so if you triple your opponents HP and they have no gear, your wet noodle strikes just might be enough
You know your beyond delusional when you have other geared warriors telling you they do just fine in PVP while you sit there still crying.
Mortal Strike Bump!!! Make Arms Great Again
Even Zeroji on stream said that every class was better in SoD but warriors got the least. Death grip was a good utility add but I think we should have gotten a ranged instant attack similar to multi shot but single target so we do damage at least at range with a CD.
If everyone needs 10-70% dps to catch a bis fury warrior (according to WCL, ret was the worst needing 70% to catch fury in 2019 vanilla) but then you give a bunch of classes a 800% boost, you cant just leave warrior where it’s at and expect good things to happen lol. Meathook is sweet but it doesnt amount to much when mortal strike does less damage than a moonfire tic because, as the devs said, Arms was not updated in SoD.
Uh no pretty much everyone in Silithus is geared whether its T2+ or R13/14.
All I’m saying is that if you’re properly geared and don’t suck you can have fun in PvP as a warrior now which certainly wasn’t the case for Phases 1-4 when we were a complete joke. And I’ve said many times I think warriors should either get armor penetration or a large Mortal Strike damage buff which I still believe given what Hunters, Paladins, Shamans, Druids, and Rogues can do.
yes, you used to just get globaled at 36 yards. Now you can get a few hits in before you die. Arms is still doing less dmg than all the tanks and even mage healer right now. In PVP Mortal Strike still does as much dmg as a moonfire dot tic.
Yes, maxing stam makes it so you dont just fold like a law chain but you still dont do damage even in BiS PVP gear. That’s the primary problem with arms. You cant do half the dmg of hybrids and expect to be relevant.
Ask and you shall receive! If the editing/quality is terrible I apologize, this is the first kind of video recording/editing I’ve ever done. Its only solo WPvP in Silithus
Buddy I really hate to tell you this, but world pvp is the last thing anyone talks about when they’re complaining about sod pvp. You’re a warrior in full rank gear with a flask on. You almost lose multiple times to a druid playing poorly with no hp flask.
A bunch of these guys you killed are just straight up bad, though there’s a few in just pure pve gear who get absolutely melted because they have 4k hp so I won’t speak on their skill levels.
The druid you killed at like ~3:10, wasted their entire starfire stun getting out of melee range and walked into charge range when they could’ve just dead-zoned you and rotted you with moonfire/sunfire.
The rogue/hunter 1v2, the rogue has no gear and no trinket, really just a 1v1 and you got a very lucky torment proc that sets up the kill on the hunter.
If anything this video is just proof of why torment just shouldn’t work at level 60 lmao. Spriest dismounts to fear you and gets torment proc’d on their dismount. Fight’s over.
You kill a spriest who never dismounts then beat up a BM hunter in pve gear who backpeddles.
You kill a healer priest 1v1.
You lip vs the pve geared melee hunter who ate a 10 second disarm. Without lip you possibly die if they get good rng and crit you.
The spriest 1v1 at ~6:40 was nice, solid recovery after 2x charge resist, all he had to do was disperse and you rot to death without killing him though.
Idk, all I saw was a bunch of non-pvpers get farmed by a pvper with a flask+pots.
I beat people in 1v1’s and 1v2’s in ab during my last week of ranking when I had ashkandi instead of untamed blade. It never felt good because you ms for 350 with the bg dr’s. It’s a literally a universe apart from the people you’re fighting in your video. Even more-so because the ultra sweaty pvpers are all horde in the first place.
All that said, if warrior played like this in bgs, I’d have 0 complaints. I can leverage my skill to win matchups once there’s some amount of damage to work with. Hitting 2k on clothies outside bg’s is ~2x what I get in bg’s. Still half of what I get slapped for by boomie/ele. You hit a prot pala for ~1k, I’ve hit hunters for 200 in bgs. That damage gap is insane.
I mean I’m not gonna parse through all that but I’m not denying warriors are still a bit underpowered in PvP. I’m just glad I can have fun PvPing on Warrior because my RL schedule is currently far too random to raid on a schedule. I can just log on for 30 minutes at a time and have fun.
Interesting you say BGs are way worse for us, from my experience its often the opposite.
Horde vs Ally diff. My best games are the ones where I have a pve feral on my team, not because he does damage or survives at all, but I get windfury for 10 seconds of a teamfight and it makes a huge difference when my auto attacks hit as hard as my mortal strikes (350), it makes it possible for me to kill a priest in the 5 seconds I have to kill the priest before the ele deletes 80% of my hp in a global and then die to the passive aoe damage from a boomie.
I learned my lesson from sod, as badly as I need escape artist for mages in vanilla, i’d take orc stun resist (or even no racial at all) and being horde to not have to deal with shamans in pvp ever again.
Sick clips bro thanks did posting this. Undead warrior is badass and it was great to see the taste for blood style in action.
I actually just made a video on how I record and edit my yt shorts and posted it this morning with you in mind. You should post some shorts too. They’re really easy to chop up and export fast and they get like 10x the views so that’s fun too.
Ignore the guy picking apart every fight lol bad warriors will make every excuse in the book. Warriors have a higher skill cap than many of the other classes imo which is why most warriors suck and whine.
100% true… The best is in arena the ones that zug zug and die around the corner away from their healer and blame the healer. lol
If you play a Warrior you have to carry a ton of consum (faps, Lips, Laps, health pots) more so then any other class.
What weap was Grresh using? I think Im going to work on my warrior next. Hoodstyles tauren warrior! =)
Pretty sure it’s the r14 sword. I made an orc warrior recently
If its on CS and you ever need help whisper me. =)
Thank you bro, respect
Hah thanks.
For editing I actually used DaVinci Resolve rather than Premiere Pro since it has a free version. I’m open to doing shorts in the future but I like long form format more because you can do a lot more with it. I want to get really good at it because I’m interested in using that skill outside of gaming.
Kefta let me know when ur running some bgs. I’ll healbot you. =)
Haha thanks bro that would be sick. I’m leveling my orc warrior really casually but I’ll definitely hit you up eventually
Prepare to follow the cookie cutter build because now with expertise prot/glad isnt even good in pvp anymore.