Did all WoW streamers left for FF?

hey man if tunnel vision emotionally attached people can’t play 2 games or at least try a better MMO than it’s their lost. WoW abusing the whales while not giving a S*** should have already make you stop playing

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Fallout76 is a better mmo the FF


I should try it too! how is it compared to wow ?

People should try other MMO and see for themselves the quality out there.

Rando troll posts about FF14 from Classic alts seems to be a new trend.

I just wish they were more entertaining instead of all posting the same tired things.
It’s either about streamers or content releases… at least come up with new material.

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they should really forbid classic characters from posting here at all

Dude you’re trying too hard.

Unlike you, I can go play other games without the need to troll the wow forums on zero post Alts.

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I’d like to see both FFXIV and WoW thrive. There was a time where they’d have interactions on Twitter and it was pretty glorious. I don’t understand why it has to be a “one or the other” mentality.

I play FFXIV when I don’t have anything to do in WoW. I play WoW when I don’t have anything to do in FFXIV. They’re such different games. But they could certainly learn from each other and continue growing.

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I was saying it jokingly…


I just notice you are talking in the same FF threads I do. Please I am not one of them!

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yeah, i played both when i had the free time to do that kind of thing. nothing bad happened to my pc if i played them both in the same day!

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I bet WoW streamers will come back for 9.1. But it’s great that there’s another popular game for them to play when “running the same 8 dungeons” gets old.

I play FF4 when I’m bored. There is a great randomizer and community for it.
But I don’t make daily threads trying to push it on everyone here because I’m not crazy.


Ok, gotcha. I apologize if I didn’t catch that.

I’m all for people discussing wow vs FF, just sick of the spam and trolling over the topic.

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Tried it and found it so boring I never got past lv 30

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How could a discussion happen? On one side you have people (like me right now) saying FF is just plain better than wow (and I’ve listed many reasons in a discussion like manner). Then the other side is the very second FF gets mentioned you have these rabid wow fanbois that jump down anyone’s throat that doesn’t say wow is the greatest MMO and nothing is wrong with it.

So how can a discussion be possible?

Competition is a good thing. Maybe WoW will get it’s act together

First thing is to fire Ion

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Because its a better game.

I think FFXIV sucks to stream and to watch a stream of, but it’s definitely more fun to play.

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Well seeing as FF14 has still no streaming presence – gonna say no on that.

That’s not really you trying to have a discussion.
You’re stating your opinion as if it was a fact leaves little room to discuss anything.
Obviously people on the opposite end are doing the same thing.

Most of us are in the middle but nobody notices because we aren’t ranting and raving about anything so the lack of controversy gets ignored.


C’mon, man. You gotta troll better than that. We all know as soon as there is any reason at all to come back to WoW, every single one of those people will be there. At the end of June, none of those people will have a FF sub (unless they had one before all of this). They’re bored. They’re just waiting for something to do in WoW.
