Dialogues missing in Shadowlands and BFA (text and spoken)

I believe multiple people have confirmed this IS at least fixed/working in the Dragonflight patch which should be around October 25th according to the leaks. I too, have stopped playing the game due to the bug. There could be a lot of reasons why they aren’t willing to dedicate a group of developers to fix this problem.

But if it’s fixed on prepatch and we’re less than a month out from it; since it’s so late in Shadowland’s life, they’re probably just going to let it be. It could also take substantial resources to fix when they’re already focused on WOTLK/Dragonflight bug squashing, etc.

It’s unfortunate but I’ll probably just wait and re-roll a new character once Dragonflight patch hits. At least this bug was only around for a small part of Shadowland’s life. 2 months of the bug is still a big amount of time of course and a bad experience but it is what it is.

Meanwhile, I’ve just been running around in FFXIV on the free trial to 60. I’ll be back to WoW with the Dragonflight patch in October.


Now it is getting obnoxious. We had yet another hotfix patch yesterday and it was another one fully aimed at WotLK classic. Retail left abandoned again.

It is unaceptable that this kind of bug will remain in the game until another major patch. We need it hotfixed before that. Shameful state this game is in. Totally abandoned.

It is clear that precious developer effort is being lost on retail to focus on the classic. Game is abandoned. Saddening.


Hey guys we might want to post in the tech forums under “Shadowlands NPC’s No Dialogue.” That’s the post where blizzard has actually interacted with us. I just don’t want the post to be ignored and blizzard to think we gave up on this issue. Thanks.


I am posting on both the posts. Blizzard needs to be fully aware that this bug needs to be fixed asap.


Should post in both places to be honest. I’ve mentioned and pasted both links in my in-game ticket. So far i got 2 replies on it from a GM that basically tells me GMs can’t control the dev team’s priorities, which I can understand. But at the same time, these guys are our only link to these devs and I feel it is up to them to convey the severity of that issue.

Please keep posting if you got the same problem. Don’t just read the posts and call it quit. The more people that complain, the more likely they will start taking this seriously


I am sending tickets ingame with reasonable frequency so the GMs can be aware of the importance of this bug and how urgently it needs to be fixed.

I refuse to believe Blizzard will wait until a major patch such as Dragonflight to fix it. Until it gets fixed, I’ll be sending tickets and posting on BOTH threads.

As Desdenova kindly said, every player facing this same issue should be encouraged to post in both threads. Maybe then Blizzard will see that this is actually a very relevant issue for the players?


I second this. I will do the same. It might not make a difference but what if it does? I just want to devs to acknowledge this a major issue


Unfortunately, the only language these guys speak is money, and since this problem isn’t hitting them in their wallets, I don’t think this has any priority at all. As some have pointed out already, the problem seems to be solved in the next big patch. Why dedicate a team of devs on a problem that isn’t costing them money and will be solved by itself in less than a months time?


It’s been more than a month since this thread was created but there’s no fix for this bug yet. How can this be? This bug seems critical to me. WoW is Lore-centric, so it should be a high priority. I cannot finish the Domination quest lines because of it. I left it at “Hunting Huln” because I cannot handle only hearing partial conversations and having to google what was supposed to be said.


I stopped my exp gains and refuse to turn them on. Until then I am just running chromie time and doing old stuff. I refuse to do SL content until they fix it. Starting to get ridiculous.


I’ll say what I said on the other thread about this bug: this event was just applied to wow retail:

What is the point of 50% exp to leveling characters if we can’t even see the dialogue and lore during the leveling/questing experience?


I was thinking the exact same thing!


It’s becoming a real clown show. “Come and level up during the last days before Shadowlands ends. But we’re removing the XP buff just in time before we fix the dialogue bug.”

Fitting that they’re choosing to start this during Darkmoon Faire week IIRC. :clown_face:

Bonus points for showing a character leveling up in Zereth Mortis, too, despite the fact that you currently can’t level up there.

I mean I get that their hands are tied when it comes to this issue, but this is absolutely ridiculous.


Having this issue as well. Wanted to finish the Shadowlands storyline before Dragonflight, now i am not sure i even want to buy Dragonflight. If the current Blizzard is okay leaving a bug of this magnitude in the live game this long it makes it really hard for me to support them :frowning:


I had to refund my subscription. I expected to be disappointed in the shadowlands story but i didnt expect them to remove half of it so people couldnt follow along.


This just started happening to me today. I guess I finally caught up to the point in the campaign story that this is affecting… I just wanted to finish this up quick before DF… But this has completely take the wind out of my sails. I thought Blizzards was supposed to care about quality… But I can see that Activision has finally killed that as well. It appears that the infection is complete. Congratulations Blizzard you are no longer special, you are just like all other “AAA” developers.

I am going to have to rethink keeping my 6 month sub active… At this point I don’t think it will be worth it anymore. What good is the mounts and such if the game is becoming barely playable?


I just reported the bug in game and I pleased to see that there is going to be ZERO communication, tracking, or transparency with the status of the bug report. But I can “rest assured” that they will look at my ticket… What a joke.


23 more days until this is fixed. Honestly, spamming reports for an already acknowledged blue post/known issue probably won’t do much. There’s probably a good reason they can’t fix this in live right now. It probably requires too much developer time to fix it. They’ve probably upgraded the voice dialog/npc stuff for Dragonflight in a branched off build, etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a lot of bugs that are fixed on Dragonflight Prepatch-PTR vs Retail too that have been posted in this forum in the past few months.

It sucks but it is what it is. I’ll be back on October 25th like others here who are waiting until then. Then it’s essentially a month to blast through the Shadowlands story before Dragonflight. Should be doable.


It is saddening that we are losing such tremendous amount of developer effort in Retail because Blizzard is focusing solely on the current flavor which is Classic.

Blizzard have the fix for the bug laying on their faces because on PTR the cutscenes and dialogues are working fine.

This company used to be synonym of quality. Not anymore.


Nah, I’m done. Tired of their BS. I pay money for this and I’m not going to continue to do so for a game I can’t play. So no, not good enough and I am not going to just lay down and take their excuses. They can hire more developers. It isn’t MY, the CUSTOMER’S, responsibility to deal with their bad management. THEY MUST fix this, and WE NEED to hold them accountable. YOU are just enabling THEIR bad behavior. MAKE NOISE, BE MAD, STOP TAKING THEIR BS.