These guys are the real problem. They can easily deal with 2-3 melee outlasting them while rotting them down.
But I agree warrior is not in a good spot. You have to be full decked out to be competitive, any less than that your a paper noodle.
What I would love to see is Armor pen so we can ditch the BRE and blood craze to do more healing than a bandage tick.
I’m starting to genuinely think the warriors who got bre are just playing a different game than every other warrior. Like, my mortal strike hits for ~320, bloodthirst for ~250, on the vast majority of the classes. Like, literally priest and mage are the 2 classes that I get up to like 500 non-crit. My best case scenario is to trade with a boomie.
If I wanna kill something I’ve got a 2-3 gcd set up (3 with TFB rune, which has a 3 second delay before it procs after applying rend, and rend hits for 20 damage, and overpower still has a long af cooldown), and then I need like 10-15 gcds to get something low/kill it. Meanwhile there’s a long list of classes that will happily kill me by the 5th or 6th gcd…
And warrior still can’t use shield wall without weapon swap which incurs the gcd still…
They could really fix arms pvp by just making it work like cata arms but that requires them to spend 5 seconds of effort on it.
BRE in nice but it’s not everything. I was actually testing out spinal reaper with crusader recently and I can’t say that I noticed a huge difference.
Try this: ditch taste for blood and use endless rage like me instead.
I almost never use rend unless I’m trying to mess with a rogue that is trying to run away. Like I will use it once every 5 hours of playing. I could take it off my bar’s and hardly notice.
The warriors that have done this all say it’s way better.
Prioritize slam over mortal strike unless it’s a healer or unless your target is getting heals. Use whirlwind even against single targets. Use all 3 of those on cooldown. Don’t use heroic strike unless you’re over 80 rage.
Wear the full r13 set and get life giving gem if you can.
If I’m lucky LGG+Ashkandi tomorrow, we’ve only seen 1 LGG and 0 nef weapons. Otherwise I’ll have used untamed blade the whole time and I hate this thing. The str proc doesn’t even increase my damage in pvp, a 300 str proc boosted my bloodthirst from 250 to 300 lmao
I’ve been having more success with TFB due to how much better overpower is than basically everything else, though I have talked to a few people who prefer ER for spamming executes.
doing half the dps or less of other classes is not an enjoyable experience. Again, on PTR you can make whatever you want. When Mortal strike on 55% armor is critting for 1.2k and 1.0 sec cast starfire is doing 10k, and starsurge is an instant 36 yrd free spell is doing 3k, youre toast as a warrior. I made a 2h melee hunter on PTR and do over 50% more dps to the 0 armor dummy than the arms warrior and my strikes are all doing around 7k (6-8k depending on if its mongoose, raptor, wyvern, etc). Thats 50% than a 100 rage execute and like 300%+ more than a mortal strike on a 0 armor target. Its dumb.
Can also go look at WCL to confirm arms is indeed a useless spec that does no damage, below all the tanks. Did PVP for a bit in SoD and even with bonereavers edge, mortal strike doing like 1/4th the dmg of a SW:D or mindblast noncrit is just a pointless endeavor. If I had a group of pals all playing OP classes that wanted a MS bot I guess it would make sense but anything other than that is a broken experience.
Zirene outright said they arent updating or supporting arms and they recognize that its massively worse than the next worst damage dealer in the game.
I could care less about PVE. and arms has always been bad in pve in classic. Doesn’t get good til wotlk.
is boomkin a PVE spec? is ret a PVE spec? is shadow priest a PVE spec? they can do raid dps within a couple percent of fury on a sim and they out dps fury on longer fights like broodlord (i.e. razorgore you have 100% uptime on deathwish, on broodlord you dont) in full world buff situations, but then, at least for shadow priest, they do 300% damage of fury on the same sims when you remove raid and world buffs. A huge component of PVP is dps, and pretty much every spec in the game outside of raid does significantly more dps than fury and massively more dps than arms. Arms would need a flat 70% boost to ALL of its damage to catch a ret paladin in raid, which is an environment that favors warrior due to rage and crit/deepwounds scaling and the bosses having no armor left.
