@Devs, what are you doing about Healing?

I mean 17-18s.

Thats a stupid statement. If you play M+ your playing M+. Just at different difficulties… The problems just get more and more apparent the higher the key gets. But the problems where always there.

No, someone running a +20 is not playing remotely the same game as someone running a +30. And keys don’t even need a healer if you do a +2.

You think its people complaining about being stuck at 17s??? DUDE… It doesnt matter if its a 10 or a 20. Healers dont want to heal. Your trying to side track the argument.


Well all power to you. If you get those 18s filled good job. For me, I have a problem, the groups don’t fill fast enough, if at all, and I’m sick of it.


Healers do want to heal, they just can’t because not holy paladin. And people gear up extremely fast this season.

If you don’t need gear, why run “the gearing keys?” And if you’re capable of running the gearing keys, likely acceptable ilvl range for invites into 20s to play with better players anyway.

Oh yeah. Groups in sitting in queue waiting for healers for extended periods of time…because of holy paladins. I have to wonder if you even think about the things you type, lol.

Obviously, there is a huge demand for healers, and most people don’t care if it’s a holy paladin or not so that argument makes 0 sense.


No they DONT and also if you didn’t get the Memo, HP getting nerfed if they haven’t already. Blizzs attempt to curb the meta comps.

Which is dumb because no matter what there will always be a meta comp.

Palys have a really good overall tool kit, paired with reasonable healing which made them desirable for meta comps. The problem is they SHOULDNT nerf the palys and instead fixed game dmg profiles or buffed other healers.

I agree with Rita, just because YOU dont have a problem getting healers to come heal, does not mean I myself or others can get healers to fall into our laps. You got over a 3000io. What few healers out there ARE going to pick the groups with the higher IOs as they dont want to waste their time with a questionable group. Cant say I blame them. But there is shortage. The lower the IO is for the group, the less healers will apply to said group. I myself dont run keys higher then 20. Not because I cant get into them. Simply because the vault reward stops at 447. There is a reason when you form groups you toss lead to who ever has the higest IO. It increases your chance of getting a healer and tank if you dont already have one of the two. YOU KNOW THIS… So stop trying to make out like there isnt a healer shortage. There is.


There’s no shortage of healers at 20+.

And as rita said, people don’t want to spend more time than they need in 17s.

Which does not mean there ISN’T a shortage of healers in the game.

Which brings me back to why are so many people quitting healing? The games current dmg profile in keys and raid.


But they’re not quitting healing. They’re just trying to heal 20 and higher where there is an excess (and it’s a level that you don’t have an interest in doing.)

It’s easier to find groups if you’re flexible.

Edit: on initial read through, thought you scorned 20s as well.

Idk, I think the problem is that healing used to be absurdly easy to the point where it was more about damage, and this season it’s far more difficult to heal.

The healer mains that I know are all loving healing actually being challenging for once, but I realize that doesn’t solve the problems of the larger population.

I think there’s little harm in them re-evaluating damage profiles in sub-20 keys, since they’re pretty free anyways.


Season 1 was even harder to heal, and it was fun. Don’t recall as many “healer shortage” things back then. Things weren’t so easy in the past either, just people were far less ambitious.

I will say yes, as most players towards the end of the seasons will tend to lean more into the higher keys. Which is untestable. You have 444-447, then why would any of them do a 16 or 17. But, what about NEW healers? As also in towards the end of a season, some players quit till next season and people swap classes or specs in preparation for the next season. Or simply to fill roles that others have left open till then.

BUT, the problems with healing are still a PROBLEM. We have had players come into keys they where geared for and due to the weeks affix, they simply couldnt heal the incoming dmg. Eventually sometimes Blizz will address that problems like Sentinel Talondras had on boss week when unless you where a Paly or Dwarf, you got stuck on that boss. Yes Blizz did nerf him due to the quick spike dmg. BUT IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN A PROBLEM TO START WITH… There is no mechanic in a 15 or 20 keys (which ever your geared for) that should 1 or 2 shot players even when they have CDs ready to help with the dmg. In a +25 and higher. Yea sure. But if a new player comes into a +11 with 424 gear and cant heal, then gets stressed out and stops healing… Then thats another healer we have lost… This is the type of mess THAT IS happening.

Healing needs to be consistent-ish during combat and all about mana management. Not fighting stupidly spikey dmg, then doing nothing after words. Or playing despell/cure with affixes.


But, what about NEW healers?

My prediction for that is that dps alts are far more common than healer alts.

We have had players come into keys they where geared for and due to the weeks affix, they simply couldnt heal the incoming dmg.

Sorry game takes skill, and a 17 isn’t a free ride? And healers need practice if they’re new.

Eventually sometimes Blizz will address that problems like Sentinel Talondras had on boss week when unless you where a Paly or Dwarf, you got stuck on that boss.

Or just find a tank that knows how to do that boss, and one person that knows how to stun.

BUT IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN A PROBLEM TO START WITH… There is no mechanic in a 15 or 20 keys (which ever your geared for) that should 1 or 2 shot players even when they have CDs ready to help with the dmg

So what? up to week 3 when tuning was out of whack and Blizzard didn’t have data for all this stuff?

Per these forums.

A: There are barely any healers left because anyone new either learns quickly that healing isn’t worth it or have done B.
B: Only those who thrive in the high pressure environment healing is currently is still healing, but will only choose to do +20s or with friends. This means far far less people healing below that +20 threshold.
C: This is apparently fine and good for the game that a role is simultanously uninviting for new players, and encourages those that stick it out to exclusively heal premades.

The solution is clear.

An additional healing nerf should do the trick. /s


Nah, I am lazy. I admit that. I dont do higher then 20s on pretty much any of my characters. I prefer a more chill approach and since I am older, I tend to F up now and then. So 21 and higher keys are not fun to me, but I have friends that love them. Each to their own. But yea, I stop at 20 cuz gear stops at 447 from vault on a 20. Matter of fact I only ran 17s this week and couple of 16s due to the new Myth track… I got 8 or 9 keys in and happy with it.

Gota love Blizz logic… LOL

I did 21 keys gearing augmentation alt as opposed to 17-18s because people sucked, and no one wanted an augmentation evoker at 17-18s (had literal 0 rating, main may or may not have been linked.)

Healed a few for initial score.

I’m so glad that said they aren’t planning on another healing nerf for season 3. Its bad enough as it is.

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It’s gearing speed that causes lack of healers.

At the 17-18 level wager most people are picky enough to only select those that can run +20s. So, people eventually learn, they can just go run +20s.

I also haven’t experienced a shortage at 17-18s, so.

I mean I don’t disagree at all, but this is a big differentiator.

First season will always have a larger player base naturally just because of new expac hype.

Couple that with the fact that the dungeons were objectively way more well-liked, and you’re always going to have a larger population.

I think the main thing is that for better or worse, a lot of people like playing heals because it’s relatively easy at casual key levels, and those people have been turned off to the role.

I run with healers that love healing being challenging and besides this fresh alt, I rarely pug in the sub 20 range at this point in the expansion.

I think given how easy keys are at the range in question, there’s really no harm in making healers lives easier by nerfing some of the damage profiles at this point in the season.

Well liked? Every single dungeon was complained about lol. Except COS / SBG.

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