It is absolutely fine for you to have this opinion, 100%. Will never deny someone their own experiences and the fun that they’re having at ANY level of play. Because you know what? It’s good and important to know how the class plays and feels at all levels so that everyone is heard to some extent.
Now, saying all that, I also have to say that you need to realize that your own experience DOES NOT mean it is remotely same at those higher levels, as you somewhat noted. There has been a ton of doom and gloom because that is exactly what it’s like at the higher levels and what most people here, I believe, are commenting about.
Every expansion I have always had a blast pushing keys and at least heroic raiding with my friends and guildies, but this one has 100% felt the worse to me of any previous expansion for my DH (excluding Dragonflight where I switched to Evoker and sucked hard at it). I know for a fact that I am the reason we weren’t able to reliably push 12+ keys and only capped at ~11s. Running those keys and being 2-300M dps behind the paladin/hunter/warlock no matter how hard I pushed or practiced. Placing 2nd on our H Queen fight, but then seeing that basically all my damage came from padding (seriously, seeing I only had 210M on Queen whereas everyone else easily had 300M+, Paladin at nearly 400M), just feels terrible. Important to get those adds down? Yes, for sure, but that’s easy with everyone working on it properly and means the least overall, only showing that I hit my buttons for it quicker or saved a bit more for it.
It just doesn’t feel good to play, and I don’t even hate the rotation like everyone else, honestly. I just hate that in keys I have pulls where I do worse than tank damage if the pulls are timed poorly for our 40s windows, or I mess up even one single button press in that tight, ridiculously important 4s window. I’m not amazing at the game and readily admit that I peaked during S1 Shadowlands when I’d hit 90-98 parses and have unfortunately gone downhill ever since, but there’s a reason that every site essentially has DH ranked near the bottom now.
So yes, as stated, I’m glad that you and some others I’ve seen post are doing well and enjoying playing the class, that’s good to know and great for you. However, everyone should also do a bit more research before just saying you don’t understand and everyone seems to be wrong with their doom and gloom simply because the class feels good to you at your level of play, whatever that may be and especially so if just trying to compare at LFR levels, where it’s filled with people at low ilvl and/or just don’t care or know how to play their class properly.
Edit to add that it’s also just plain ridiculous that we’re this far in and still only have a single playable hero talent tree. Meanwhile it looks like instead of fixing anything they’re currently just trying to force us into that other tree for w/e reason in the next big update based on current ptr changes