Did people forget what the Trading Post is supposed to be for?

I’ve been mostly getting transmogs for my alts like the bikini tops, sarongs, shorts & leggings. Some of them are really nice. I don’t see them dropping anywhere in game.

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Nothing is being excluded. Unless you’re trying to tell me that you’ve never seen characters in masks or boots or on moth mounts in this game.

Exactly what part of what you posted says anything about the items from the trading post not looking like items we can get from other content? All it actually says is that the items are not “limited to current content”. Items from raids and dungeons are and have been fair game. You are just projecting what you want the Trading post to be about not at all what Blizzard said they want it to be about.

Exactly what is “creative” about 2 months of nothing but pink hearts and purple butterflies?

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You forgot pvp, regular dungeons, track gear and quest sets.

The guy plays classic, maybe he doesn’t play at all, playing dumb or has a serious case of amnesia.

It’s too bad those jet packs aren’t mounts.

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From what I have seen lately. The trading post is for adding some of the dumbest
looking mogs and mounts, to the game. Of course this is only my opinion.
But if that is what the trading post is for. They have been doing a fantastic job.

That’s not what I’m saying. I am responding to OP, who seems to think that Blizzard intended the Trading Post to be exclusively for the “fun and creative options”.
I just disagree with her interpretation of what Blizzard said.
I think there is room for both boring recolors and “creative options”.

And we’ve gotten both. Almost every month we get both. We got both this month, too, with the hoods and masks and boots. No one said we don’t.

It’s the people who refuse to acknowledge that this is a creative outlet for fun and silly that the OP is addressing. They’re pointing out the part everyone either forgot or ignored. That’s all.


I never said that we aren’t getting both, and I am not complaining about the current state of the Trading Post.

This is her interpretation of what Blizzard has intended for the TP. That the TP is not for things you could “normally get by just playing the game” (or look like it), and that it would be “silly” to ask for such things.
I disagree. I don’t think that is Blizzards intent, based the many recolors we have gotten. I also disagree that is it silly to ask for things you like, whether you like butterflies or vrykul.

No, that’s Flower pointing out to others the PORTION of the quote that she wanted to emphasize for those who can’t comprehend why we’re getting silly, cute and fun things.

I think it’s fine to ask for things. I don’t think it’s fine to pull out the toxicity some have.