Which is fine for a DoT spec, imo, as long as it feels like an actual rot style DoT spec and not what MR is. I guess this is it put into logical/numbers sense, as more people play games using their feelings, not raw logic or math/numbers. Higher end players usually play with logic/numbers in mind, but the average player doesn’t care about that half of the time, they just want the spec to feel really good being played. Part of it is numbers, but the bigger part is generally how the spec actually feels to play; be it through the mechanics of the spec, the mechanics of the fight encounters, how good the rotations feels, etc.
It’s very feelycraft, which is what a lot of higher end people tell you to avoid doing, but when it comes to thematics there is literally nothing better than feelycraft, otherwise you end up with weird and clunky rotations that don’t make sense thematically speaking and only make sense logically/numerically speaking, instead.
Like numerically, MR is better and lower DoT damage is better in terms of shorter duration fights, burst, mythic+ settings, but in terms of raiding or longer fights, in terms of spec flow and feelings, thematics, it’s far inferior to things like DoT damage.
This is one of the arguments behind “we want more DoT damage.” It’s not about the number of DoTs, it’s each individual DoT’s damage compared to the rest of your toolkit. Having 3 powerful DoTs makes you feel far more like a “DoT spec” than 9 mini DoTs plus some burst. It’s, again, feelycraft but it’s what a lot of people use to determine whether they enjoy playing the spec or not.
That’s why I usually have contention with mythic raiders, as a lot of them look only at numbers and “I have to swap to kill this add.” To be honest, no you don’t. Your group needs to kill the add, but if it’s an add that has to die in 5 seconds, literally the rest of the DPS have you covered.
That’s also why people are encouraged to not have so many DoT specs, too, is because of moments like that that are a much bigger weakness to rot styled DoT specs vs things like MR. MR doesn’t feel good to play outside of if you’re either playing “I gotta do everything right” or you’re playing for the numbers alone. Nothing wrong with playing with those in mind or for those purposes, just it’s not what a lot of players do. In terms of that, though, you have Demo and Destro specs which offer better and easier target swapping than Affliction, at least Destro does anyways.
But yeah, a lot of mythic raiders cannot grasp that the feeling of the spec isn’t there. There is no love for the spec or enjoyment in it, just numbers. Blizzard also cannot grasp this, either, as they’re probably split between what they want or how to balance it properly, even though they can do that by just making them overpowered on 2 and 3 boss target fights, giving 2 council style fights per raid, then the rest of the raid Aff can be not the optimal spec for that fight.
Like, you take a look at Affliction in Legion and MoP/WoD and compare it to BFA or to Shadowlands, and it’s nowhere near as fun to many players who play it. Even 9.0 wasn’t so fun to most casual players, too. It was fine, better than BFA, but still just nowhere near as fun as Legion, as WoD, as MoP for those who played it in those expansions. Malefic Grasp was prevalent in each of those, and it was part of what made the spec feel so good to play. Withering Bolt is not Malefic Grasp, it never will be. It serves a purpose kind of similar in that they’re both damage amps to 1 target, but it’s a completely different feeling, a completely different thing. There was an outrage a bit when Withering Bolt first appeared because it’s not Malefic Grasp.
Rot style is what a lot of people want. It also makes 10 times more sense for a rot style play than nuke for a DoT spec, too, regardless of whether or not this fits into mythic+ design, mythic raid design or any other aspect of the game realistically speaking, this is what a lot of players/individuals feel and want/desire. Yes, they do want it. No, BFA was not a Rot style, it was a burst spec. Rot is sustained damage or very very quick and often burst.
One example of this that keeps getting used is Legion. So, Legion on its face was a burst style, however! It had a mini burst into a big burst into a mini burst into big. Between all of your CDs you constantly had burst going, and with your weapon you had that Artifact ability up 90-99% of raid fight durations. This kept it from being burst into putting it more into sustained damage territory because the only time you did not have it up was the first 30 seconds of the fight when you were ramping, then you had it up the rest of the fight, even on 10 minute fights. This puts it at sustained moreso than burst because burst says you have a short duration with a longer CD. This is why a lot of us consider Legion Affliction to be sustained damage profile, even though technically it was burst. It just felt better to play, you had your burst up so much faster and for so much longer, too. It also was nice to have execute DoTs, which we miss a lot, too.
Execute DoTs made your DoTs feel very impactful, especially towards the execution part of the fights in both mythic+ and raiding.