Did the entire Art Team just quit or something?

I am not surprised they are ignoring that type of feedback. I can barely figure out what you are complaining about the things are so minor. This is a huge game, they aren’t going to spend weeks on such minor details.

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Art and music are probably the areas where they nail it every time. In my opinion.

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When I first saw the tier sets, I was confused. I did not want any of them, even a little bit. I feel like they’re all Kyrian/Oribos-themed. So boring. :confused:

I don’t really see anything overt that defines the classes. The aesthetic is too “light,” and only fits Paladins, Priests, and Warriors.

If they want to bring tier sets back, they should look back at the time when they did them right.

Now that’s a tier set.


This. - And they’re just lame in my opinion. The biggest reason they still look good is that they’re high rez, not that they are particularly creative or something we’ve never seen before.

In addition to that, unfortunately pretty much all covenant sets look better in comparison in my opinion.

They’re not horrible or something… just not my taste and I wish it was more obvious what set is for what class. The only reason we know what set is for what class are re-used assets :smiley:


The feedback the developers ignored were the requests since the Nightborne’s release to have more youthful and NPC accurate faces. Instead, they doubled down on the elderly faces that Nightborne already had plenty of on release.

Attention to detail matters, and dropping the ball on so many minor details diminishes the overall quality immensely.

This isn’t an indie game developer we’re talking about. When you look at other player models, there shouldn’t be huge disparities in terms of the quality of work they receive.


I’d just like to know why they had to go with guns and crossbows. Couldn’t they have gone ONE RAID without guns?

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This. I don’t hate them and they aren’t bad. They’re just not anything that fits my characters. It’s not a skill problem, it’s a vision problem. The theme would be good for like the Paladin tier set maybe, or even Warrior or Priest. But what self-respecting Demon Hunter goes around in SHINING GOLDEN ARMOR? A Rogue would get mugged in a back alley wearing something like that. When a Warlock in that tier set summons a demon, it will flee from them, thinking they are the Silver Hand come to smiteth them. Hunters and Druids don’t have a vine or a hide or a strip of leather anywhere; there’s no grass or moss or bones - how is that okay? I guess the mage is okay, but looks more like a nun to me, assuming that’s even the mage I’m looking at, since they all look pretty much the same.

How are you going to be a Death Knight wearing this glowing golden get-up?

I hear Arthas laughing at them from inside the Maw. He’s saying, “lol weak. Are you from the Ebon Blade or the Argent Tournament? lmao”

I feel like this tier set project was rushed and not given the love it deserved. Each class deserves its own unique design, constructed each season from the ground up, made to fit a specific thematic aesthetic or idea. There are no hard and fast rules, except that WoW always went by the “Rule of Cool,” stating that coolness should be concentrated and potent, there shouldn’t be a great deal of bleed and overlap from one concept to another.

And yet, I literally see one tier set replicated and minimally modified for each class.

I won’t say they’re bad. They’re just pointless. With all the choices we have in our appearance tab, who is legitimately going to wear these? Who thinks that these sets are genuinely the most interesting out of the myriad of options already available to us?


I like the Hunter stuff (weapons, armor), although I had to look at the tier set for about 10 minutes to form an opinion beyond a first impression.

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Well, according to PC Gamer:

"Blizzard is definitely aware of this, but without World of Warcraft, A Realm Reborn wouldn’t exist," Yoshida said. “WoW was the game we constantly looked up to.” He also showed his disapproval for the conversation surrounding which game is doing better, saying "our goal was to recreate a Final Fantasy version of WoW, so saying we won or lost to WoW is off-base to start with, because they were the game we aspired to be."

However the WOW team really did not rose up to the challenge of keeping the image of a game FF aspired to be. And I think Yoshida is aware of that too.

But the case in point: Art in FF is not “better” than WoW, but it is made with more care.


It looks like Bob the janitor was left to create the new tier set outfits. He did a pretty good job with the time he had to work on it.

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looks around am I seriously like the only one who kinda likes these sets? I mean yea most of em aren’t my favorite but I kinda like their look . . . Well actually I lie I think the shaman one is my favorite shaman set and I hope it gets a pvp reskin so I can use these tokens I’ve been farming to get it for my wildhammer shaman. Also the mythic Paladin set reminds me of judgement, my all time favorite Paladin teir set . . . It’s to bad I’ll most likely never get it because I don’t do mythics until I can solo them.

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The new tier sets remind me of the catchup token gear in Argus.
And I hate the shoulders for priest because questing gear/tailoring (?) had similar shoulders and the headpiece also looks like it’s already somewhere in my transmog collection.

Also the colors look really… boring to me, it’s really bland with little detail.


Considering the rest of the comment you wrote, and going by your logic, you liking the sets, doesn’t make it good.

Yeah, it’s not like they can make a mistake every once in a while, like making player models that divide a community. Nope, no sir… :man_facepalming: /s

So did they put work in Cata Worgen Female.

I’m pretty sure disallowing people to criticize the art is being extremely negative and closed minded to the art you love…

Look, just because your positive, doesn’t mean your doing the same exact thing everybody else is doing. :confused:

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Get used to it. Want something cool? Let me direct you to the cash shop!

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I’m not disallowing anyone. I just think a lot of the negativity is due to the fact blizz is facing some scandals. I don’t think it’s the art at all that is the issue.

People just hating for the sake of hating. Plenty of good constructive criticism going around, but the “the art team is crap” argument isn’t valid.


No, people have been negative at Blizzard for quite awhile now. And their negativity has nothing to do with the scandals. (Though it probably didn’t help)

Well nobody is saying the Art is the issue, they are just looking at this and back at them and saying “…what is this?, we know you can do better”…

Well that’s not dismissive. :smiley: /s

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Mate, i like the Art Team as much as the next guy and i really do. Heck, it what trained me into Blender and Photoshop, since i make art myself out of those assets and such. But i know they (the art team) can make mistakes, or not all (the art team made) are good, and i’m not going to try to dismiss or write off people’s negative opinions on it (because that would be biased of me first off), whether it be constructive or not.

If you are going to invalidate “The art team is crap” argument… which i didn’t knew it was an argument, but i digress… then for consistency sakes, surely you would do the same to the “The art team is great” argument too, right?.. I mean just because one is positive, doesn’t mean they aren’t the same argument?.. The “The art team is subjective opinion about them here”?


I’d also add that the art team seems to be limiting themselves by sticking to a fixed color and idea scheme for all classes. If you look back at previous tier sets (pre BfA), they weren’t afraid of going out of the box and giving different classes different thematic designs.

Even if we go back further, to Firelands, there was still plenty of design and color variation among the classes. E.g. Priests had ‘cleansing fire’, and Warlocks were designed after a spider. If we had a Firelands raid today, I think we’d see more atypical and ‘on the ball’ designs.

Edit: And it’s a little sad to see because Zereth Mortis has elements of a mythical forest, lakes, a ruined desert, and the ‘Enlightened’ with a sort of Zenyatta, ‘old forgotten automation’ like vibe to it. So there’s a lot more to be inspired by than just angelic/gold hoods/spikes/arches.


Y’all crazy

The sets and weapons look cool as hell

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/looks at that depressing mount from doomwalker.

Should have just made it invisible or ethereal at this point

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It doesn’t matter the size of the company, some things aren’t worth spending a huge amount of time on. I literally couldn’t tell what you were even complaining about in some of that. And other things were just your personal opinion. Plus one of them with the hair not draping down a naked back - most players are going to have gear on and if they did what you want, then people would complain about clipping.

And you aren’t comparing these to other classes, you are comparing them to NPCs.

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