DF season 2 M+ 4 million fewer keys run than DF season 1

My guess is DF launch created the usual upsurge of players making it feel as busy and hectic as SL was during COVID. Yet as COVID receeded, and as the expansion went on, people wanted less to do with online games and/or got what they wanted out of the launch and left. Maybe they’ll be back later and maybe they won’t. That number likely dropped far lower than SL was due to players who might have left WoW due to company issues/perception.

The emerald dream type theme of 10.2 might help some with things. Usually however it’s the noteable lore characters that bring the butts back to fill the theater again. BfA had N’Zoth and I’m guessing that and Azshara’s patch saw a nice surge in players. SL had the finale with the Jailer and Fated raids. So the question is Blizz, what have you got up your sleeves? Imo you should throw everything and the whole kitchen sink at us again like you did with Legion :wink:


Oh, man, I hope they bring in someone good. My bet is on Azshara! :crossed_fingers:


I think this expansions theme, aesthetics and story has been terrible. It all just feels so very generic.

I miss the lower fantasy setting of the old world. I didn’t mind TBC, because that was the Orc home world, which had a ton of lore.


I don’t mind the dragon theme but imo it feels a bit uninteresting. If it’s just us verses Iridikron and his buddies and that’s it then this is definitely feeling like a vacation expac. I was hoping more for Titan lore we get to see that was forbidden, or forbidden past history they don’t want us to see. Maybe the titans aren’t bad either but it definitely seems like we’re going to but heads in the future when opinions vary on something important.


Launch patches to end to always have way more people than mid patches.

People come back to check out the new shiny and then leave.

And way before the Exodia comp issues that don’t affect 95% of keys that are all way below 20s.

There was a 63% drop in M+ activity, largest drop to date. Raiding participation has plummeted too.


Which isn’t uncommon in second tiers/seasons.

SoD was much less popular than Castle Nathria.

Battle of Dazoralar was much less popular than Uldir

Nighthold was much less popular than Emerald nightmare


This isn’t like a new or weird thing with video game popularity

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Yep. Last season I ran Nok over 100 times to get ragefeather on two toons.

Didn’t have that issue this season

The meta comp is definitely a factor.

My guild has multiple title chasers who basically retired from M+ because of augment.


I don’t think it’s so much so the obsession with the “death” of WoW. It’s more like, what content is Blizzard focusing on? When was the last time we got a new battle ground?


The video makes a comparison between BFA S1 and S2 and DF S1 and S2 numbers (and S 2.5 with Exodia). So ur point is addressed in the vid / numbers.

Something has gone seriously wrong in DF, drop-off never been this bad.

I agree with many that there can be many different reasons:

Bad DF dungeons?
Rotating dungeon pool?
Gearing / Power system?
Exodia / Support Evoker?
Theme of DF?
Healing in M+?
Increase in difficulty?
No seasonal affix?

However what is not up for debate is this is a disaster unlike anything we have seen previously.


Could it be that the game has just gotten older and the activities that the remaining players are engaging in has changed?


I agree remove Aug.


Game being 20 years old definitely has no effect.

Pretty much every 20+ year old online video game has constant or rising players basically forever.


I don’t pvp and even I think this is pretty lame.


To be fair the last couple BGs they added were such trash I’d rather they never add another one.


I feel like Aug is going to be the new scapegoat for content creators. Like when they tried to blame affixes in season 1 (even though affixes were infinitely worse in both Legion and BFA roflmao).

I am not saying Aug is not bad for the game, but there are other and in my opinion bigger issues.


biggest number drop from m+? What the historical numbers and how can I verify them? Raider.io past seasons data has been corrupted at times.

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Oh stop trying to make yourself out to be the victim.

There is more negative blizz talk on these forums, often pushed by the same handful of people like the OP than positive.

Pretending like you get censored for having an opinion negative about m+ or Blizzard is just beyond silly and dishonest.

Reporting for duty.

Yet you are here crying that this thread will be deleted because its anti-M+ or something

Except it still did.

Class choice was more slanted to people that could hard CC.

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I love everything you say! So many people here are in complete denial