The objective reality is as a warrior in PVP of any spec youre pretty useless outside of being a MS bot in group play. If you get BiS gear, build super stamina heavy, and become a mortal strike bot that does half the dps of anyone else you CAN play with a premade and be useful, but you’re hardly good on your own and after the first warrior your value drops tremendously. You lose to basically everything 1v1 except an improperly specced mage presuming they have your ilvl of gear and competency.
Pretty terrible spot to be in. Season of Hybrids really, the devs don’t own calculators or understand what base damage and scaling are.
The idea that people are doing DPS rotations in PVP… Maybe if they are killing afk people.
The objective reality is that you are just bad at PVP and comparing raid performance to pvp… You have death grip, disarm, fear, slows, stuns, interrupts, defensives, and MS. You legit make it sound like if a geared arms war is training me I can just ignore him and never die… It’s absurd you act like MS is the only ability you have that can do damage.
“As a warrior I just charge at someone and only do 1% of their hp in an intercept stun.” - Aboarlan 2024
Warrior suffers from the same problems it always has in classic. it’s not great 1v1 and you need to pull out all the stops to win alot of 1v1 engagements. You also suffer if you over extend and out range your healers. that is just the way it goes. But any melee that over extends can just get globed anyway.
My friend rerolled arms war. He has jeliks crusher and is only rank 8. So he is in mostly garbage gear and I see him own people all the time. He gets us kills in the event all the time by death gripping people into us. And when MS is up on a target it pretty much guarantees a kill unless they are a shaman or some other class with really strong defensive.
PTR 2h hunter and arms warrior, go to dummy that has 0 armor. Hunter does over 50% more dps in melee range. Why? Because all its strikes deal 3-6x the damage of warrior strikes. Simple as that.
You have death grip, disarm, fear, slows, stuns, interrupts, defensives, and MS
So I can deathgrip a hunter into melee to be… outmeleed? To deathgrip a boomkin into melee so it can do triple my dps by spamming instant cast abilities? it has more armor than me and can barkskin with no dps loss. If I do pummel the 1.0 sec 10k starfire pre-modifiers then it can still keep spamming instants or wrath. All its instants more than double MS dmg in a trade. it can spam them. It gets 3 dots going and 2 of them tic harder than Mortal Strike… its pointless.
Youre clueless. Arms is a dead spec in SoD and is, as per a dev, not supported or maintained. Sure, you can premade and make your mortal strike useful at the cost of doing half the damage of anyone else. The first warrior is useful. Anything beyond that is just a handicap. The team with more warriors almost always loses whatever BG is going on lol. In the past I’ve gotten in and when 30-40% of my team RNG is warriors its just an auto-loss. You can’t do anything.
You can make up bogus stories about undergeared arms doing damage but anyone serious on the topic can install the PTR, buy BWL from a vendor, go to a target dummy with 0 armor, and see that Arms burst and consistent damage is just far below any other class in the game. Going into PVP the damage just gets worse for the Arms, as now most players have 40-55% physical mitigation and the boss dummy has 0 on PTR. Starfall by itself can passively out dps an Arm’s warrior entire rotation. Your slam, MS, and overpower all hit for paltry numbers. The reason WCL arms dps is also half of everyone else’s is because your attack just hit for paltry numbers. Its just math. MS does no damage, so you do not damage.
MS crit 0 armor for 2.5k, wyvern strike bleed dmg for 7k or raptor strike phyiscal for 7.8k, or wrath/starsurge for true damage of 2800 or 1.0 starfire cast for 10k. If the boomkin had 0 health and 0 armor maybe you could justify it doing 5x your dmg potential but they have MORE armor than you and can barkskin. You have no shot!
Why would I go fight a dummy on the PTR that has 0 armor and is AFK. sounds pretty boaring to me.
Sounds like your just a BUM that can’t do anything… how unforch. If arms is so bad and the devs said they will never support it why are you still playing it and crying about it?
Yeah let’s install the ptr and go attack dummys… lmao no one cares about fighting a afk dummy.
