Starting 25 new threads a day isn’t helping, AND it’s against the forum guidelines.
So they’re going to get closed, deleted, unlisted, moved to the Off Topic: Games, Gaming and Hardware forum where it belongs.
Starting 25 new threads a day isn’t helping, AND it’s against the forum guidelines.
So they’re going to get closed, deleted, unlisted, moved to the Off Topic: Games, Gaming and Hardware forum where it belongs.
I thought asmon said he was only playing the ashes mmo from now on because it was the best ever. Guess that didn’t last long. Don’t think this will either.
Ashes isn’t out yet…
I’ve not started the first thread.
Plus you didn’t answer my question on how to have an actual discussion.
I play FF14 like once a year for maybe 2 or 3 weeks and quit. Too much dialogue and people complain about the systems WoW has? FF14 systems are convoluted and confusing. Hell their raids is like what 2 or 3 boss rooms if that? Doing dungeons in FF14 feels like I’m playing a 2003 DnD game visually and mechanically.
How to have a discussion? People need to be less emotional and state their criticism of WoW, or their comparison of the two games fairly, calmly and in good faith.
That’s a good starting point. Otherwise people will rightfully dismiss the post as hate or whining.
I wish that was a live video feed of mods defeating forum trolls.
Thats part of why I got excited with E3. The pixel remaster will kill my downtime after we clear raid a few times if it comes out in time.
I would totally watch that.
Come back June 29th and see if people are still playing FF.
I’m hoping the remaster is good. It looks promising.
I mean it’s got one of, if not the best personal house building of any online game I’ve seen, relevant crafting, survival aspects.
But again, it’s fallout, more akin to fallout 4, but online.
Really would recommend playing Fo3,NV, and 4 before jumping into 76, otherwise your not really gonna know half the references, or even the style of what your getting yourself into
Blizzard doesn’t need to do anything for asmon lol. Asmon already has over 1400 days played on wow across retail and classic… he will NEVER quit wow. It’s his main game and a part of his life just like many of us.
FF on the other hand, of course they’re being friendly with Asmon. They know he has a huge viewer base on twitch and an even bigger viewer base on his YouTube twitch clip account. So if they get him to play then that’s MASSIVE advertisement for FF14.
he plays wow every day lol theirs nothing blizzard could do to get more players from his streams aside from make the game good so he stops complaining about it.
hardly a ‘last straw’
just temporarily in 2nd place for a while, but only in active players
in revenue wow still utterly dominates but maybe ff14 will break its economy by selling its currency in the cash shop for the sole purpose of greed
If I’ve learned anything from the countless FF14 fanbois and girls that insist on sitting on the WoW forums all day instead of playing FF14, it’s that the devs care so much about the game, any form of toxicity is simply not allowed. They’ll just ban you outright!
So, not sure why they’d be inviting Asmon and his ghouls over… They will all be banned pretty quickly lol.
The best part is it’s not just that. They don’t officially support addons so while you can get a dps meter calling people out for being low is an easy ban. WoWs more casual fanbase would be fine the toxic ones won’t last.
FFXIV is a fun game if you can get over the cringe style and look of some stuff. ARR content is a total snooze fest but rapidly improves past 60.
Its all do it once story campaign then grind dungeons and craft. Crafting is good and the dungeons are memorable.
Its a decent game. Its not a good alternative to wow, its too much the same stuff. Slog through some content, do sweaty dungeons and raids, spam crafting…and housing i guess.
I do believe that SE is the better MMORPG developer. They have a far better relationship with the community. They seem to do things that excite and make the community happy, and lack this Blizzard style authoritarian parent approach to their community. “no you cant have flying yet it will spoil your dinner”
Realistically if your burned out on wow, FFXIV will only be a slight improvement due to new and shiny, your still burned out on that type of game you just dont realize how similar it really is until you are grinding dungeons on an alt class and youve already watched the cut scenes on your first playthrough ect.
Even that is highly questionable. The numbers putting FF14 above WoW active players did not look at all correct compared to the census data.
Some of them sure. But the last time I checked 14 has 7k viewers while WoW has 40k. So the big ones did but theres plenty of smaller streamers with viewers.