slower, bigger hitting, more bleed focused spec.
If hunter and rogue and all these other classes can get tons of ways to play their class (like why does rogue need all 3 talent trees to be good in PVP and PVE? lol) then surely Arms can not lose an entire talent tree in SoD.