Did people forget what the Trading Post is supposed to be for?

I suddenly want a backpack over-flowing with snacks, either mage-conjured ones or just whatever. What does this have to do with travelers backpacks? Nothing really, unless traveling baker is a thing desired. But just hearing mention of backpacks in general made me think about it. shrug


That reminds me, we are also severely lacking good chef transmogs too!

I’m not sure if Blizzard will ever give us full sets of profession gear transmog, but if they don’t want to, the Trading Post would be a great place for them, too.

A white lab coat for alchemists too!

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Would love a new apron, I like the one we have, but… new one would be nice!


I’d love some hoodies


The final reward looks great but why are there only 3 pieces…? A full set would’ve been dope. I’m only gonna buy like 3 items. Oh well


So don’t buy it?

I got it earlier. It’s So pretty. The sparkles from those pieces and a matching weapon is really nice. The set is cool because it changes colors when you move your camera. I wish the wings did that but, I’m not complaining.


Variety is the spice of life. They just keep churning out the same garbage month after month.

OMG thank you for finding this! I’m bookmarking it and linking it every time I see someone whine. lol

You mean one that actually explains what the Trading Post is for? Yeah, we did need one of these.


I would prefer being able to choose between the monthly reward or bonus tender. Sometimes the monthly rewards (like the coward’s purple target) just suck.

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Entitlement issue people would tell you otherwise but yeah it’s meant to be a fun place to grab pets, mounts and transmog. Hopefully it’ll stay an optional thing…although i’d be mighty livid if optional extras for races like optional tail option for worgen ends up on the trading post… idk why it would but Blizz done dumb stuff before. I wonder if they’re going to add bunny outfits next month for Easter…not sure how many people would buy such but all my luck people are misunderstanding what kind of outfits I mean by that

you could have a backpack filled with snacks, tinkering items, loaves of bread, sticking up out of the top, little toys, and puppets hanging out everywhere, just about anything you could use a backpack for including overflowing with books. The possibilities are endless and the role-play aspect would be completely unique. I don’t care about butterflies and glitter on everything. I also don’t care if everything looks like I just took it off of a dragon. I just want gear that makes sense, and feels like it belongs to the character. I mean, this character is a nomad and a thief so why can’t I have a backpack that has skulls and treasure dripping out of it and hanging out loaded to the gills? :green_heart:

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It’s been 84 years since those were datamined.

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Oh my, this would be incredible. And just a great thread in general you’ve made here. I couldn’t have said it better myself. I’m fighting this in several threads as well. I’d be completely fine with trading post being completely meathead warrior wear if the in-game drops were all interesting instead


To me the phrase “from across Azeroth— and beyond” suggests we were meant to get both normal looking wow stuff and murloc onesies and butterfly wings.

There have in fact been many items on the Trading post that “look like we’d get them from a dungeon/raid/zone”, because they are recolors of things that already exist in game, Island Expedition set, crafted/pvp sets, raid sets etc.
“Not limited by the current game content” is not the same as excluding current game content.

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Great post and you just showcase that you are a valued member of the WoW community!


:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


Yes or they never even bothered to find out.
Results are spam topics here complaining about ‘butterflies’. :crazy_face:

I looove the butterfly stuff (makes it way easier for me to RP a druid on a race that can’t mechanically be a druid!). HOWEVER there are definitely other things I also want to see!

A big thing for me is formalwear. I’m not just talking more Disney dresses or whatever (though I do enjoy those on occasion); I mean I want to see genuinely elegant stuff, both masc & fem. I want fancy HD suit models and truly classy gowns. I want them to have texture/3D elements that make it so they don’t just look painted onto our bodies—but I don’t want those 3D elements to be big bulky armor-looking things (I’m looking at you and your hip plates, new Lunar Festival transmog set).

I want them to be delicate and refined, like 3D pocket watches, 3D collars, 3D cravats, 3D coattails… 3D bustles, corsets with 3D laces, 3D jewelry… etc etc. Give us 3D clothing folds! Give us (gasp) hats that can be worn over hair! (Obviously no matter how a hat is designed, some hairstyles will clip through regardless, but let players make that choice!)


I think you’re just forgeting the entire rest of the transmog offered by the game content itself…
Trade posting stuff is not even 1% of all transmog of the game and never will be.