DF talent trees need to change

You wont even have that now. Youre literally asking to have all affinity bonuses lol. You cant have bear spells and cat spell AND boomkin spells as a “resto” druid"

I mean unless your pushing some form of end game, your not really missing much.

This will be the case forever. There will always be the way you “want” to spec and then there’s the icyveins spec that everyone will copy. It has been this way since the beginning and for every other game in existence.

its just shadowlands systems 2.0 in a talent tree you can bet they already have the talent trees done and they never change systems they put effort into.

we are goign to be stuck with these shadowlands talent trees.

Not being able to take Incarn with Convoke is a legitimate complaint, as arguably others of the exclusive choice talents would be. But you can reach Incarn with points left over for Bloodtalons, Frenzyband, and Circle of Life and Death, which is what we already have and then some additional. The only thing I’m losing that I had before in my talent setup is 20 points of energy from off my Tiger’s Fury, which is upsetting, but a trade im willing to make for juicier targets down the line.

Honestly here is where I am at:

The following abilities are currently baseline but will require talents - Rip, Thrash, Maim, Rake, Swipe ((that is practically my entire rotation there)) Tiger’s Fury, Omen of Clarity, Survival Instinct, and Predatory Swiftness.

I’d rather not take brutal slash but am required to do so for Survival Instinct (currently baseline). I don’t feel a need for frenzied regen in cat form but had extra points there. I never use stampeding roar but have to put a point in it. I had to put 4 points into Incarnation to replace what the talent gives now. And “Improved Incarnation and Convoke” seems worthless without Convoke. I might save what? 10-15 seconds on a three minute cooldown? If I feel I need it for the next battle, I’ll just wait since I won’t be in a party.

And this will be at level 70. Just to rebuild what I have now. Nothing really new or exciting. I’d probably not have as many problems with it if we didn’t have to gain 10 levels or were shrunk down to 50 again.

I am a solo player - except for world bosses, I haven’t joined a group since week 1 of BFA. I am also not the best player. No one wants me in their groups anyway. However, I can find challenges and do die in the open world. I have to rely on myself and it is just frustrating to lose a significant portion of my kit every expansion just to earn it back while I level.

Someone said it is to keep things “fresh and new” but it doesn’t keep things fresh and new. It is stagnation. If things were to be kept fresh and new, we would get new ability ranks and new talents with every expansion so we can do something fresh and new. We would carry those to the next expansion and earn more new things and so forth.

And if they’d stayed baseline, you’d have less points to spend and a shorter tree with less options to chose from, the point of the new trees is to have plenty to chose from.

You can’t keep gaining things, you need to lose some stuff, or in this case, you have choices between old and newer stuff.

Also this is the first iteration of the talent trees. You know what happens in the first one? They basically take the old class/spec/talent tree and put it in the new format.
After that they can design newer things to add, and maybe bring to baseline, or take out permanently, some of the old stuff in the trees.

From your feral tree how you built it, you can take out 1 point out of Increased Energy near the top and place it in Adaptive Swarm. You can also take another point out and get Moment of Clarity.
Those 2 would be more bang for your buck, so to speak.
Also it would be better to get Rejuvenation and Swiftmend than the Boomkin talents in the Druid tree, would help you survive more.

Didn’t even select any boomkin talents so I don’t know why they were chosen. Must have been a glitch in the calculator.

For the others, I run out of energy too often now. Can think about it but honestly thinking about not having downtime in my rotation and its 1 second GCD. Nothing more annoying than wasting time. Might try it but the entire process is still frustrating.

You might like giving up things every ten levels but it shouldn’t have to happen. Passive enhancements should be more of a thing.

Yep it’s a glitch, they sometimes when switching specs or even loading first, get selected.
You have 2 more points to put into stuff.

Choices are suppose to have consequences, I think a lot of the anti talent tree people aren’t figuring that part out. Do I spend x amount of points on something I don’t want to unlock the big move I really want or do I put those points elsewhere on a bunch of smaller stuff I do want.

It’s those hard choices that encourage experimenting with the talent trees or making more characters to try the options you don’t want to waste on your main, it also makes you connect to your character more. talent trees are another form of customization, and the more you get to customize your character the more immersed and attached you are.

Picking everything you want without having weight the options isn’t a choice then they might as well just give everything unlocked. But then nothing is worked for and when you get everything you want with no effort you get bored faster because now you have less connection to your character.


They did that and people asked for the trees back.

You’re supposed to make hard choices. If every choice was easy, why even have it?


I’m proud to say I’ve played enough WoW over the years to see the talent tree discourse go full cycle. In 10 years we are getting what we have now in reskinned form.

