It’s worse. Stuff like what Grim and Gorrak make are much higher quality than this.
believe it or not, steve danuser wanted it. he wanted it “metal as f”
This cutscene is perfect in every way other than the animations/quality. I don’t like Garrosh, I view him as a villain. However, this scene fit his character perfectly and I would expect nothing else from Garrosh to say he has no regrets, hates everyone who stands between him and his ideals for the Horde. He hates Thrall (rightfully so) and hated that they tried to torture him into submission. He went out with a bang and I loved that scene.
I just wish they put more care into it giving how important of a character Garrosh was for 2 expansions and being a former Warchief, especially if this is truly the end and his soul was destroyed. That I feel was poorly done, but the rest was near perfection in my opinion.
Source for this?
This is hilariously true. Because I was all for it as it was going on, but hearing Garrosh yell “FOR THE HORDE” made me so much more pleased.
While not Horde and not really having an feeling about Garrosh one way of the other, that cinematic fit him. He wasn’t looking for redemption because he never thought he was wrong and everything he did was to create a stronger Horde. Now he might have been deluded but he remained true to himself even in the end.
Im surprised this slipped through the cracks at Blizzard, Kinda figured they would have turned him into a whiney soy-boy…
This was the perfect end for Garrosh, defiant and unrepentant beyond the very end.
Consider this - Garrosh’s motive, actions, and emotions are all straight forward and easily understood. They may be horrid, but they aren’t 5-D chess moves or fatalistic arguments about moral relativism.
Garrosh loves (his idea of) the Horde, Garrosh hates anyone who tries to make him submit (especially that coward Thrall), and even though it means casting himself into oblivion his last act is to avenge himself on his would be tormentors while being absolutely unrepentant about any of the ‘sins’ he committed.
It’s an absolutely refreshing take on a villain after years of goofy mystery plots and silly who-done-it’s that try to seem smart but are dumb and dull as dishwater.
It doesn’t hurt that the voice acting is so on point that the passion of the character perfectly melds with the tragic BGM to deliver a one two punch to the feels for anyone that played WoW back when we had simpler, straight forward villains.
If it was an FU to the current story from an older rogue dev, then that would be amazing. Unfortunately I kind of think it might instead be something that they did not expect the community to react to so positively as I think it was intended instead to be a way to soften the blow of removing the character from the property permanently.
Holy crap… that was the worst looking cinematic I have seen but it was indeed better than all the other ones in shadowlands or bfa.
That is incredibly weird!
But a quick point out, the cinematics using the new models in it, all the rigging is just so bad. It’s so off and nothing looks right when they are speaking. Like muppets.
It started off pretty amazing tbh. Garrosh mentioning that he would make every choice again kinda gave me chills. Though his “for the horde” seemed so random considering all that happened and its weird that they introduced his character to make his disappearance so trivial.
Like at least have garrosh beat sylvanas butt. Two rogue warchiefs dueling it out would be so great, especially considering how fanatic garrosh was. Knowing what sylvanas did to the horde would piss him off.
Patrick Seitz as Garrosh is perhaps some of the best casting Blizz has ever done.
It’s like they’re copying JJ Abrams ‘mystery box’ nonsense, yet don’t realize that actual fans of the series he reboots really, really hate him.
Ask any trekkie or true SW fan what they think of his latest work.
Yeah the animation is incredibly off, makes me wonder how it ever got past the Editorial stage but whatever… But yes the writing was much better than what blizz is currently shatting out for Sylvanas. No being controlled by a higher power, no manipulation, no regret, no redemption arc, just Garrosh being pure, primal and more importantly a believable character.
But hey, can’t wait for that Sylvanas redemption story… yeah…
Bolvar, Jaina and Thrall kicking her like that scene from Jojo would have redeemed it.
Sad that they neuter all characters or outright remove them for not being compatible with the narrative. There is no reason to keep her alive.
If we want info, the primus would know more.
In a world of 5-D chess played by monkeys, Garrosh was a completely straight forward character who wore his feelings and motives on his sleeve. By no means was he a good person, but he never pretended to be a good person. No secret plots, no ulterior motives, he made goals, he told how he would do those goals, and then he did those goals or failed trying them. He never apologized, he stood proud on all his accomplishments and failures, and even with his literal existence on the line he spits in the face of his oppressors and goes out in a blaze of glory, completely unrepentant of all he had done for good or for ill
The simplicity, paradoxically, is what makes Garrosh such a breath of fresh air, especially with such a clearly plot armor-stacked character like Sylvanas right around the corner. I can’t help but feel this cutscene may exist as some way for the story writers to be like “see? this is how it would be if Sylvanas didn’t actually repent and wasn’t redeemed!” as if they think it looks awful, but instead the entire playerbase is cheering for Garrosh
Was this actually in the game? I thought it was datamined.