Thank you for this. Yes, people need to be reminded the whole point of the Trading Post. That’s been obvious for many months now.
We tried to explain but they just didn’t listen.
Think I see it, Mindboost Scholar Regalia. Looks like a perfect fit!
I was gonna get sprayed with a spray bottle for trying to explain it…
That sounds fun, I didn’t see these data mined items.
You, sir or madam, are a person of taste.
I’d give you another upvotes if I could
Do you like purple? I saw wowhead post about how to obtain a purple shirt in Undermine.
Yes, for sure!
I bought 2 of the short skirts last month and haven’t tested it yet but I hope all the short skirts so what they did with this witch’s outfit. At least on my Blood Elf there are matching panties that actually show.
I’d be fine with the Butterfly stuff if they’d actually, you know… Given us a full set. Instead we get Helm/Shoulders/Belt that doesn’t really match much else.
I have dug it up!
About half way down legit Ninja Turtle shells. They’re not completely sure it comes from the trading post.
Here’s the gnome one. I think they believe these will be on the post.
Yeah this is how I feel when they have skirts. I’m like okay… where’s the rest of it?
I imagine playing a plate/mail class the creativity is limited when trying to make it match.
My Draenei DK is going to have a hot girl summer
The gnome outfit with the mushroom shoulders are really cute.
i always gotta get my skirts. i love the skirts. wish they’d fix em for earthen tho, thats really holding back my desire to play as my rock girls
The red and yellow skirts were a great add, can’t wait for more.
you took what i said out of context.
laziness is reusing the same 4 things over and over and not maintaining the trading post as if it was the evergreen feature they said it was.
keep it up, ill get that newspaper!
I’m not afraid of the newspaper, I’m a frost mage. My magic makes newspaper a non-issue. nod
There should be no cap on currency I get for completing tasks for Trading Post.
Yes!!! This!!!
I am so tired of it capping while I still complete stuff that should give me tender.
I will check that out, thank you!
I would love to see outfits that fit more of the open world. I know a lot of people love to role-play, so things like farmers, blacksmith’s, chefs, etc.
Let’s add some every day flavor that doesn’t have to look like champion gear. I would love to see things like cowboy hats or berets. I’d love to see garden tools like shovels and hoes. maybe we could do up an entire series of different styles of glasses and sunglasses that actually look really cool.
I’d also love a series of travelers backpacks with or without bed rolls. Maybe different outfits for fisherman or noodle chefs, or even dragon trainers. Every NPC in this game has a very unique look based on whatever their profession might be so maybe we could start getting outfits based on professions as well.
I also noticed that some of the storm wind guards aren’t necessarily in full knight gear, and have some very basic loose fitting clothing. Something like that for each major race would be cool. Like everyday wear instead of armor.
I really loved the shado pan set from MOP but when you first play a monk, they have very relaxed fitting clothes that we never get to use as player characters. i’d also like to see some really great walking sticks and not just a little curled branches. It would be nice to add those and maybe have a little animation that goes with them so that it looks like you’re actually using a walking stick.
Roleplay is such a huge part of this game and yet everything they seem to do is either frilly and silly or overly complicated champion gear. Maybe they should just go back and watch their own movie from 2016 and look at what the towns people were wearing and give us something like that.