DF talent trees need to change

You’re casual trash that doesn’t know how to play the game correctly, obviously.

You’re not wrong, it’s a cool talent. It’s only a 4% damage difference on pure ST and whatnot. I do the same cause of being lazy and just not wanting to swap talents most of the time. Plus I prefer less dots but more powerful dots over having more dots that are less powerful.

Some people can handle the difference, then others freak out about a 1% difference, so I mean to each their own.

As are you, but who cares. We all casual scum if you’re not world first.

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Hey don’t quote my typo like that it’s rude

It’s fine, but yeah, for DoT specs I do want them to go one half of the tree being bout DoT damage/Rot style, the other half being about direct damage, and then in the middle would be different things like more DoTs or QoL improvements to getting DoTs up on multiple targets faster. Things like the AoE rip talent, Soul Swap, the Spriest one to make VT cast SW:P too, things like this would be in the middle of it.

I also want them to hurry up and give us the other 12 classes’ talent trees, too, so we could tell them our thoughts on those as well. The faster/earlier we can get everything the more they can hopefully listen and iterate on the tree.

Lmao pvp thread…nothing to see here

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It makes YOU very angry.

Druids, by nature, are pretty calm.

The talent tree is also used to teach new players about their spells.
And, I have a choice whether to pick Innervate; a spell that I don’t like. I think I’ll just work around that one and be very satisfied.

Im perfectly ok with a prune


This has been the Blizzard way since the game was released in 2004. They really don’t like players being able to make choices or play outside the parameters they have developed in-house. All choice is illusion and you can change it if you want.

The one and only meaningful choice in the game, for every character, is the class that you choose when you create them.

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You don’t get more choice in DF talent trees than live trees?

Not if I want my character to be the same in DF as it is now. half of the “choices” will be repicking my current baseline abilities.


You can’t have the exact same setup between expansions, they always change stuff with classes/specs.
First time switching expacs for you?

And this is the problem with every single expansion. You cannot progress your abilities or character outside of gear. The game shouldn’t be a restart every two years. That is not how an RPG is supposed to work.


I’m about to go through the Feral tree and give some feedback once I’m done. I’d suggest you do the same for whichever spec you’re worried about if you haven’t already. I think they already have official posts somewhere for you to give your input.

But from my understanding, you will have an auto unlock of certain abilities that does not use your points so some of the abilities you are worried about might be auto unlocked as you level. All we can do is voice our concerns and wait for a PTR so players can inform us of how it actually works, which we don’t know at the moment.

It’s to keep things fresh.
And now you have a greater choice, by picking most of the abilities you had.

You can choose how different your character will be.
That’s the very definition of choice, that isn’t an “illusion” of choice.

You can use this site: https://mythictrap.com/dragonflights-talents


The main issue with that is overall class balance, Druids can’t have Cyclone without paying a price for it.

Nice. Thanks.

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They’re not even paying that much of a price, they’re getting useful abilities: Rejuvenation, Swiftmend, Remove Corruption and 6% healing to get there.
All of them are useful for PVP.
And if it’s PVE, then they don’t even really need Cyclone… let’s be real.

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I understand why this feels bad, but are there any abilties you’re actually going to lose? I dont think theres any abilities that we can’t grab back if all we want is “what we had last expansion.” We wont get all the cool, NEW toys if we do that, but it feels disingenuous to say that we’re losing them. We’re getting a choice between the old and the new. Even if some of the choices are in what I would consider really awkward places.

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I don’t even get to the bottom of the Feral Tree trying to get back the current version of Feral Incarnation. It has been broken up into 4 talents and prevents selecting Convoke the Spirits. However, Convoke is just a nice filler to rebuild energy and combo points but is also a significant portion of DPS when it fires.

Oh well, I’ll suffer through it or cancel my subscription again.

Don’t speak for every other WoW player OP. Its disrespectful. We haven’t even officially hit an alpha build yet. We don’t entirely know what the plans for the future of PvP is. Sacrificing this, for that is what used to mean something in terms of talents. Insect Swarm, while many doubted it, they also vastly underestimated its 2% chance to miss. This was back when you could also synergize it with your tank and they could be a specific number under defense cap. Thus allowing them some freedom with attribute allocation.
That aside: Being quite the dated example, I hope its message is plain and clear. How you play resto in PvP may not be how I play my resto in PvP.

The introduction of loadouts is another much applaudable feature. You can change certain talents with certain group comps. If you had a mage and a lock, you wouldn’t even need to consider cyclone for that match. The other two have more than enough to compensate for your lack of CC. (In this example.)

Let’s reserve outcries and outlandish assumptions until, (post beta would be best, but most of us are to eager!) At least an alpha build is released and you can see how other classes fare similarly.