Did anyone see what happened to Odyn coming?

Problem with stuff like this is that if you’re gonna taunt the player about the choices they make, you have to let them make those choices on their own and then catch them on it afterwards.

Given how WoW works, that would fall absolutely flat given how we just follow ! marks for exp and rewards because that’s the game loop. Mocking them for effectively following the game loop is just cheap heat.

Warcraft doesn’t really do Greys well in general.

For an example: The Cosmological Logic of Light Vs Dark would hold that they are forces in Opposition. Yet while we have a clear sliding scale where Too Much Light can make You Cookoo For Cocopuffs for the Naaru, any amount of Darkness is treated as a risk.

It’s been one of my biggest gripes with WoW’s Setting since the broached the whole concept. If you’re gonna have that scale, it needs to balance out!

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Last I checked we didn’t forgive Helya and I was rooting for the Primus kicking her mid rant. So before anyone goes “this is cringe, she is just a girlboss” well SL did it as well with the genders reversed.


(Late reply because i fell asleep but idc)

Nope, not a joke. And the Titans are apathetic to the fate of the mortal races… since when? If they were really apathetic, they would have all just followed Sargeras’s plan of destroying every planet when he proposed it: Re-origination has always been an option, and they’ve never used it. Hell, they even keep a record of mortal history.

Not even their keepers and other servants are apathetic, Thorim fell in love with a vrykul woman, Freya was responsible for the wild gods, I can go on.


They never used it on Azeroth you mean. Because the Alagon fight in Ulduar even he says the titans purged untold millions of lives


yep, the direct quote is “a million-million lives wasted” and yet there’s people calling it crazy and lore-breaking that the titans maybe aren’t good guys.

Personally I always hated the idea of Order (and Light in a lesser sense) being the ultimate good of the universe and can’t wait to break free of their machinations completely


The big question for me is, whether Blizz thought they were writing Odin as a heroic figure and were just blind to how awful the things he did were, until Blizz saw the feedback. Or whether they intended this sort of thing all along.

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Odyn literally killed Helya and brought her back as an undead servant. In no way is any perception of this being horrible “overblown.” And we have it from Algalon’s own mouth that he reoriginated countless worlds in the Titan’s name. So, since Wrath.

To be fair, the instances of “Light bad” Seem to be down to individual Naaru’s and not the overall light itself being sinister. Xe’ra and whoever the Light Mother is on AU Draenor are likely acting of their own volition. We’ve never seen the Light as a whole acting in a sinister manner the same way the Titans clearly have in the past.


He isn’t morally grey, he’s an evil character who has been smart enough to stay on our good side due to mutual interests. I’m beginning to wonder if people here just never read Chronicle.
Oh, who am I kidding, plenty of you don’t read the novels and certainly never read chronicle.


The whole point of the Halls of Valor is to get to the end and fight Odyn. So he should be proud.

It was powerfully lame, though. I don’t love Odyn but he never once schemed to have me purged from existance for being a titan-spawned abomination.


The entire questline was worded like egregiously bad tumblr wish fufillment fan fiction. I appreciate that odyn tows the line between good and bad and even see that he is a villain. But to do it in a way thats just so… lame. Was really bad. This questline was the worst questline i have ever played in wow and thats not even an exaggeration. It was every problem with the current writers but blatant. The fact that Vyranoth has been “good” for all of a couple months and giving lectures about retconned oppression of the storm drakes is even worse. The fact that there was no dialogue option to be like “uhhh how about no?” Even for warrior players about having to mount an assault on their class hall.

The part where she gets to talk down the val’kyr with fifteen seconds of dialogue. Its soooo bad.

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You want bad tumblr level wish fulfillment fan fiction, try watching Illidan’s story in Legion.

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Protector? Hah! Always thought the oversized blowhard needed to be taken down a peg or three.


Odyn is more hinderance than help. We should have finished him off


But did the Aspects know that?

Titans are now going to be villains looking to ‘take’ Azeroth as a new titan, this was the one of the first tip offs but the Aspects all becoming re-invigorated by Azeroth instead of the Titans as before was another setup for payoff during the World Soul Saga when they are needed to stand up against the Titans.

Odyn’s the Titan Prime Designate, so this was an opening salvo of what’s to come.

but this was really hamfisted writing and Vyranoth’s whole screed was out of the blue and the ending revenge unearned and only ‘right’ if you once again accept the terrible unreliable narrator trope of including our own personal history with Odyn now reframed in Vyranoth’s New Truth of slavery and oppression.

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I mean, Odyn has always been a hypocrite and kind of a dick. People have already outlined the many reasons why in this thread. If you choose to remain ignorant of it, that’s on you.

It isn’t a retcon. Odyn has been throwing hissy fits when he doesn’t get his way since before the Dawn of the Aspects.

Dragons are unworthy protectors of Azeroth? Oh, but I want to have a bunch of my own dragons oathbound to me and my favorite people. Uh. No reason. Still not worthy protectors tho!!!1

Vyranoth was right. How much more does it need to be spelled out for you?


Kinda a rude way of responding

I want to see the dialogue options as a warrior when I get there, but honestly, Odyn had it coming.

Alao, this whole questline really sold me on vyranoth, i can’t describe why exactly, but she seems to hold very lawful ideals in a sense, and I like that, she even acts motherly towards whelps.


She’s even better in the book. After reading the novel, it actually gave me a whole new perspective on the expansion itself, which I’m enjoying on my Druid


One of the great tragedies of Dragonflight is the book got delayed so long. If it had come out as intended it would of helped sell the expac’s concepts so much.