Your screen shots of a dummy on a PTR that no one clicks on prove nothing. You don’t PVP ever so anything you have to say is irrelevant. But yeah keep using pve metrics to discuss pvp makes logical sense for a PSEUDO INT BUM
if all the classes do X dps, and then Arms does .5*X dps, what can warrior do so much better than everyone else that makes it logical to do SO much less? Other classes have tons of utility and are harder to kill, and they dont have to do less damage than tanks and healers to achieve it.
My point still stands. I have hard data with screenshot proof, you have fake anecdotes that never happened.
You legit have nothing your target dummy data suggests warriors should be critting MS for like 300-400 damage on armored targets in PVP and it hits harder than that. That alone disputes anything you have to say about the dummy. You can claim all I have is anecdotes, which is the typical BUM response when someone has no actual argument. But you can go watch any of keftas bloodmoon event shorts and see how often he crits over 1k with MS which according to your data should be impossible because he is in PVP gear without world buffs and is fighting players that have armor on.
But I guess yeah the players that actually play the game and PVP are wrong because you can attack a target dummy.
The fact you think PVP specifically boils down to who has a more effective DPS rotation proves you never PVP and know nothing about it.
Like all you have done is admit you are bad at warrior and cannot win any PVP engagement. Maybe get better at the game… But then again how could you ever improve when all you do is attack a target dummy on the PTR…
Hitting the dummy also doesn’t give the 25% damage buff from enrage. MS does hit for 350 with Ashkandi on everything that isn’t cloth though. Big 800 crits on players with 10k+ hp… That’s also what most of kit hits for btw, it takes ~20 seconds to kill an afk player sitting on their mount in a bg as a warrior. I’m sure you as a hunter main have no problem killing someone in 10 seconds or less.
Yeah I am not saying war is the BEST damage in PVP. But it def is doing more than what this guy suggests based on a target dummy. In a lot of 1v1 situations I think war is pretty meh. But I think they are very solid in team fights. Deathgrip is really strong and it is really hard to keep someone alive thru MS. I think what wars need the most is just armor pen from something like colossus smash and better rage management on utility abilities like intervene/shouts/bersrage. At least for arms. I think prot/glad is insane atm. And once they get that full reflect set online it’s gonna be nuts.
And as for hunter yeah with crits hunter is without a doubt the highest burst potential in the game. Unless it’s vs a shaman when I auto shot for 150 and chim shot for 400 cuz idk they just don’t take damage.
Yeah, the problem warrior has right now, speaking as arms, is that our damage just doesn’t exist against anything that isn’t cloth. I slapped an R13 priest with a 1.1k MS crit. If it was anywhere near that high against the rest of the armor types we might even be too strong, we just need a little extra oomph, so that it’s not just our utility giving us value. Because it’s really hurting our solo capabilities.
And yeah, the thorns sets are going to be so incredibly stupid. I’ve seen like 490 thorns damage sets. Atleast it’ll help curb the rogue issues I guess? If there’s any reason to pvp after aq opens lol
Is the thorn set plate? If thats mail then get ready to kill yourself fighting shamans
And yet another patch notes that totally ignores warriors. We dont get patch notes often and this is the third one we got left out of.
think there’s thorns for everybody…
cloth has life steal proc 20% on each piece for 40-50
leather set is 80-100-100
no mail set?
plate set is 80-100-100
Not your fault you cant do math. The dummy has no armor and shows you the raw numbers on a 0 armor target that the ability does.
That’s literally all you have though, fake anecdotes. I posted actual screenshot proof youre wrong and WCL also whole handedly destroys your point.
8/9 classis do X dps. 1/9 class does .5*X dps. That one class does not have insane healing, CC, and survivability so it ends up being bad. Easy thing to figure out.
I just showed you another set of screenshots from a premade fight where a BiS warrior MS crits me for 700 and then a priest does almost 4k with MB/SWD combo.
Next time the PTR servers are back up make a PTR char and prove me wrong. You wont, because you cant. Arms attacks just do no damage. I could roll in as a 2h melee hunter and instantly start doing 3-4x the damage with the same GCD. I also do over 50% more average dps during uptime. Or I can go ranged hunter and be even better all around. Or boomkin and do over double a warriors dps with just spamming instant cast spells while having MORE armor than the warrior. The game is broken.
I can 100% confirm boomkin in dungeon blues blows the doors off a bis ms warrior in pvp damage. This whole but but we have to cast argument is silly. You cast safely from the back lines most of the time, while a warrior has to be in the deathzone getting bombarded by hunters and other boomies to land the wet noodle we call MS. Sucks druid caught such a huge nerf but a nerf was definitely needed.
When there is video evidence that contradicts your so called “math” then your math is wrong bud and you have lost. You can keep saying your bad math is true but its not.
A screen shot of a dummy and wcl that has NOTHING to do with pvp. It’s hilarious how hard to try to act like your pseudo intellectual non sense actually matters when you don’t even PVP.
You wanna say arms war is trash dps in pve? sure that is fine but based off your math that suggests MS should only be able to crit an armored target for 400 damage. You are just wrong.
Nah you just suck is all. Learn to paly soy milk drinker.
no dude, the devs hate warriors and have literally said use a different spec
yeah, i think zirene’s solution to fury doing more damage than arms in pvp was to make a macro to cast bloodthirst with mortal strike as the tooltip and icon
mages just got some nice buffs though, 2.3k ice lance crits seem reasonable
maybe next phase we’ll get a warrior buff
Blame the Warrior stacking meta in Era. You know, that super balanced game the andys always like to go on about.
