I’m done hoping, but we’ll see
I do have to say I like DH but I don’t just do dps I also do tanking so I am not stuck just doing one role. I enjoy the tanking and dps the same.
There are like 30+ other dps specs in game that don’t require movement for dps. Maybe try one of those instead of trying to get the one unique movement for dps spec that some enjoy changed. Most who don’t enjoy it just can’t play it efficiently like others. Devs will probably change it because people complain to much.
They are making non movement viable. And yea bad argument of saying play different spec I don’t like being forced to use our movement cds for a dps buff. I hate they make us use movement for a dps buff. So I am hoping its removed.
Bad DHs hate movement
I would rather use my movement cd’s for when I have to move not to keep a dps buff going and then have to run back to the boss or group. Sorry if its so hard for you to understand it. Kind of pathetic and there are a lot more that agree they do not like movement to keep a dps buff going. But hey you think what you think instead of realizing some people do not like the things you do and would like to see a change where its viable to save our cds for when we feel we need them not to keep a dps buff going. But hey keep up with the bad argument
again, your acting like felrush is on a super long cd and you dont have 2 charges of it, it also souncds like your assuming double jump and glide isnt viable movement to gtfo of anything that might kill you, finally lets not forget about mastery and the amount you have to stack.
i understand wanting to use movement skills for movement, but the amount of movement havoc has is staggerring compared to other specs.
Nah. I do do not like having to use movement cd’s for a dps buff. I don’t know why that’s hard to understand a lot of us do not like it so we would prefer not to have to use a Fel Rush charge for a dps buff.
I’m not a bad DH and I hate movement, at least as long as there is some mechanic preventing me from moving or delaying my CDs.
Right, acting like havoc is slow is absurd if you can’t get out of something it’s normally slow brain/sloth reactions.
your failing to understand, your movement cd is literally on a sub 20 second cd or something and has 2 charges, you also have alot of other options. do yo uwant to hold on to felrush and not press it more than once or twice per encounter???
do you want it as decoration on your bars? its telling that people ask to remove movers but they dont want to ask for felrush to be nerfed to have a 40+ second cd each charge like every other movement ability in the game
You are failing to understand I don’t care about what the cd is. I don’t want to use it for a dps buff and there are a lot others like me. We do not want a momentum dps spec. So please understand this.
I don’t appreciate your tone… calm down! Lol jk
There are also many of us that do want a movement based spec
But I don’t!! I just wanna stand still gosh dammnit. I also want my buttons to always light up and press themselves! Is that asking so much? No! How dare you expect me to touch my keyboard when I play my class, why can’t it just play itself huh!? Psh…
And all they are doing is making the non movement option. And supposed to be viable. Momentum is still there.
then ask for felrush to be nerfed to be a normal 40 second cd movement button like every other one
If they change it they change it.
I main DH because I hate myself.
they are changing the trigger for inertia to be based off the hunt and VR rather than immolation aura. I actually really liked it being on immo aura in season 3 and 4 of dragonflight, before hero talents. I know non-movers still think people play momentum, but momentum hasn’t been played outside of niche circumstances since s3. That’s probably the sole reason it’s being renamed to “exergy” if i had to guess, because non-movers just call any movement build “momentum”