Did Elune save Tyrande?

This is exactly the problem. Tyrande and Elune seemed to have made a pact, something Tyrande promised to the people of Telldrasil. Tyrande, indirectly or not, was willing to give her life to see Slyvanas brought to justice, to kill Slyvanas for what she did.

In the cinematic, Tyrande asked Elune for the power to kill Slyvanas, quite literally saying “my life for hers.”

Elune granting her the power to go Super Sayian was basically Elune accepting that trade, otherwise why give her the power to fly in the first place?

The cinematic could have been done better, with Tyrande on the verge of killing Slyvanas, with her 9 Valkyrie teleporting in and chaining back Tyrande.

Ysera then flies in and breaks the chains, freeing Tyrande, but Slyvanas still gets away.

Now you don’t have this wishy washy goddess who just randomly gives power, but strips it away 3 seconds later. One who has already shown she has the power to give to explode an Old God, even at the cost of said person’s life.

(Aman’thul ripping out an Old God from Azeroth, or Sargeras Splitting a planet in half, unless she isn’t a Pantheon, she should have the strength.)

The Night Elves would be heart broken, as would Malfurion, but that was the price Tyrande, and in respect, the Night Elves, were willing to pay.

Now what happens? Tyrande and the Night Elves lose all hope because their goddess not only abandon them during the Burning of Telldrasil, but now also is allowing this mass murder to get away with it.

When the goddess of the Moon has continuously abandon you, what left is there for the Night Elves?


I think there is an issue on how we in general perceive the relationship between Elune and the night elves/Tyrande. Elune is not on equal terms with Tyrande and the Kaldorei to make “pacts” or “bargains”, she wills and wonts, she is their mother and their goddess. Tyrande herself later confirms this later in the 9.1 storyline, while their people think that they need retribution, she understands that what they really need is renewal after speaking to Elune. We know now what an endless quest of vengeance and retribution results in (Sylvanas herself), so although the night elves want retribution, pursuing that at the cost of their lives is not what their mother and goddess wants from them.

This understanding is not new to Tyrande, she herself tried to comfort Kael’thas in Wc3 TFT with these words:
“I grieve for your people, Kael. But you must not allow rage and despair to poison your heart. You may yet lead your people into a brighter future.”
Kael eventually allowed rage and despair to guide him and his people, and the rest is history.

Now you may ask, then why did Elune even gave the Night warrior power on the first place? that power has let Tyrande reclaim kaldorei lands, kill a valkyr, kill nathanos and most importantly, take the night elven souls out of torghast, the winter queen and elune say that these souls have a role to play on ardenweald, but we dont know what is it yet.

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We are all pawns of greater cosmic forces…to think we actually matter in the scheme of things is laughable. Elune has had many Night Warriors before Tyrande and they all suffered greatly for their devotion.

Tyrande is not anything special. Elune just denied her her greatest desire…to prolong her agony it appears. Justice was literally in her grasp and Elune denied her…again.

It’s quite clear that Elune is not who we thought she was…

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There a elune cinematic in a few weeks

This has been discussed before in other threads, but it usually comes down to “justice” more so than retribition.

It’s similar to the Thereamore story line with Jania and Garrosh. Jania and now Tyrande are forced to sit on the side lines while the person who slaughtered their home walks away.

Night Elves (the players) want Justice.

I argue that Elune denning them that causes them to lose even more hope. How many times can you allow villains to get away with these things before it becomes a sign.

See, this never hold weight for me because the other Night Warriors who were given the power to defeat their enemies.

Even as you mention, she was given the power to kill a valkyrie and Nathanos, but not Slyvanas? Is there a kill limit? It’s ok to kill Nathanos with this power, but not Slyvanas?

It’s okay to give Thiernax the power to kill an Old God, but not Slyvanas? What makes the Old God different than Slyvanas?

Thiernax: Old God attacked my city, killed 3/4th my people and is planning to kill the rest of my planet in the name of the Void, please help.

Elune: Np, bro.

Tyrande: Slyvanas attacked my city, killed 3/4th my people and is planning to kill the rest of my planet in the name of the Death, please help.

Elune: Nah, you good.


I think she does though (lost Nathanos). Or rather, she will.
Also Jaina.

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And the worst part is that if Elune trully depowered Tyrande to avoid her death then why did she returned the power later? After all we still have to save Tyrande from dying in the next chapter.


This is disingenuous.

Who’s saying that the power isn’t keeping her alive? And the reason she passed out wasn’t from the sudden withdrawal.




My immediate reaction was that when Tyrande said “my life for hers” and all that, that it was her agreeing to channel the entirety of the Night Warrior power into a quick few-second burst of power (star rocket go vroom), but it ended up consuming all the power before she finished the job.

Which would work… if there were some awesome explosions and effects to make it look like a real and scary power boost, rather than just a hilarious looking rocket blast off.

So I guess I have no idea what’s going on. I feel like we’re missing something, like maybe Elune is distracted in some kind of cosmic battle or something, who knows.

EDIT: oh and also, Blizzard’s ongoing Tyran-DUH pronouncing is a blight on this game, and it needs to stop.

Again, I keep going back to this, you have the power to Explode an old god, but all your power gets used up when preforming a double jump? Seems pretty sketch.

Also, in that moment, when she called upon Elune to give her to power of Team Rocket and blast off into space, why didn’t Elune just say no then?

Slyvanas would have still gotten away. Anduin would have still gotten the Key, nothing would have changed.


All I see is Tyrande asking Elune for power. Elunes gives Tyrande power and the next second it all vanishes.
We are left with a couple options:
1.- Elune is bipolar and can’t decide what to do
2.- The Night Warrior power is useless because all it manages to kill is its owner

Either way putting aside a fancy cutscene we are left with another blow to night elves. As always it’s all bark and no bite.

Of course we’ll have to wait and see what comes out of those next quests but after all these years I have little to no faith.


Which I agreed to in the immediate next sentence, are you blind? Jesus christ, you people are psychotic.

Its almost like The Night Elves are getting the hard lesson on relying on greater forces to pave their future is a bad idea.

Then again, Velen and the Draenei went through a similar experience. Genocide and all.

Tyrande and her Night Elves with Elune
Velen and his Draenei with the Light.

“Sometimes, you have to force the hand of fate.” ~ Illidan

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The living population right now has no idea of what’s going on in the Shadowlands. The last they heard of the Night Warrior was her getting ahead of Nathanos.

The adventurers in the Shadowlands are supposed to be made of sterner stuff.

It’s almost like we NE players are being punished by the devs for liking this race.


couldnt the Draenei players say the same? I mean there is a freakin highway going to the Dark Portal in Outlands made from Draenei bones…


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If they had to play through that event, yes.

But they didn’t.


So…just b/c we didn’t personally witness it, then its not as bad as the burning of Teldrassil?..


Yes. In fact I overheard their insidious punishment scheme.

  1. We will introduce new cool hyppogryph mount for the players who go through the War of Thorns storyline.

  2. We will create the best looking cloth, mail, and plate battlefield armor sets making sure to give them a Night Elf theme.

  3. We will give them an epic Alamo style defense story.

That’ll show them!"

Were you expecting the story to end and be resolved in Ardenweald? The opening in world cinematics are exposition, not resolution.

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