Diablo Immortal scores one of the lowest games ever in history

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again.

Oh the horror, a for profit company making a game for profit.

Nobody is forced to play the game, let alone pay for the transactions.

If you don’t agree with it, don’t play it.

It’s Diablo for pooping or long car rides or waiting rooms.
You don’t need to min-max everything into a spreadsheet or a second job.
Smash some monsters for 15-20m and move on with your day.


I am also really enjoying it. I didnt buy any of the packages, but I did get the $5 battlepass

There is that slippery slope. If there are going to be seasons and then Blizzard will want to turn this into another esport challenge. This means groups competing to climb to the top, and as it been shown already these groups will pay to get there. Either with their own cash or by asking for fans to contribute to their progression.

I hope that this stays a casual only game and doesn’t get over blown into another esport game.

i played it for one hour and then uninstalled it.

the gameplay itself is mostly just diablo 3 which isn’t a problem for me and decent gameplay that normally i say 7-8/10… but it’s basically diablo 3 with the added "FEATURE" of swiping your credit card for better rewards which I never thought it would be as degenerate as it was as you expect scummy tactics with a mobile game but diablo immortal takes it’s to the next level. especially when math wizards said you need 10 years as a f2p to get 1 max out set or 100k+ dollars

these practices give it a -10 for me… the sad this is even if blizzard doesn;t add it to the game the players will see classic wow GDKP runs and botted gold


It’s a review bomb, what do you expect. Go post on the Diablo forums.

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Blizzard: releases mobile game with P2W mechanics
Gamers: pikachu face

Like . . . what’d you people expect from a free mobile game?

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We knew what to expect, and we were pretty clear during Blizzcon.

The fact people are defending this type of game, and brushing it off as “just fine” absolutely blows my mind.

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What are some examples of these “degenerate scummy tactics.” Because all of this pearl-clutching over P2W in a free game is pretty funny to me, in a world where “pack opening streams” for Hearthstone players get a ton of views…

Why would they? ATVI’s other mobile games make a billion+ dollars a year…EACH.

There is no incentive for them to be “brave” in this scenario.

All of the non-cosmetic pay2win.

Every last ounce of it.

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don’t you guys have phones? and billions off-shore?

wut? no yachts? wtf.

i can’t beleive wyatt risked his precious reputation for this p2w fiesta lol

hearthstone is a card game, apples and oranges.

also hearthstone doesn’t require me to spend hundreds of dollars to win and the season passes alone will get you most cards you need over time. which is fair for a free game.

only thing that makes hearthstone expensive is if you want a full deck of golden cards which provide no gameplay advantage.

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I guess its also a good time to point out the D:I has a 4.3/5 rating on the google app store with 332K reviews

Its even higher on the Apple app store with a 4.7 rating with 43K reviews

I give whoever is doing the review bombing 0/5 stars. Gotta bomb where it actually matters. Nobody is checking metacritic for which free mobile game they should play

OMG this! A million time this!
Imagine if Blizzard use all the knowhow and expertise to make a great game?! And could, alone, change the way mobile games are.
GGG now has the ball, if PoE mobile is similar to what the game on PC is, we will have a HUGE WINNER.

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So…you’ve never played a card game? If you want to have the best constructed decks in those, you will be spending a lot of money. Guaranteed.

But I asked for examples and you provided none. So I guess I’m free to assume you’re just repeating garbage you heard from some clickbait youtuber.

you can earn dust/gold…

you can’t earn gems higher then +2 gotta swipe that all mighty credit card to get those.

nothing in hearthstone is hard-locked behind a credit card or takes 10 years to earn

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I don’t think people are defending it, rather acknowledging that things are the way they are.
There is a huge market for mobile p2w games globally. Blizzard is actually way behind the curve. Even Nintendo beat them to the mobile market by several years.
It is what it is and the vocal minority of gamers aren’t going to change it.

This article just came out 3 minutes ago. It’s very informative on what is currently going on in Diablo Immortal.

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Maybe you can answer, but probably not. How necessary are these things to have in order to play/complete the game? It’s one thing to have expensive P2W in a F2P game, but if that stuff isn’t really required, it doesn’t really matter very much, does it? Yes, this applies even to stuff that makes your character stronger. Consider something like WQs in WoW. A mythic raider’s probably going to clear them more easily/quickly than someone who’s only using gear from those WQs. But can the player with that WQ gear still complete WQs? Absolutely. Therefore, the mythic gear isn’t necessary.

It doesn’t matter how much power is available to players, nor how much it costs to get it. What matters is whether there’s enough power available for free or a reasonable amount of effort for players to enjoy the content that the game has to offer. Is P2W a luxury, or a necessity? This is something that not enough people seem to be considering here.