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What chu mean? You’re literally building the character the way you decide to. Yes, absolutely nerdy players will load in a build and all theorycrafters come up with it, then people copy pasta it, but you could very easily load up your own build.

The truth is this: anyone not world first is a filthy casual because even the top 100 guilds, by the time they reach the same thing the world first did it’s already been nerfed or fixed at least once, which makes them running that content easier than world first players did it. This, in turn, makes us all in the same boat which is: if you’re not first you’re last.

Knowing that, you can absolutely play the way you want to play and not be penalized anywhere near as badly as people think. Ultimately, blizzard will nerf the raids, the dungeons, etc. into the ground so many many guilds will be able to hit AotC if they’re gunning for that. With this in mind, play the way you want to play.

Me, for example, short of gunning logs to get a top 1% parse, if I can, I just go about with my completely favorited but garbage spec of Aff, and play the laziest build talent setup I can, which is Absolute Corruption instead of Siphon Life. This is a nerf 4% less power on ST, which I’m fine with losing, in order to play the way I actually want to play.

Others can make that choice, too, and still complete content. By the time like 60% of the guilds get to the bosses, most of them been nerfed into the ground where the only thing you need to do is follow mechanics and do some damage and live, then you’ll win more often than not.


The spec I put up there was a full on Feral DoT spec that I intend on playing if the tree comes out exactly as it is. I do hope, though, that they move the Deep Draught thing over to the left side of the tree so I can have more points invested in more DoT things, but oh well if not.

Agreed, yeah they def do have consequences and a lot of people don’t want that. We have been spoiled because in other games you have no consequences. They give you your cake, let you eat your cake and let you have other people’s cakes and eat them, too, with no downsides. This has produced a lot of spoiled players because “it’s in other games and has become the norm” kind of mentality at this point. I don’t agree with other games giving that kind of thing to people, at all.

Yeah, this is a result of people wanting more points to spend into their talent trees than 7 points.


“I’m no longer going to be able to have maim, mighty bash, incapacitating roar, cyclone and ursol’s vortex unless I’m running a meme build with no output.”

this is literally so wrong… go look at the talent tree calculator and see how wrong you are. As I have mine calculated, resto druid is going to be unstoppable in PVP and PVE.

You have to start somewhere. My hope is also that these trees become living trees and branch out into new and exciting things every expansion.

You have more faith in Blizzard than I do… I expect the current trees to change every expansion with little to no expansion. Just stagnation. Half the time I don’t even know why I play after 17 years because very little has progressed character wise since back then.


Since they removed the original talent trees, an illusion of choice has been the norm. Blizzard has repeatedly dumbed down the game to “make it more accessible” to all the people who complained about theory-crafting, mathematical calculations, min/maxing, and “try hards.” Now, they simply make you take what they believe is META. I don’t agree with it, and I think it’s inane. I wholeheartedly agree with you. However, make no mistake, the masses pushed for this state of affairs.

As far as Blizzard taking things away and making you work to regain them, that’s been every expansion in recent memory, particularly with each ridiculous, disposable power system.

How is what we currently have anything different than what you are claiming the new ones are? We have just a few rows with mandatory choices only changing when our content changes. At least with the new trees we have more options that again will likely change with content (tho the original talent trees of vanilla had legit options sometimes). I am glad to see the new trees and welcome this change.

There will always be an optimal way to spec, regardless of what version of the Talent trees we’re looking at, which is what led to the current version of Talents.

However, what player like myself miss from the old trees, is coming up with niche builds when we don’t need to be optimal.

The pessimist looks at these Talents and complains that they have to spec into something they already have. I look at them and think “Great, if I don’t need X in this situation I can trade it for something else”.


Talent trees are fine.

Bad’s who aren’t using those buttons today will just not take that talent tomorrow. Hopefully it’ll be filled with a passive so that they can be at least partially useful.

So far with druid and DK we’ve been able to retain if we desire what made us play the spec/class today for the most part with the added benefit of being able to try out a different playstyle or priority by swapping talents and not 100k gold leggos…

I’d rather build from a familiar place, than complete raze everything to the ground and have balance been whacked up for another 2 xpacs while they try and limp along.

If you play the optimal load out for your content, then you’ll be just as viable as every other druid of that same spec for that same content with that same optimal build…

I’ve posted elsewhere, but what matters are rankings during T1/S1 of DF and we are so far away from that. It’s going to drive you away from the game to get upset about a talent choice you’re literally going to click once, when the new trees go live, and not click again for months to potentially years. (Frost DK BoS talents have been the same since castle nath for M+).