DF was pretty forgettable

All the expansions are forgettable in their own ways. Looking back, BC sort of sucked - but I met some friends that I’m still close with today, so it has a special place in my heart.

I have more attachments to the memories I made in the expansions/zones vs. anything having to do with the expansions/zones themselves.

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Heh, I’m not a hardcore gear chaser so I didn’t really worry about ‘Legiondaries’ all that much. I remember Legion for how much smoother its launch was than the dumpster fire that was WoD: the rosy days before they royally screwed up sharding and it became the abomination that it is today.

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Honestly … most of the game is pretty forgettable. The best, and most detailed, memories I have of this game are the memories based on the people I play(ed) with, not the game itself.


I fully believe Dragonflight will be viewed on positively later on.

I think it was pretty great. Storywise it wasn’t amazing but w/e.


Dragonflight story was a cartoon for 10 year olds. Chromie reminded me of Lamb Chop’s Play Along. Really showing my age with that one.


DF was dull, bland, boring and as you said, forgettable. That still makes it better than Shadowlands.

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What kind if cartoon for 10 year olds are you watching? Cartoons for 10 year olds are better than DF, buddy. A better comparison would be a cartoon for 3-6 year olds.


No honestly i can see why people going to classic. i love the effort but man there is something missing in retail or maybe there is to much Idk but i used to be able to tolerate pve with pvp being my focus every expansion now i don’t even bother with any pve content and pvp is dying on retail believe it or not

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were any 3rd party firms involved in creating DF content?

can’t find anything online…

Know what, I won’t be able to forget DF. They did complete and utter character assassination on my favorite character, and I can’t forget that.
You may want to say that two key writes that made the writing bad left/got laid off, but uhm… TWW isn’t looking much better with its writing so far…

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True. You can never be right on here, someone is always one upping lol.

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I am just saying, as someone who watches cartoons aimed at children a ton (notably 2006-2013 era Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network shows), even the stuff for 8 year olds is superior to DF.
I seriously suspect the writers think we are 5 with how horribly unsubtle the writing is.

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we asked for back-to-roots, not-serious so of course it’s forgettable.

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It is 100% forgettable.
But it’s like when you’ve had toothache for the past week then an uneventful boring day. Well, that uneventful boring day also meant no toothache, so we’ll see it as a win.

DF off the back of MoP or Legion would have been seen as bad.
Hell, even if it followed BFA I think it would have been pretty underwhelming.

DF is only decent because it’s off the back of BFA and SL. Two awful expansions.

I wouldn’t take SL over DF. But would I take WoD? Yes. BFA? Honestly, yes.


Oh, yeah, those years were kinda GOATed. Can’t disagree.

It is kind of crazy when seasons 1, 2, and 3 of Spongebob respects the intelligence of the consumer more than a war-themed game rated T lol…

I laughed hard during Aberrus when Wrathion, of all characters, was OBLIVIOUS to ‘Neltharion’ not being the ‘real’ him.

They even pulled a page out of Shadow the Hedgehog 2005 and made the big fatherly bad guy use a stun on the people pursuing him only for the hero to rise up to unstun and fight the boss. I don’t know how to explain it, but it was almost verbatim to the StH cutscene with how it played out…

Then ‘Neltharion’ died and left a faceless one’s corpse… HMMM, I WONDER WHO WENT THROUGH THE SAME THING BEFORE? HMMM I WONDER?
Did the writers even REMEMBER ANYTHING that happened with Wrathion in BfA?
So much character development undone. And of course, by virtue of Wrathion existing in an expac, he has to go through the same character arc for the 50000000th time lol. God forbid it was wrapped up once or twice, we need to do this same song and dance again, but make him 7000 times more stupid than he’s ever previously been.

It is impressive how it took 3 expansions for Sylvanas’ character to be ruined, but it only took The Vow Eternal (pre-DF novella) to 10.1 to destroy Wrathion.
And of course he basically spouted some cringe about “errrm uhhhm I feel like I relate to mortals more than dragons… :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face:, b-b-b-b-but i feel like i belong among neither… :point_right: :point_left:” only for him to be like “yeah but like, i belong among both lol”

It is actually embarrassing. It is so crazy how he needs to go through the same exact arc every time he’s on screen, even if we don’t look into the fact that a dragon saying they relate to mortals more than their own kind is disgusting.

I’m sorry, I am just so irate about them ruining my hyperfiaxtion lmao I can rant for hours about it


The quests themselves? Definitely forgettable for the most part.


what was the ending for aberrus?

was it some lizard speaking to nothing and very slowly?