Did Elune save Tyrande?

I got that impression too.

I think it’s possible that Sylvanas was given information about Elune from Xalatath. She refered the Elune as “the greatest enemy” so if Xalatath was working with Sylvanas in BfA, it’s possible she shared that information with her.

I personally think Sylvanas provoked Tyrande to become the Night Warrior for her own ends, but like you said, that may be entirely fan bias.

I think Blizzard would’ve shown that within the cinematic though. Similar to the Archon waving her hand when Anduin took her sigil, to show she didn’t die.

Also, I doubt the Jailer really cares much for Slyvanas at this point, seeing how she is being “defeated” in the raid, it seems he could’ve just as easily used Anduin in her place. (Or any number of “big bads” saved for 9.2…cough arthas cough)

Additionally, Slyvanas says “She denies you victory” eluding that this is purely Elune’s doing (fault).

Edit: However, there really isn’t any evidence to state that the Jailer didn’t attack Elune at the same time.

Maybe Elune needs to meditate when she transfers her powers to a Night Warrior, but the Jailer knew this and attacked her Grove, resulting in her presence needed elsewhere. ¯ \ _ ( ツ)_/¯

She may also be referring to Christie Golden.


To soon to tell, IMO. Either it was a lesson from Elune in the cost of being obsessed with vengeance that will save her in the end, or she will get salty about being abandoned by Elune.

I still cannot wrap my head around this thought process.

How is Slyvanas still not a threat??? Tyrande is willing to give her life to not only find justice for those who died at Teldrasill, but to also stop countless more from dying by Slyvanas’ hand in the future…

Any other character who would do this would get a statue made of them and put at the entrance of Stormwind…

Why is that portion always over looked? Slyvanas isn’t stripped of all her powers sitting in a cold dark cell and Tyrande just walks over and kills her for revenge.


The edge is so strong with this comment I could almost feel my eyeballs being cut.


This is why every vEnGeAnCe iS bAd narrative in WoW falls flat on its face.

Letting omni-Hitler walk free is not more moral than giving his victims a small measure of retribution.


“summarize this topic”

I think the first sentence already did.

Most Heroes tales are almost always tragic.

Kael’thas springs to mind here.

Illidan springs to mind here.

I can agree with this. Here is a thought. What if it is not Elune’s power that was fading, but Tyrande’s? Sylvanas seemed to know exactly when she ran out of gas, almost down to the exact second.
Is it because she can gauge Elune’s power and limits, or Tyrande’s lifeforce, and limits? Is the Goddess power running out, or is the living vessel holding said power starting to erode?

Maybe as many times as it is needed, for those people to get it through their heads, that their Goddess isn’t going to handle all their issues for them, or allow them to get away with acting like idiots?
Elune can’t solve all of their issues, and shouldn’t have to either, example:
Night Elf #1 “Oh look our giant treehouse is on fire”
Night Elf #2 “It’s fine, Elune will put it out.”
Night Elf #1 “Yeah thats true, we’re untouchable with her around.”
Elune puts Night Elves on mass call block.

What about the Fall of Quel’thalas, or the Burning of Stratholme?

Or it could be a secret Save the Universe master plan, like what Illidan was doing.

Well the true motivation behind any critic is that they want their own fanfic bought, and published, for a million bucks…so. :man_shrugging:

And what would that redemption entail? Who are you to define what redemption is, and to who?
Was redemption for Illidan, becoming a Priest or a Druid, rather than a Demon Hunter? Was redemption for the Draenei, rejoining the Manari and serving the Legion? Is redemption for all of the undead to be burned, skewered, torn apart and slaughtered in every possible way? Is redemption for the Orcs to all become Lightbound under Xe’ra, and Yrel?

I suspect Maiev myself.

The player had only the option to play the perpetrator of both events, and in an RTS format, which is different from being made to play the victim in an MMORPG with the attendant character investment that RTS games are not geared to cultivate.

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Do you want everyone to become human? Or titanium-born? After all, only they did not have problems because of their own culture.
Stop. What does culture have to do with it. The Horde burned Teldrassil!

