If you main DH, why? Have you done it since their release?
I’m thinking of swapping from rogue to DH and I just wanna know what the DH mains on here have to say
If you main DH, why? Have you done it since their release?
I’m thinking of swapping from rogue to DH and I just wanna know what the DH mains on here have to say
No. Turn back! Kill it while you can! DH is the worst it has ever been. War Within is when I STOPPED maining a DH. And it’s been my main since Legion.
Dang, really? They seem so cool
The number of mini buffs to track on top of movement play style really killed the enjoyment of the class.
They have steadily gutted it. Removed 1 sec 100% dodge at the end of blade dance (so no DR with that). They killed blur. And forced us in to the essence break fel rush build. Then they kept adjusting numbers so yeah it feels dead.
Picture this, to start your rotation you press…… immolation aura 2-3 times in a row. Just to get procs. It’s awful.
This is largely from a PVP (BG) perspective.
I just did the opposite. I am loving assassination.
They really are cool. The theme and mobility is incredible, BBQing people with eye beam is just too much fun. The relentless damage and being able to stick to a target is a hell of a drug.
double jump + vengeful retreat + glide + fel rush opens up so many possibilities that no other class has.
Thankfully in PVP i don’t have to play that crappy ‘use your movement for small burst window’ play style that was mentioned above.
I am really enjoying stealth on my rogue right now though, it feels like it is more deadly and more relaxing to play because I can just chill in stealth and pick my fights.
Class fantasy, mobility, war glaive of azzinoth transmog.
i mean you’ve picked a time that probably has the most people leaving the class because of how poorly it has been handled. I’m not talking about tuning, i mean the class as a whole. Here’s a long thread from a few months ago with a lot of people chiming in for havoc specifically. It does not cover everything, for example idk if anyone went into more specifics about why aldrachi reaver is as bad as it is because frankly everyone is a bit tired of breaking down why each talent is a problem when we did it for months in beta and still got aldrachi anyway.
Obviously it was before any changes were announced, but that doesn’t really help (especially since it pushes havoc into aldrachi at the moment). When i saw the announced changes for 11.1 i actually laughed out loud and started gearing other characters. I’ve happily mained DH for years, but those changes (which btw we had no class or spec tree changes coming into TWW, these are the first) were not even close to making me want to suffer through another season of TWW havoc.
Must be a mix between attachment and lack of interest for other classes.
I was very briefly a Ret in 10.2, but it never scratched the itch, and everything I’ve done in this game I did it on my DH (started playing late WoD, came to retail with the intention of playing DH)
I don’t 100% hate the direction of DH, but I obviously find a lot of the current Havoc design to be questionable at best, to right down atrocious and wonder how some things even get released in that state (Aldrachi).
I am loving tanking on my dh.
I am enjoying dh dps and tank. I suggest just try it out see how you like it.
Honestly, turn back now. I’ve been a DH main since Legion pre-patch and for the first time in almost a decade I’m actively gearing my rogue again.
Vengeance is in an ok spot - though it definitely has room for improvement - so I’ll keep maining DH for tanking and casual content. But for prog raiding and M+ DPSing I will almost certainly be pivoting to Assassination or a Mage variant.
Rogue movement - though arguably not as abundant as DH movement - is more meaningful. Plus rogues easily break roots, have a personal dispel, a short CD infinite healing potion, talents automate most of their buff management, and with the DoT focus of assassination breaking melee with the boss isn’t the hit to DPS or survivability that it is for Havoc.
Currently Havoc is just a worse rogue and if you’re going to be pushing any endgame content in Season 2 as DPS there is genuinely no reason to pick Havoc over rogue right now.
I’m going rogue next patch. All three rogue specs doing great (top 6) in raid damage and always get attention. DH has been neglected for 2 xpacs (one shining moment in season 3 DF then back to being weak). Stay rogue.
I was wanting to play DH next season, but it’s so miserable to play right now and doesn’t look to be changing much next patch, so I’ll be back on my pally. Would not recommend.
Don’t know your goals or if you’re going to push M+, Mythic, but as someone who isn’t, I still enjoy Havoc on my DH.
I ignore movement/momentum spec. I don’t bother with essence break. I just play the closest current iteration of the demonic playstyle I’ve used since Legion. It’s served me just fine in delvs and open world.
When I do group with people for this that or the other, I have a pretty easy time outdamaging them. My DH damage is also pretty comparable to my 3 other DPS chars in the 610-620 item lvl range.
I know it’s not the same for people pushing top progression but I just wanted to add a different perspective. For me, Havoc is still fun.
What is so wrong with dh other than we still do not have a 3rd spec? is it numbers or just not having fun? I am honestly wanting to know peoples opinion on this.
I agree and I am also having fun with Vengeance
DH main from day one here. I LOVE my DH. I actually wouldn’t be playing wow today with out my DH they’re the reason i got back into the game. Illidan was always a favorite character of mine and since I started in wrath I’ve always just wanted a DH class. Gameplay wise I love it it feels fast pace and I just satisfies a part of my bran to see my character zoom in combat. I mostly play havoc and I’ve done some tanking but its been years since. It’s not the most complicated class in the game so some might find it mind numbing after memorizing the rotation but that’s personal preference. Also its always fun just jumping off stuff knowing I have a built in glider so falling to death is never a worry of mine.
I’ve mained WW Monk since MoP, was appealing to me as a Draenei leather wearer.
Having just leveled a DH to max for the xpac, I’m enjoying the face melting eye beams…if/when Lightforged DH’s are made available I “may” switch.
Especially now that Draenei can be rogues as well, opens up that avenue as well.
I’ve been maining a DH for this xpac so far but I’m not happy with it.
Blizz insistence on DH and their movement playstyle is getting tiresome. I know it’s changing a bit next season but I’ll see.
I have a rogue and pally ready to step up.
I do hate this playstyle. Hopefully they will change it in the upcoming rework/changes whichever you consider it to be.
I was trying to be optimistic for so long… now I’m just gonna be a doomer cause I’ve lost hope lol
We can only hope.