I also suspect they made Warrior PvE DPS in SoD like playing a piano compared to other classes on purpose. I personally don’t have a problem with this one but it sure has been funny seeing so many bad DPS warriors in SOD that can’t handle pressing more buttons than Bloodthirst, Heroic Strike, and Spamstring.
Make em underpowered in PvP(compared to other classes) and harder to play in PvE to keep over half the SOD servers from rolling warrior!
And yes this is pure speculation.
youre making up total nonsense and have yet to post a single link to any proof of anything. Meanwhile I have in-game screenshots in controlled situations with identifiable gear and buffs proving you 100% wrong.
Considering its the same exact game, it has everything to do with how much damage you’ll do. I’ve proven that Arms does about half the damage of any other class or spec in the game. WCL proves that Arms does less dps than tanks and healers in raid environments that favor warrior. And you have done nothing to show that warrior has other strengths to justify it doing half the damage of anyone else.
If warrior could convert rage into healthbars for allies and cleanse anything and become immune to damage and such then maybe it would make sense, but they are generally very squishy and dont have many tools to bolster their life span. A ret paladin does 70% more dps in raid and 100%+ more dps outside of raid, is also melee, has cleanse, freedom, a sprint/horde spell, bubble, buffs, offheals, HoJ, and a bunch of spell dmg + ranged spells like exo. Warrior does way less damage, and struggles to match the utility, so whats the justification. You have none. You just hate warrior and will troll and make up nonsense on forums.
I just posted a pic from a bis premade where the warrior MS crits me for 700 and then the Spriest MB+SW:D for almost 4k. It makes sense when MS with BiS gear and world buffs only does 2.5k to a 0 armor target. That Target is IN WOW. It shows you what MS does to a 0 armor target. You can then use math to find out how hard it hits other people. Does the warrior have buffs? The same gear? WSG +30% berserking buff active? Figure it out but we have raw, equal, relative numbers. When Mongoose bite, Wyvern Sting, and Raptor strike, all instant melees, do 6.5-8k on a hunter, and with the same gear, buffs, and target a warrior does 2.5k MS and 5k 100 rage executes, its obvious why warriors do no damage in raid and no damage in PVP. There isn’t a magical “warriors do 300% more dmg to player target.”
Youre just wrong. You know youre wrong. But you keep digging your whole deeper. Great for me because it keeps this post alive and active and just makes you look silly
From TBC to TWW, rogues, locks, and mages have been strong or OP the entire time. Good reason to make them bad in SoD? lol no. Also in vanilla 2019 warrior was only an outlier as fury and in raid where the rage allowed them to spam heroic strike and remove the -19 hit penalty and glancing blows in a game focused on auto attacks. Outside of raid they were bad, and arms was right in line with everyone else. Outside of raid, vanilla balance was actually very close. If it wasnt for infinite CC, vanilla would have have some pretty solid PVP. Dungeon balance was fine. Non world buffed raid balance wasnt that bad either. They didnt account for the heroic strike making autos into special attacks + buffing offhand to a similar status until TBC. World buffs werent anywhere in the balance equation. Whereas in SoD, they only balance around WBs and make gameplay outside of raid a disaster.
+1 for arm’s warriors getting your dark edge of insanity should be a good experience in SOD and not make you want to commit sudoku in Minecraft
warrior discourse is always so hilarious, its gotten to the stage where they are trying to prove how underpowered they are by comparing two abilities that both crit (swd+mindblast) on a 10% crit class to 1 mortal strike on a guy with a bunch of armor
guys my dot tick is only 106 on a target with 200 shadow res, but warrior whirlwind+mortal strike did 1.5k, can we get some warrior nerfs?
i wonder why this “bis premade” decided to bring an arms warrior? does mortal strike have something else going for it than pure damage? hmm
Sod warriors actually need shattering throw a bubble remover
Since paladins have retail abilities
The fact that you think warriors should do 300% more damage in PVP shows how little you know about PVP. Like you keep talking about melee hunters… I have seen maybe 1 melee hunter in a BG for my entire rank 14 grind and he was just dead on the ground cuz melee hunter sucks. I see way more warriors and they are way more impactful in the team fights then a BUM melee hunter…
I am not wrong there is literally video evidence showing warriors in PVP gear without world buffs getting 1500+ MS crits. Based on the math from the dummy that should not be possible for a warrior to do. But you just ignore that fact and say “nah my math is good.” When it has been disproven. “Dood nah I’m super good at bloviating a buncha nonsense, ergo I must be correct! For my intellectual capacity is unmatched!”
“Whilst you were out playing the game, I tested the DUMMY.”
“When you were grinding honor, I studied the LOGS.”
“While you engaged in actual PVP, I mastered the PVE rotation!”
“And now you have the audacity to tell me you could possibly get crit by MS for 2.5k??? Preposterous!”
How can a warrior in PVP gear without world buffs POSSIBLY crit a shaman in full pvp gear for 700-800? They should be critting that shaman for like 200-300 damage. How can they crit clothies for 1500+? But nah it should just be able to crit for 4k average because having auto attacks and MS and death grip and being able to charge out of all roots/snares is just worthless I guess. All that matters is raw damage output and who has a better dps rotation in pvp…