Tell that to all the arms wars that crit 3k mortal strikes in pvp. And arms is not a pve spec so it sucks in pve no one cares.
No boomkin is critting 10k starfires in PVP it has never happened. And if your point is about PVE then what does a boomkins health and armor have to do with it? Using a pve target dummy as a basis for anything PVP related is the dumbest thing of all time.
Well yea, your using UTB, which is a hunter wep.
Get litterally anything else:
Drake Talon Cleaver, Spinal Reaper, ZG 2h sword, archanite reaper, unstoppable force from AV, Ashkandi, even OBE. Plenty of options
WoW is a tab target MMO. If a hunter’s strikes deal double damage to a dummy, they also deal double damage to a player. In fact, in the cast of the bleed dmg, a lot more, but raptor strike and mortal strike are both physical and raptor strike does 7-8k dmg and mortal strike does 2.5k with the same gear and same 2h weapon. The only counter point would be if maybe hunters just attacked way slower but they dont. Theyre spamming strikes… that all deal way more damage. Constant dps is also 50%+ more than what warrior as arms was doing to the dummy.
If dps disparities were like 10% you could make arguments about pvp mechanics changing things up but Arms warrior is just pure trash. Even fury, which can do way more dps than Arms, will sim within 2% of shadow priest in raid but remove buffs and now the shadow priest is doing 300% of the fury warrior’s damage on the same sim. You can’t dispute that because it’s not my formulas, its the community discord sims that the devs themselves use.
Like, PVP where rage is less prevalent, targets all have high armor, disruptions to your movement, etc, is actually worse for warrior than these other classes. Hybrids have many ranged, instant, 100% armor pen attacks.
Like what does a boomkin lose by going into PVP? They can spam instant ranged abilities with no cooldowns and out DPS you. The only way to counter that would be if you had massive levels of massive healing or like 6x their healthpool. And you dont.
No boomkin is critting 10k starfires in PVP it has never happened
I’m comparing apples to apples. No warrior ever mortal strikes for 2.5k in PVP either. A 0 armor target with bis gear on warrior mortal strike does 2.5k. Raptor strike does 7.8k. Starfire does 10k. Now in PVP you’ll scale those down. Warrior fights against armor so remove 55% of that damage if he’s fighting a boomkin. So like 1.2k mortal strike versus 10k starfire. Now do pvp modifiers, remove buffs, etc. Warrior’s mortal strike will drop substantially to like 400. Boomkins will be like 4k.
But 1:1 comparisons are beyond your comprehension. I told you the criteria. 0 armor target 2.5k mortal strike assumes you have the competency to reduce it by 55% when fighting a boomkin. To understand you have way less rage as well. But like the SoD dev team, you fail to grasp many fundamentals about this game.
Tell that to all the arms wars that crit 3k mortal strikes in pvp
This literally never happens. If I can make a BiS Ashkhandi warrior on PTR and world buff and full consume myself and go to a target that has 0% mitigation and it barely breaks 2.5k, it will never under any circumstances get near that number in PVP.
Nobody cares about a stationary afk dummy that doesn’t fight back.
They do I have seen people get git for 3k mortal stikes. Obviously not shamans but pretending like warriors can’t do ANY damage in pvp is dumb and boaring. Mortal strike is not your only damage ability…
Why should MS hit as hard as a spell that needs to be cast and can be interrupted, when you can train a target and it has no way to stop you from using your abilities… The only thing that stops a war from attacking outside of hard cc is disarm and any non BUM warrior has a wep chain so… Idk why you think MS should be able to crit for 5k in pvp when you have your autos, execute, and other damage abilities that you can spam out onto targets.
It does I have literally seen it. idc what you did to some target dummy on the ptr no one does. Does it always crit for 3k on every target at all times? no. But can it happen? yes.
At the end of the day there are more warriors playing the game and finding success in PVP then there are on the forums crying about how bad warrior is. But what would a WHINER BABY know about that…
Thanks for the idea, let me just get any of the raid weapons that have never dropped, a sidegrade crafted axe for several thousand gold, or buy the AV rep mace that’s actually a massive downgrade… lmao. None of this matters after one more reset, but for the record, before SoD, 2 stack BRE hit only slightly harder (0-50 more damage non-crit depending on armor/60-90 more damage on crit depending on armor) on average that UTB with a proc, UTB with a proc on SoD is just as worthless as it is without the proc and the proc rate is (I’m pretty sure) lower on SoD than it was on classic.
