Did not receive mount reward for completing trading post tasks

Same here - got 1000/1000 last night and no mount and chest was unlootable. Logged on today and the chest is still not able to be looted and no mount has been rewarded.

and not a peep from the devs about this. wonder what we actually pay for?


Same here. The mount isn’t even in the Mount Journal as not obtained.

Logged out for an entire night after encountering this bug as well woke up today and still have no mount or quest


Completed the trading spot but it says “you have collected all rewards for this month” and no mount…


I hit 1000 and cant loot the chest at all, I hope this goes better than the twitch ram drop I still dont have like come on devs

Logged out for an hour & came back. No mount & now all my coin is gone too. Twitch drop never showed up either.

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The same for me, it doesn’t show the achievement for the 12-month thing done either.

+1 to this exact issue.

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Same issue as well - Finished travel log, open chest and 400 coins no mount.

Same issue here. I got the quest as soon as I reached 1000/1000, it told me to loot the chest and I only got currency from it, no mount.

Edit: I was able to open the chest again last night, received 400 coins and the mount.

good times!

Just finished log, no coins, no mount, chest just opens and nothing happens.

After finding some of the Traveler’s Log items just will not move the needle forward, I found the right combo of achieves to complete the Log. But the chest is not interactable, and I have no mount. Yes, I looked in the Mounts tab. No, it’s not there.

Considering the number of hours the game’s been down for maintenance lately, I would have thought this would be working properly.

Same thing here… kinda frustrating, and my husband is experiencing the same thing as well. I’ve put in a ticket…

The chest isn’t even interactable for me.

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Went to submit a ticket in-game and it’s now got a default reply:

" We have received several reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. We apologize for any inconvenience while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.

If you discover a new issue, please submit a new [Bug report]."

So, at least they’re aware?


Atleast they are aware, found this when i went to put in a ticket.


Updated: 14 hours ago

Article ID: 331159

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* I filled up my Traveler’s Log bar, but didn’t get the mount

  • I got 1000 points but no mount
  • When I click on the cache it opens but I’m not getting anything

We have received several reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. We apologize for any inconvenience while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.

Note: Bugs submitted in-game do not receive a personal response. Instead, they’ll be directed to the teams responsible for addressing them.


Same here. 1000/1000, no mount in the chest. =/

Same here. Please fix ASAP, this is urgent, trust me more and more people will start complaining


Ditto. I logged out and back in and am now 0/1000. WTF Blizz!

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