Fix Halls of Valor Kings Strat and give it the +7min time back like it was in Legion M+

The highest Halls of Valors done around was done by using the Kings Strat to activate 3 or 4 kings at once before Skovald. Thats looks like a exploite or bug because it was never designed to be done that way and by doing soo, you save a lot of precious time for a tight timer dungeon.
Skovald dialogues and Odym aswell waste about 90s from the Dg and the Kings Strat is soo hard to do properly on Pugs, i can consistently only pull one extra king at the start.
Hope they fix that and at least give HoV some more time to play.


Why are the beers in the dungeon then?

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to skip the middle pack or other packs if you wanna run past if you want to avoid them.

I dont know why blizz cut 8 minutes from the timer for DF the tiner is way too tight i did 2 +16s and both of them ended with less than 10 seconds left its brutally short


you don’t pull big enough


Nah there were issues with both on one of the runs i was in my single target raid spec by accident and on the other run we wiped once but even with that things went more or less smooth and 10 seconds left on a run with little errors is kinda unforgiving

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I still think the timer is fine.
Timed a +17 with 21 deaths which included 2 full wipes.
Timed a +16 with only 3 deaths with almost 9 minutes left over.

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Wth maybe i was pulling too small or 45k dps is too low for a 16 idk

Pull 1: Everything up to the first boss.
Pull 2: Boss
Pull 3: One side of the stairs minus the pat + the pack on top of the stairs.
Pull 4: Center pack of dining hall + the pack left of the entry way.
Pull 5: Big Pat + smaller pat
Pull 6: Two big guys
Pull 7: The rest of the mobs (two packs) towards Hyrja
Pull 8: Two packs
Pull 9: The Lieutenant mob pack
Pull 10, 11, 12: Mini bosses + Boss
Pull 13: Double pull of left and right tables heading to Wolf, but LoSing to the entryway
Pull 14: Last remaining pack by the tables + pat
Pull 15: Dragon
Pull 16: Wolf boss
Pull 17: Double wolf pack during intermission to get to 84%
Pull 18: Wolf boss part 2
Pull 19, 20, 21: Mini bosses. Can use mugs to combine pulls
Pull 20: Boss
Pull 21: Boss


*why did I think I was reading a vault thread >_>

Thanks i’ll try this and hopefully do better tonight!

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The biggest time sink are when Mystics get the Radiance cast off. It heals all of the mobs you are fighting. Make sure you have a Skull/X marking macro and mark it during or before the pull.

no reason to do that

no reason to do that

no reason to do that


Working fine so far and getting exactly to 84%

good. you need 83.7 though. and some of those packs are busted on fortified higher keys, especially wolves.

If you are skipping the big guys and the center pack where you are making up the count?

Do you skip the big guys using the mugs?

shroud, mind sooth, stealth potions, death skip (tank dies, everyone runs and rez tank). there are options.

bulls and bears are always available

Doesn’t seem as efficient. Bears hit hard and stack bleed. It seems like a lot of count to make up if your skipping the 3 big adds plus the center pack of the dining hall.

easy count, easy to counter

I’ll take a look at MDT when I get home, thanks for the tip.

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