In fact, if you’re curious about how good UTB with it’s proc was in classic, it was more than comparable to Ashbringer, averaging about 50-100 more damage on hits/crits.
Yet here in SoD it’s feels like absolute trash to use even during the proc, a 300 strength proc adds 50 damage to bloodthirst in BG’s, in PvE that would be adding almost 300 damage to your bloodthirst… Does nobody else see the problem here?
Edit: Got an Ashkandi, our guild’s likely last BWL and it finally dropped. God, bless.
You’re a troll. Anyone can go to the PTR, put on bis gear, go to a 0 armor target, put on full world buffs and consumes (because its a vendor that supplies it) and do a bunch of MS crits and see it doing around 2.5k crits.
Anyone can make a boomkin and see the 10k starfires as well.
Mortal strike is not your only damage ability
They all do low damage. Slam and overpower all crit for less.
they pretty much all quit lol. Some tryhards that dont have a following are doing their premades and such but it doesnt change the fact theyre useless outside of one doing the MS debuff.
No one cares about going on the PTR.
Does execute just not exist? Cuz I have been crit for like 4k by execute before.
Glad to know you personally know every warrior that pvps in wow. Are all tryhards supposed to have a following? What does that even mean?
Well you keep thinking that and continue to be a BUM.
They are very good… In era. You can go hang out there with your other 32 dps warriors per raid. I’ll play the mode where you’re allowed to dps as something not yellow or brown class colored.
that warrior posts videos against shadow priests casting mind flay on him.
The PTR is the same game on the next patch, 99.9% of it has the same stats and data as live. Especially this PTR where almost nothing changes. DERP. Here’s a towel for the drool on your face.
It’s a place where you can make any class and buy the BiS gear from a vendor and test damage on 0 armor dummies, making it very easy to do math and compare data. They literally balance the game on the PTR.
Does execute just not exist? Cuz I have been crit for like 4k by execute before.
A 100 rage execute does around 5k on a 0 armor target, half what a starfire does. If the target has armor its closer to 1/4th.
Well you keep thinking that and continue to be a BUM
I just don’t waste my time. When a MS is doing 1/4th of the damage of short cooldown instant cast spells and half the dmg of no cd spammable instant cast spells its time to head out.
They were backpeddling and dying with less than 3k damage done to them. The man is basically posting pics of him winning the special Olympics when he isnt disabled… although playing warrior in PVP SoD is pretty close to being disabled.
In era, warrior in pvp, world content, questing, dungeons, etc is pretty on par with most other classes, and actually fairly weak if you arent in the best gear. It is only, and ONLY, as fury spec, in raid with buffs that you exist as an outlier. This is because heroic strike being qued removes the -19% hit penalty and also all your mainhands can’t glancing blow, in a game based on auto attack. So there is a breakpoint where prior to that you scale very hard. Then after that you scale pretty normal, as things like Execute don’t actually have any AP coefficient. Its just bloodthirst and whatever your auto attacks are doing.
The silver lining here is fury is really bad outside of raid because you don’t have the rage to spam heroic strike, and its the worst pvp/class spec combo in the game, so its not oppressive in other content. Meanwhile in SoD, fury and priest sim within 2% of each other in raid but the same sim without raid stuff has the priest doing 300% the warrior’s dmg. And priest was already way better than warrior to start with the utility, healing, and mitigation. So in era, you could maybe 1v1 them if you used a rage pot and 30 min cd of reck, but now in SoD you just die no matter what.
You are using a pve target dummy… To complain about pvp… You are a BUM.
So do you jus think MS should hit as hard a starfire? You seem to be really hooked up on starfire. Like starfire is the be all end of all of abilities…
You clearly do since you are on the forums arguing about a game you don’t even seem to play. And all your data comes from a PVE training dummy…