This incredibly scuffed cutscene, despite having some of the worst, cheap animation rigging I have ever seen in a modern video game, has invoked far more emotions and positive reception than a single thing that has been done for World of Sylvanas.
What happened? Why is this so good? Why was he even in this expansion?
It was a better than expected send off to my favorite character.
Very biased opinion, but despite all he did in MoP and he did some pretty horrible things. Thrall essentially handed the mantle of War chief to an “orc supremacist” and said good luck and walked away. And then bad things started to happen. Weird, right?
He even asked for assistance and was basically ignored. The path could have been avoidable,
I would have loved to see Garrosh mature - not to become another Thrall or Saurfang (wouldn’t mind that though). For him to realize, that despite his honest intentions to strengthen the Horde - he was wrong.
Sadly, we won’t get that but at least he died like a Warchief should (kind of).
I’d also like to say that maybe Blizzard should take not of the direction we’ve been heading and maybe a reason for this is kind of crappy storytelling. Stop having these world ending threats where we must destroy those doing the threats. You are running out of villains.
We still have no real clue on the Jailer’s motivations/intentions. I don’t care about him. There’s no reason to. You’ve sent us to the land of the dead and we’re fighting BOTH KTs again. BOTH.
Imagine if you didn’t always kill off your characters, giving players characters they connect with.
Bald bad guy with a hole in his chest is now a bald bad guy with his WHOLE chest. Oh no! Watch out guys.
Instead of pulling on a story thread that could be used for something interesting, they just cut it off.
Fantastic. Now we’re stuck with a confused Sylvanas because our heroes inevitably pathetic notions of morality in a world where we’re suppose to be butchering each other gets in the way.
That’s a large part of why Sylvanas sucks so much as a character. She’s lasted long past her use-by date because the writers couldn’t stand the idea of Sylvanas achieving her initial vengeance and not being eternally relevant to the story anymore.
Bringing back Garrosh would have been a terrible idea for the exact reasons of why his final appearance was so compelling.
To bring him back would to have admitted he made mistakes and reconcile with Thrall at the very least, or force him to serve the Jailer.
And just like how Sylvanas with her “good half of her soul” isn’t really Sylvanas, as the audience has never actually known the “good” Sylvanas except for before she rocked up in WC3 only to immediately get killed by Arthas, a “redeemed” Garrosh would lack all the motivations and personality traits that made Garrosh a compelling character in the first place.
Garrosh was never a compelling character. His storyline in Nagrand was compelling because he was supposed to make the jump from Emo to Hero.
Instead he seems to come out of his Emo phase… and then the next time we see him he’s doucheymcdoushedgelord arguing with Saurfang (who the writers always make be correct) in Borean Tundra. He is set against an actually compelling character (Saurfang), to prove why his point of view is wrong.
He never got the chance to be a compelling good guy, because the writers “needed” an excuse to justify PVP after Vanilla and BC had basically removed any and all remaining justification for it.
Like that’s the exact thing I’m talking about. Writers doing everything they can, including ruining the character because they’re too afraid of killing them off or letting them fade into obscurity even if that’s the absolute best thing they could do for that character.