Diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment. Looking for a simple class to play

Well since ur losing ur mind already might as well play shadow priest.


Sorry to hear about your disease. Have you looked into using lion’s mane extract? It has helped me significantly with some cognitive issues I was having post-covid. Might be worth checking out.

I already see a lot of great class suggestions but, I like night elves for their shadowmeld ability. This might be helpful if you feel things are getting overwhelming and need a way to temporarily remove yourself from combat. I can’t wait to play a night elf paladin.

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You must not have played balance druid in a long time if you think they don’t have dots and cooldowns to juggle.

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This is my shadow priest. My wife would agree about loosing the mind thing. LOl . She is my brain…

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Someone has probably already mentioned this but I think something like hekili would benefit you greatly. I’ve used it in the past to learn a class I had never played. Eventually I turned it off but in your case having something do the thinking for you is exactly what you need.

Night elves are getting paladin??

I read some and skipped to the bottom, sorry to if I’m redundant.

But, first, get one of the rotation helpers. They reduce the cognitive load immensely.

Next, however, is a different problem.

Rotation is not what kills your character. It’s the event that does.

The swirlies on the floor, the debuffs ticking on your health, the frontals from the mobs while the boss is flying over and blasting you with its breath.

These are all well broadcast in bright, flashy colors.

But, cognitively, they’re still very hard to keep up with (much less including your rotation in that mess).

The raid add ons can help (DBM et al), by announcing things (notably things you may not see), but even then, there is still a lot of to keep track of in the modern WoW encounters.

That’s where the concentration comes from. I can speak from experience, no matter how good you are at your rotation, your DPS is 0 if you’re lying in a heap on the floor.

Get a helper, press the lit button, but focus on the environment. It’s far more important to play. A living, inefficient DPS is better than an efficient dead DPS every day of the week.


That’s not a bad idea since covid seriously didn’t help. I got it at least three times despite being vaccinated…

demon hunter, dont even need a brain for that.

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First, my sincere hope that the onset takes as long as possible and you continue to experience joy in all things <3

Second, I’d echo what others have said about a Ret Paladin. I’ve heard that it’s relatively simple to play. For me, Protection Paladin/Templar is as well. I just yell at something, throw my shield at it, and then consecrate the ground, do my spinny hammers and repeat.

Have a great rest of your week :slight_smile:


Look into GSE. Its an addon that simplifies rotations.

I’ve been using dbm for a long time. Mandatory for raids. One thing I’m not crazy about shadow priests is their lack of mobility…


Anyone telling you they are simple is basing it off of 6 year old info. The current Havoc rotation priority list is 17 lines long. Windwalker, a notoriously complicated spec, is 9.

A simple spec I’d recommend is BM hunter.

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I had that but it confused the crap outta me when I loaded it. I’m using hekili or however you spell and it really helps. I just seriously have a hard time making my mind up.

I would suggest Ret too. I have no idea what I’m doing on them. I just do the basic spells to generate light and dot, then things light up on my action bars that I hit. Things just die. No clue what the rotation is supposed to be.

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Frost DK. 3 buttons and win, melee, and wears plate

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I wished frost had become the main tanking spec in wrath. I raided as a blood dk dps right until it was made the main tank spec.

Ret Pally…

Also have you thought of a GSE 1 Button Macro. It is not against the TOS. That can simplify a class really easily and you can still perform comparably.

If you’re able to, I definitely recommend getting a mouse with programmable buttons on the side if that’s something you can physically use.
I’d definitely say BM hunter is probably a simple enough one to play. Sending healing vibes, I hope you can find something you enjoy!!


It was definitely weird how blood went tank and frost went dps. I actually really liked blood dps and also had a blood/unholy hybrid.

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