I mean, the idea that the Night Elves just passively sat back and waited for Elune to do something is wrong, but I guess we shouldn’t let that get in the way of a disingenuous attack.

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The point is that, they are no less horrific than if not more so than the Burning of Teldrassil.
And if we are discussing horrific atrocities, and how much damage they caused, the Night elves are not innocent either, as evidenced by the events of the War of the Ancients, and the Sundering. How many died because of the Night Elf species actions there?
The player experience is different for everyone, so everyone can have a different opinion, I’m not begrudging you that.
However don’t expect your standard of what is horrible, to speak as a universal standard for everyone else.
Yeah Night Elves got it bad right now, but they are not first, nor will they be the last to get hurt so badly either. Compared to many others, they did get off relatively easy.

I think you missed the actual point of my post there. Rez made it sound like Elune is just stomping on the Night Elves by not solving their problems for them, so I responded to that with a very particular response. Maybe Elune wants the Night Elves to grow some backbone, and develop some common sense?

Common sense assumes that the world is flat.

But that defeats the whole point of the Night Warrior narrative. The Night Warrior is a “bargain” as described in this very cinematic, with Elune to use her power to achieve a goal.

Why have the Night Warrior even be a thing AT ALL if she doesn’t want to help her followers?

Her randomly removing said power, before Tyrande reached her goal is a form of “stomping on Night Elves.”

Even Slyvanas calls it a "bargain"

Bargain -

an agreement between parties settling what each gives or receives in a transaction between them or what course of action or policy each pursues in respect to the other They struck a bargain to sell only to each other. Keep your side of the bargain .

The subject of “vengeance.”

Daughter of the Night Warrior - Quest
In my dreams, I see many things. Elven souls tortured in the Maw. A warrior of the night consumed by vengeance. And… Ardenweald’s destruction.

Deathwing just broke free of his prison, destroyed half the world and burned down Stormwind… maybe we should go stop him…

WHY?!?! CauSEyoU JusTwaNT VenGEaNce?!?!?!

…No… cause he’s KILLING PEOPLE.


100% in agreement.

Frankly, that cinematic is a narrative disaster… between Elune power battery literally getting disconnected at rando and Tyrande “asphixiating” an UNDEAD who doesn´t need no breath to exists, one can´t tell up from down.


She did, yes.

That doesn’t make the way they went about it in the cinematic any less unsatisfying.

I’d rather Sylvanas got away because Tyrande got distracted going out of control from Elune’s power than Elune deciding that exact moment was too far. Or she banshee formed away to escape like she does 15 seconds later when Ysera shows up to roar at her and not actually do anything.

Tyrande “winning” in the 1v1 doesn’t matter. It’s just two semi-powerful people just being juiced up by different deities. It says nothing about the strength of anything outside maybe Elune is stronger than the Jailer? But who even knows, Sylvanas isn’t like top tier 100% Jailer roided out like Tyrande is in that moment.

It was a stupid fanfiction moment that didn’t progress the story and ultimately didn’t matter. Which, regardless of how anybody feels about the story right now, the cinematics almost always were meant to be a high point in the story that added, addressed, or resolved something important.

This might be the first time they didn’t do that. Instead we got a DBZ fight. I guess you could argue the Nathanos one also didn’t matter much but at least Nathanos died in that one so something happened.

At best this felt like Blizzard throwing a bone to the hardcore Night Elf fans, many of whom I’m not sure even liked this cinematic? I donno. I can’t tell who this cinematic was for or what function it served. It looked and sounded amazing but narratively was awful, the worst they’ve ever done.


The same night elves that eschewed lives of opulent self-indulgence to dedicate themselves to the safeguarding of Nordrassil and the Emerald Dream?

Yes, I’m sure Elune would’ve averted a genocide had these selfish fellows shown a little more ‘common sense’.


This would prove that Elune does have pereferential treatment with the night elves, or at least Tyrande, enough to preserve her at the cost of risking much else.

He’s talking out of his butt, without making any sense. The night elves have always taken matters into their own hands. They aren’t pandaren.

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