@Devs, what are you doing about Healing?

As WE have all discussed. YOU are not representing all the other players in the game. I mean a 3000+ AugVoker. Of course YOU havent had a problem. :roll_eyes:


You had a very different experience than I did, we were much bigger fans of the last set of dungeons.

Seems to be a theme in this thread though; you’re struggling to realize that your experience isn’t the only one.


I think it’s more a case of selective memory.

Dungeons were hard, and they were also gutted at some point well after the season start point.

Ruby life pools cinderbolt nerfed by 50% one day. Azure vaults had several mechanics removed. Maybe people didn’t complain much like 1 month prior to next season start.

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Yes YOURs…


The irony.


It’s more about timeframe because the forums tend to complain about anything remotely difficult. And Thundering was most often hated but I loved that seasonal affix.

Wonder how hard it would be to track down a few threads of complaints for possibility of necromancy.

We are not arguing that.

What myself and sure some others would like to know is what BLIZZ is going to do or not do about it. A Blue post on the state of healing would help address a lot of the discord and concerns players have.

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So complaints did exist then? Are we agreed about that?

Halls of valor complaints.

Every dungeon sucks (in February.)

Your trying to pivot off the subject and thus change the topic

No they dont. Because RIGHT NOW healers have to heal, decurse, and do all the things to keep players alive.

Healers* want the low effort healing of S1 while being able to watch youtube and afk because DPS and other things arent supposed to be expected of them.

  • The low effort “healers” that complain when they have to actually heal

S1 wasn’t low effort at start anyway, probably became low effort towards the very end.

Fair. Just by the later part of S1 is when all of the “WHAT?! I am expected to add dps?!?” threads were non stop here.

Citation needed

I know that I gained +50 or so rating back then whenever they added a few minutes to keys I think.

Stopped pushing keys way before that though cause Aurelion Sol was out.

Low effort players complain about everything. They always do.
The problem is when I have guildmates that are HIGH effort players apologizing simply because they cant heal a mechanic in a key they should be overly geared for. Blizzard got carried away with the dmg profile of many mechanics.

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Who are these high effort players and their historical achievements? DF S2 is easier than DF S1.

What key range and what mechanic are they physically unable to heal?

Reminded of someone who pushed +19 this season (higher than they’ve ever pushed) and discovered keys are too hard… which would only be valid if they had done +19 in the past, which they haven’t.

Some people lack adequate things to compare to.

When you do this kinda hyperbole just makes it sound your friends are trash or they are carrying bad/badly equiped player, cuz aint no way you be having to apologize when doing what should be in low keys with a good group

If people aren’t messing up mechanics in keys, any good healer would be able to do so with ease. If people are messing up mechanics, I’m not apologizing for someone else’s incompetence.

Fail keys with friends - person died at start of trash pack, and we wiped. I don’t feel bad at all.
2x dps + 1 tank + 1 healer was not able to kill the trash pack.