Did the entire Art Team just quit or something?

What on earth is with these weapons and tier set models, they look so plain and boring, not even close any of the quality we’ve gotten out of SL so far. I saw you promised some millions of dollars to hire new people, well you better quadruple it and put it towards artists.


You can be rest assured valued human. Our art team delivers the best experience here at blizzard.


I think the creativity has ran away


They’ve adapted a different art style to their weapons it seems. Sadly they end up feeling very lifeless [figuratively speaking obviously] and cold.

I see 'em and think ‘‘boy that looks bland’’

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Fun fact: most of those 9.2 raid weapons are actually Legion artifact reskins.


They’re all working on store mounts and mogs.


Complain all you like, pally scum. I’ll be over here enjoying the best of the lot.

This is just utter BS. Can we just find a new dev team that has creativity within there minds, who comes up with something new, and not just reskins.

Right? When I said “they need to make reskins of the Legion artifacts,” I meant something cool, similar to new Fel werebear for a new challenge appearance. Not boring craptastic versions for a raid.


I think the weapons and the mythic tier sets look pretty sweet. Guess my subjective opinion on the quality and creativity of these art assets invalidates yours. RIP.


The Art team is already working on 10.0, these tier sets were a last minute addition imo.


They look good.


Yeah they look like the theme of the raid so I don’t see much of a problem :woman_shrugging:


This is what happens when all the good creatives get accused of stuff. All the studio is left with are boring corporate art hacks.


Random senior asset designer heading out to work in the morning…


Are you sure you’re looking at the right pictures? The crossbow and gun make my eyes bleed, Warrior Tier looks ridiculous, not in a good way either. The only stuff that really looks okay is the Rogue Tier and some of the 1h weapons.

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I agree, I think quite a few of them look nice.

Re-skins are part of the game, they do it for mounts, mobs, mogs, it’s not like this is new.


I must be the only one but I think the new tier sets are really good and actually fit the theme of this patch. Unlike ToS which is a reskin from Tbc tier sets, this actually looks good

I honestly don’t think anyone can criticise the art team, since it’s their art.

They put work into these sets and are “proud”.

I don’t like picasso’s art, doesn’t mean It’s bad.
I hate ff14 sets, doesn’t mean it’s bad

WoW players have such closed minds. Extremely negative, grow up, it’s a good thing they’re even adding tier sets.

Naruto claps the jailer solo


Too busy making paid sets to put on the store

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They look good but they don’t fit the game. We need more actual interesting stuff for all the races. Tauren/Vulpera weapons (the BfA ones are Sethrak-ones, you know, a race which should have been playable for the Alliance), updated old mounts based on the pvp mounts (which is especially true for the Gnome’s Mechanostrider), Pandaren armors which fit them and so on.

And then, of course, updated old transmogs.
10.0 needs to deliver, they have been cutting edges for years now.