Did anyone see what happened to Odyn coming?

Given the amount of bad faith and people being deliberately obtuse on these forums, it is often necessary.

Meeting bad faith with good faith never gets anywhere around here so you gotta be blunt sometimes.

Most of the “discussions” around here are people deliberately missing the point and complaining about the game without reading any of the text or engaging with it in a sincere way.


I mean, there’s a clear difference between giving the dragons aspectral powers (is aspectral even a word?) and whatever deal Odyn had with his dragons (which was almost certainly a departure to what we originally knew about the storm drakes in Legion).

To a certain extent, Odyn was right to believe that the dragons couldn’t be trusted with such power as 4 out of the 5 aspects turned heel at some point (even Ysera dabbled briefly as a baddie in Legion). Although this stance is hypocritical since Odyn ignores the Titan Keepers own track record (which isn’t all that much better).

Aspectral is not a word and it drives me slightly crazy every time they use it in-game lol

They really could have just said Aspect Powers and it would have been totally fine.

But yeah, at the end of the day Odyn is a pretty huge hypocrite in /several/ circumstances so I can’t say I felt all that bad popping his bubble with the Thorignir.

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Stormdrakes baffle me because they have the anatomic structure of “ordered dragons” but have elemental powers, don’t belong to any flight and from what i gather can’t have visages and have not been cause by anything besides just good old nature taking its course.

It also bothers me how cloud serpents are not related to dragons at all? But thats a completely off topic tangent.

Sounds like an excuse just to be rude and not apologize when called out. This is a simple low-stakes discussion.


Vyranoth was a villain until recently, despite having a good justification for it, being linked to an organization that caused a lot of harm to innocent people. Her sudden change of sides doesn’t erase her past actions and she should at least be walking alongside us with her head bowed.


All this is what you get when writers and fans base morality in a story on “which character do I like more?” The thought process all too often goes;

“Who do I like more/dislike less, Odyn or Vyranoth? I dislike Vyranoth less, so seeing her hurt Odyn is awesome, doesn’t matter if Vyranoth is just as bad or even worse.”

“Who do I like more/dislike less, Sylvanas or Genn? If I’m Alliance, the latter, if I’m Horde, the former. Doesn’t matter what they’ve done later or to who?”

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In Legion I was forced to walk alongside Illidan and in Shadowlands alongside Sylvanas.

Sometimes I wonder if Blizzard sees our characters as heroes or henchmen.

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Those two are particularly bad creators’ pets. Personally, I’d be happy if we never saw those 90’s comic wannabes again.

While there are good things, the problem is the story preys on fanboyism and nostalgia too much. Writers and the fans who enable them have created an abusive relationship of dependence on the same characters as heroes and villains, hence the story literally bending over backwards to whitewash Sylvanas and Illidan or keep using the same villains over and over.

The cycle needs to break.

We are murder hobos.


Having just done this quest, I got the impression that we arrived as Wrathion was purposefully riling Vyranoth up. I mean she even says that to him as we head to confront Odin. Wrathion was clearly trying to manipulate her into helping him recruit the Stom Dragons.

And seeing as how Odin represents the Titans, and therefore Order, Vyranoth would of course be opposed to them ‘enslaving’ dragons, as she sees it.

So really wrathion dangled a piece of meat over an alligator, knowing how they would react. She would want to take care of it immediately, no time to talk or consult the Aspects on it.


Yeah, Wrathion pretty much provoked the thing, you can even ask him: What did you tell her? And he will reply basically admitting he is setting up her to fight him.


Havi was a good character. It’s hard to reconcile that he and Odyn are the same person.


It’s odd to me that people think Odyn has ever protected anything, or has any official capacity or jurisdiction over Azeroth from any perspective. He doesn’t work for the Titans anymore.

The guy is a treasonous traitor, having abandoned his duties as Prime Designate when every other Keeper called him out for being irrational. He’s literally a rogue agent, who went AWOL from his military post and established himself as a an independent local warlord. Put that into a real-world context! I’d be shocked if the Titans didn’t just execute him for treason if they returned.

Forget morality: he’s an unhinged escaped criminal in the society of Order. He doesn’t actually have any authority anymore, he’s literally just some random construct who talks like a crazy person!


And that opening in the position allowed Yogg-saron to use it to his advantage.

Actually that is an interesting what if scenario. What if Odyn never abandoned his position. Would Yogg-saron still try to manipulate one of the other keepers or would it still be Loken and his lust for Sif?

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Did he really need to do much to rile her up?

I mean, her whole thing in going primalist originally was the titans messing with the dragon eggs. And a jerk of a titan keeper messing with dragons after throwing a hissy fit about them, and basically making them his servants. You probably could have flatly told her the facts in the most Odyn friendly way and it’d get her angry.


I thought there was never any indication in prior lore that the Stormdrakes were being held against their will. Out of all the things to criticize Odyn for the quest felt contrived.

I cant take Vyranoth seriously. Has she ever condemned the void? It has a track record of enslaving the dragons and the elements. The void also being the reason for the aspects’ creation is also ironic.

The impression I got was that she defected because Fyrakk was becoming unstable. But the notion of Void empowerment doesn’t seem to bother her like arcane-enhanced dragons.

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In a round-a-bout way yes. Considering what it did to Fyrakk.


I get what you mean and I don’t disagree.
But my point was that the main reason for her defection was Fyrakk acting erratic- not that he embraced another magic domain.

I mean he did protect Azeroth from the elemental lords/Old Gods. He took down Ragnaros with Tyr.