DH Mains Assemble

1: Why? That makes no sense. Just because someone wants to use their movement abilities for movement doesn’t mean it needs a CD change.

2: They’re not all 40s. For example, mine’s faster then that.


Mages, monks, evokers, druids, and hunters have faster ones then that also.


40secs!? Not in this economy! It would probably be more like 20secs or so if it was a normal movement button


I wanna know why people keep saying DH is a mobile class, especially in pvp, when you have no escape options and multiple classes are far faster and more mobile than you. Hell even DK is more mobile.

why cant both options exist and be of the same output? when this is suggested it is shot down by the movement base spec crowd and why people are so up in arms.


I thought that’s why they’re making the changes that they are making to appease you guys? You act like there’s some sort of huge difference right now, but I don’t think there is.

You’re failing to understand there are like 36 other specs that don’t require movement for DPS but want the one unique spec changed because you don’t want to move to DPS… if they make a no mover build that is still behind mover by a marginal amount, as it should be, people will complain it doesn’t do as much damage as mover. Never ending conundrum. There are ways to play no mover right now. DH has gone xpacs without a 3rd spec. Not coming now.

Made this DH the first day it was possible to do so. Nothing about the spec pressed momentum. Nothing about the history of the Havok has. The selling points have always been Demon form, Eye Beam, Warglaives, and being mobile for the sake of actual mobility.

Nothing ever said momentum/movement playstyles should have any kind of DPS advantage at all over others.


It’s not totally exlusive.

Off the top of my head Survival has the Disengage/Harpoon 2-step they need for resources to use other abilities, that’s almost exactly like hitting VR/Fel Rush. Evokers have a giant damage/healing cooldown, depending on which way you swing, that can’t be done without significant movement.


Why are you not understanding this. I do not care I like the fact that they are changing it so that we do not have to use our movement cds for a dps buff if we do not want.

We get it YOU LIKE THAT. A lot of us don’t. I do not know why you are not understanding this.


Next people will complain that no mover isn’t doing as much damage as mover so it needs buffed, no mover DHs never happy until the destroy mover. I understand you like standing still to dps so play one of the specs designed that way.

Dude, if Mover was meant to be the play it wouldn’t be a branch of the tree and instead it would be in the first gate or baseline.

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Like non-mover/non-momentum Havok. Which is designed that way. Got it. Thanks.


This argument is hilarious, look at you guys just continue to go at it lol. Why can’t we have both? Make everyone happy! Who cares if one is 5% more dps or something, just play what you enjoy! Stop freaking out over min/maxing because honestly they’ll never be the same dps. So YAY now we can all get along, love you guys :heart:

That’s what all I am saying. I want to not have to use my movement cd for a dps buff. But it seems a few cant just grasp it. They are upset that non movement will be a thing.


Let’s let it all be a thing brother, we’re all DHs :heart:


the changes dont address the issues we have.

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Ain’t that the truth :sunglasses: where’s my defensive buffs!?


I switched to lightforged assassination and its definitely more fun in PVP than DH. More control, better defensives and solid damage. Not to mention stealth…

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Blizz would have to actually buff the class so that either were viable. Currently neither are.