Did all WoW streamers left for FF?

I just opened Twitch and I see AnnieFuschia, Towelliee and Luxthos, did the streamers switch to FF14 ?

Asmon is doing FF video on youtube and Belluar too.

I have never seen that in my life since CATA, FF14 has more viewers on twitch than WoW retail… HOW ?


we can only hope!


I’m no marketing expert but blizzard may want to reconsider its no-contact policy with Asmon given ffXIV is writing him open love letters on Twitter


HOW? Do all these FF posts come from people with zero posts!?


K I am better. How’s your Friday?


who cares? its not like they are signed to only play wow


TBH we should thank the big streamers for putting pressure on Blizzard to get their sht together.


Because it’s one kid logging into every alt on his account


Facts and logic have no place here!

But yeah, I just wish they’d stop moving it all to spam and start some vacations.

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Do you really think it will ? It seems WoW is on the last straw before they unplug the sh** show going on.

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Hopefully blizz makes some changes and gets some new broad minded devs.


Yet another FF thread by a toon that just posted for the first time.

Couldn’t decide whether to report as spam or trolling.


Really it would be better for them to play multiple games rather than sticking with just one. It’s a great way to gain new viewers. I personally don’t watch streamers(I’ll sometimes check out their youtube videos), but I think it would be wise to play more than just WoW.


i dont think streamers applying pressure to Blizzard will actually work in regards to getting Blizz to fix WoW.

But, its good to see the initiative taken to do what they believe is right.
And its okay if WoW dies as a result.
The sooner we can move on to someting else, from a game that was dying anyways.


and it’s a classic toon too! double whammy!

they just waiting for when Raiding starts.

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Fancy seeing you here again…

Come for your daily dose of “only my opinions matter” too? The usual suspects haven’t appeared here yet. But I hear if you post it they will come!


Interestingly enough, and only using Twitch as a barometer (which I insist is a bad measuring stick, but the OP is specifically talking about Twitch Streaming) I checked and there are currently 57.4k viewers watching WoW (mostly tbcc) and 9.7k watching FF14 - I should point out I checked this number last week, this has gone up considerably for FF14. Probably has gone up exactly because of Toweliee, AnnieFuschia etc. At that point I googled just a bog standard “why is FF14 not as popular on twitch”, the consensus was ‘it’s turboboring to watch’.

If the Bald one finally does FF14 and streams it, that will be a big day for FF14 streaming. It will probably, maybe? only be a big day. Or at most a big week.

As for Bellular, I have to imagine actually playing FF14 gives him fewer clicks than whinging about WoW.

I guess they like playing crappy games? To each their own, but Final Fantasy XIV is absolute trash.

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no… The WoW streamers are around lvl 40 so it’s boring to watch people leveling OLD content from years ago. wait t’ill they leave ARR.

FF online is all about end game PVE.

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What? There are literally forum guidelines where we are supposed to post in existing threads before starting new ones on the same topic.

Where did I give an opinion about the game? What’s with that attack anyway?

You had the exact same reaction to the OP that I did:

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